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S@squ@tch's Against the Giants - Team Black

Isida Kep'Tukari

Morika Kevsecks, AC 23, HP: 66

Morika wastes no time. With a low growl, she lets her inner beast spirit break free, horns emerging from her head. But this time she doesn't go charging headlong into battle. No, this time she brings forth violence from another source, screaming harsh tones of Drudic into the sky and demanding answer from skyfire to lash the tiger. That wouldn't stop the creature, that was for certain, but it might get it to pause in its savaging of the elf.

Under other circumstances Morika might have tried to calm the beast, but any animal hungry enough to hunt in a herd of wary adventurers was not one to stop and listen to anyone. And Morika was a hunter first, and a peacemaker... far, far second.

OOC: Morika's initiative (1d20+4=17). Shift as a free action and then cast call lightning. call lightning damage (3d6=17). Reflex save DC 16 for half.

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Than takes two swift strides toward the beast, using the momentum of his sudden movement to add strength to his swinging axe. Ye darn overgrown cat. Chew on something a bit heartier, why don't ye.

[sblock=ooc] iniatiative (1d20+2)=7
Attack (1d20+13), damage (1d10+3)+1d6 shock= 23, 12+5 [/sblock]


AC: 26 | HP: 74 | Spells Remaining: 6/7/6/5/3

Yoggrith isn't even able to turn around by the time he hears the pounce and the rake of the giant cat. The gurgle that the elf makes from the massive amount of damage and the gurgle of blood now seaping from the horrendous wounds on his body, tells the halfork that Aeranduil will be dead within seconds.

With a calculated precision, he turns to face the giant cat and his victim, when suddenly the elf, the dwarf, and the wizard disappear from view! Surprised on the one hand, but not surprised at the wizard's alacrity on the other... Yoggrith is about to stride forward calmly towards where he remembers the elf had been. But just as suddenly, the elf appears visible right in front of him, bleednh heavily, but not so bad that he can't fire his bow at the beast behind him. "I see you are still doing well, archer." Yoggrith says... reaching out casually with his hand to place it on the elf's shoulder to heal him. (Cast Cure Critical Wounds)
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First Post
Ipshivi gave a soft hiss of annoyance- obviously they were going to learn how to react to their guides' signals a little bit better if they wanted to survive in this strange and hostile environment. Quickly checking for other potential threats, she turned her focus to the problem at hand. A swirling glob of dark energy flew from her hand, wrapping around the massive tiger like inky spiderwebs.

OOC: Initiative +8= 15; Free action for a Listen +12= 23/Spot +8= 28 sweep, rolls: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1562895/ If no other threats are detected, move to 14 across, 11 down and invoke an eldritch blast, using Bracers of the Entangling Blast; +13 ranged touch, 3d6+1 damage (should be just inside 30 feet); damage is halved, but if the target actually takes damage, it is entangled for 1d3 rounds, taking 1 HP per round; Attack 18(touch); damage 4 HP(already halved); Entangle effect 2 rounds (if applicable); rolls http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1562903/


First Post
Round 1 - Partial


21 - Voadam - move to (11,12), cast Invisibility Sphere on Aeranduil, himself, Thanor
17 – Morika - Cast Call Lightning, send bolt towards tiger
15 – Ipshivi - Entangling Blast on Tiger hit for 4 damage, target entangled
14 – Tiger - changes form
13 - Thanor - move to (9,12), attack tiger HIT for 12 damage
11 – Aeranduil - move to (15,15), attack tiger 2 HITS for 28 damage
7 - Yoggrith - Cast Cure Critical Wounds on Aeranduil - heals 26 damage
6 – Sanne - move to (10,15), attack tiger HIT for 11 damage

"Freyja's snarling steed! I don't think its an amorous transformed tiger priestess this time." Seeing the elf so viciously savaged by such a big beast Voadam rushes over behind and just past him, the streaking figure in black robes drawing the tiger's eye with its obvious movement. Once he has drawn the tiger's attention he casts a quick spell causing himself, the poor elf, and the new dwarf to disappear from all sight but their own.

Morika wastes no time. With a low growl, she lets her inner beast spirit break free, horns emerging from her head. But this time she doesn't go charging headlong into battle. No, this time she brings forth violence from another source, screaming harsh tones of Drudic into the sky and demanding answer from skyfire to lash the tiger. That wouldn't stop the creature, that was for certain, but it might get it to pause in its savaging of the elf.

Under other circumstances Morika might have tried to calm the beast, but any animal hungry enough to hunt in a herd of wary adventurers was not one to stop and listen to anyone. And Morika was a hunter first, and a peacemaker... far, far second.

