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S3: The Scythe of Seto (Bront Judging)[Completed]

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Rae ArdGaoth

Rasereit catches his breath and then stands up. He clenches his right fist; it aches from the battle, but also feels... tingly. Ignoring the feeling for now, he looks around, avoiding glancing at the mirror. He sees only the black curtain on the wall, and the mirror and table before him.

After a moment, he chances a look into the mirror, a defiant glint in his eyes...


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Rasereit is weakened, but still brave. He feels a little different, but spends no time investigating. Unable to restrain himself, perhaps, his eyes catch his image again in the mirror. Yes, there he is, looking worse for wear, but the same old Rasereit, just like he'd look in any other mirror. Or no...the image isn't his mirror anymore. It's moving independently. And its face is no longer defiant, but angry...

At least this time Razh gets the jump; it could make all the difference.


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Ogrin trots through the curtain head of him. He finds himself in a circular room with several other curtains, some of them quite wide, partitioning off various walls. Presumably there are passages behind them. A small red-skinned imp sits behind a card table on a raised dias in front of a wide black curtain. It looks up at Ogrin and smiles broadly, revealing pointed teeth. "You are in the Temple of Jareth. Care to gamble?" A chair sits opposite the little fellow. A deck of large cards lies in front of him. Through one of the smaller curtains, Ogrin hears the sounds of battle, and shouted words, though he can't make them out.

Rae ArdGaoth

This time, Rasereit doesn't hesitate. He launches at his twin with a furious gusto, his waraxe and shield slamming and slicing the already battered dwarf before him. "AGAIN?!" he shouts in frustration, unable to summon up the same kind of anger-fueled strength he had in the last battle.

His waraxe strikes true, barely, and his shield also manages to penetrate armor and break already broken skin. But it's not enough to bring the doppelganger down. (Waraxe hits AC 22, 7 damage. Shield hits AC 24, 6 damage.)

OOC: Evil Razh is denied his dexterity bonus because he hasn't acted yet, so his AC is 20 until he acts. 13 damage total puts him at 7 HP, and he can't rage.

Rasereit is not fatigued (new encounter), has an AC of 23, and has 20 HP.

Rasereit wants to get in range of the mirror, to attack it, but he doesn't want to provoke an attack of opportunity. So he'll 5' step his way towards it until he's within range.


"A game of cards? Swell! Let me get back to you on that account in a few..." says Ogrin as he hurries through towards the sound of battle, fearing it might be his friends in need of some assistance.

Assuming Ogrin enters the scene of battle and spots the wererat, he'll arm himself with his silvered short sword "Ratstinger" and shield while moving towards his furry foe. He's fought wererats before and knows their weakness.


First Post
OOC: Sorry for the delay. Things should be slowing down for me a little and I should be able to get back to a more regular posting

IC: Beamer cocks his head as though listening to something. He quickly realizes the scythe is doing something and since Torvin was drawn in, it had now done its job. He puts the scythe back in his haversack and blasts Torvin with another gout of flame.

11 charges remaining.
+9 touch attack, 4d6+1


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Round 5
Eusebius strikes Torvin once, and it barely huts him. The monk can tell that this were-rat ex-paladin is a tough cookie.

Beamer drops the scythe back into his bag and aims his wand at Torvin again. His heavy armor makes him a pretty easy target for the fire bolt, and Beamer engulphs him in flame (16 dmg)

Banion closes in from behind and hurls his mindblade. It deflects off the were-rat's high-quality full plate armor. Banion, on the bridge, feels nervous. There are no walls or railings on the bridge, and it is only 5 feet wide. Beneath, he smells ozone, and both feels and hears a low rumbling. Flashes of blue light crackle in the mist below. Torvin strikes out at Eusebius again with his mace. "Seto will reward me for my efforts!" Torvin's mace strikes twice in rapid succession, staggering the monk(12 pts dmg)

Ogrin emerges to the scene of the battle. He enters the catwalk on the North end, seeing the mangled body of Sangster at his feet, and the battle on the edge of the bridge.

Round 6
Lothar continues to crawl away.
Lothar: (-19 hps. blinded until round 7)
Sangster (dead)
Bear (hasted until round 8)
Banion (53/59)
Beamer (hasted until round 8/grease til round 9) <---
Ogrin (49/51)
Eusebius: (32/44 hps)(hasted until round 8/ shield of faith for 3 minutes)


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Ogrin runs toward the battle as quickly as his short legs can carry him.

OOC: I was going to do a x4 run, but it only works in a "straight line". DM decides if this can qualify... if OK, Ogrin will be 2 squares southwest of Lothar.

Voidrunner's Codex

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