She calls down a bolt of lightning from the clear blue sky -- it strikes the tiger, but to no visible effect [SR not overcome]

Ipshivi gave a soft hiss of annoyance- obviously they were going to learn how to react to their guides' signals a little bit better if they wanted to survive in this strange and hostile environment. Quickly checking for other potential threats, she turned her focus to the problem at hand. A swirling glob of dark energy flew from her hand, wrapping around the massive tiger like inky spiderwebs. [SR overcome, target Entangled]

The tiger snarls as it sees its meal disappear before its eyes. Adding to its displeasure are the magical bindings hampering its movements. With a loud roar it changes from a large tiger, into a horrible tentacled hybrid of tiger and otherworldly creature. Welts and swollen postules mar the tigers hide, and pus and other strange bodily secretions flow from open sores visible on various parts of its body. The appearance unsettles the minds of everyone in the clearing -- visually tapping into the dark recesses of your nightmares. [-1 morale penalty to attack roles against the creature]

The invisible dwarf takes two swift strides toward the beast, using the momentum of his sudden movement to add strength to his swinging axe. "Ye darn overgrown cat. Chew on something a bit heartier, why don't ye." yells Thanor as he brings his axe down on the creature, causing him to become visible once again. The axe cuts a mighty swath diagonally across the now stretched thin and patchy hide -- the electrical charge of the axe disapating as it comes into contact with the beast.

Aeranduil immediately stumbles away from the massive tiger beast as the blood flows freely from his open wounds. As the elf reappears from the invisibility sphere, he seeks the aid of Yoggrith, moving toward the cleric. Spinning as he reaches the cleric, he launches a pair of arrows toward the beast which catch it in the shoulder and upper back.

Yoggrith isn't even able to turn around by the time he hears the pounce and the rake of the giant cat. The gurgle that the elf makes from the massive amount of damage and the gurgle of blood now seaping from the horrendous wounds on his body, tells the halfork that Aeranduil will be dead within seconds.

With a calculated precision, he turns to face the giant cat and his victim, when suddenly the elf, the dwarf, and the wizard disappear from view! Surprised on the one hand, but not surprised at the wizard's alacrity on the other... Yoggrith is about to stride forward calmly towards where he remembers the elf had been. But just as suddenly, the elf appears visible right in front of him, bleeding heavily, but not so bad that he can't fire his bow at the beast behind him. "I see you are still doing well, archer." Yoggrith says... reaching out casually with his hand to place it on the elf's shoulder to heal him.

With far less reckless abandon than someone unfamiliar with the ground-covering single-blade style Sanne favored might guess, the Khoravar danced into melee range with the tiger -- or tiger-like creature; she was hardly an expert, but it seemed to her that Morika's spells would work on an actual tiger -- and flashed out with a stab of her blade. It catches the beast in the front leg, causing a howl of pain. Sanne notices that the electricity doesn't seem to bother the creature.

Active Spells & Conditions:

Aeranduil -- (33/64)
Voadam -- Invisibility (70 rounds)
Morika -- Call Lightning (7 rounds)
Tiger -- Entangled (2 rounds)


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First Post
With far less reckless abandon than someone unfamiliar with the ground-covering single-blade style Sanne favored might guess, the Khoravar danced into melee range with the tiger -- or tiger-like creature; she was hardly an expert, but it seemed to her that Morika's spells would work on an actual tiger -- and flashed out with a stab of her blade.

Can't fail DC 15 tumble check.

to hit; piercing dmg; electrical dmg (1d20+11=27, 1d6+5=11, 1d6=1)

So assuming a 27 hits it while it's entagled and it doesn't have any special protection against electricity, that'll be 12 damage.


First Post
Redclaw said:
Than takes two swift strides toward the beast, using the momentum of his sudden movement to add strength to his swinging axe. Ye darn overgrown cat. Chew on something a bit heartier, why don't ye.

[sblock=redclaw] Are you issuing a knights challenge to the creature? [/sblock]


First Post
s@squ@tch said:
[sblock=redclaw] Are you issuing a knights challenge to the creature? [/sblock]
[sblock=S@squ@tch] Nope. I don't see him challenging anything that looks animalish, besides it would have to have an intelligence of 3 or better and a language. [/sblock]


"Freyja's snarling steed! I don't think its an amorous transformed tiger priestess this time." Seeing the elf so viciously savaged by such a big beast Voadam rushes over behind and just past him, the streaking figure in black robes drawing the tiger's eye with its obvious movement. Once he has drawn the tiger's attention he casts a quick spell causing himself, the poor elf, and the new dwarf to disappear from all sight but their own.
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