Savage Worlds Rifts [Rogue's Gallery]

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Alenysturathe, Flame Wing Dragon Hatchling (Novice)


Alenysturathe (Alenys Turathe)

Dragon: 20’ long with red scales and gold accents.
Human: Long, flowing red hair and green eyes, slim and well-proportioned fit body.


Narrative Hook (17): "Authority Issues. Your hero crossed the wrong people, putting him in trouble with someone of local authority. Perhaps it was a Coalition patrol or remote outpost, or it may have been Federation agents attempting to exert control where they were not wanted. He might have simply messed up in some major way with a town magistrate. Whether on the run, fighting his way out of trouble, or arrested and waiting for punishment, he got some help from of the Legion."

Alenysturathe hatched only a week ago, but already her life has been hectic and full of trouble. She emerged from her shell in the waters of the Mississippi River. Her emergence landed her right in the ruins of St. Louis and Kansas City. Coalition patrols rapidly responded, attacking the confused young dragon, until the Tomorrow League swept in and rescued Alenysturathe.

The baby dragon was taken to Fort Refuge and the care of the League, where they worked to acclimate her to the world and try to harness her massive power. They forged her the identity of Alenys Turathe for when she was in human form.

Alenys is eager to learn, almost childlike in her innocence, and wants to help the League, to whom she feels indebted.

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Deezy Klatta
XP: 0/10
Race: Human Techno Wizard

Attributes (5)
Agility 1d6
Smarts 1d10
Spirit 1d6
Strength 1d4
Vigor 1d6

Skills (15)
Knowledge Arcana 1d10 (+2 edge)
Knowledge Engineering 1d10 (+2 edge)
Knowledge Science 1d6
Repair 1d8 (+2 Edge, +2 Armor quality)
Driving 1d6
Fighting 1d4
Shooting 1d8
Notice 1d6 (+2 from goggles)

Charisma 0
Pace 6" (12yrds)
Parry 4
Toughness 4 (+2 from armor) 6AP
Bennies: 3/3

Framework: TechnoWizard (1d10)
- Arcane Background (Weird Science): 20ppe
** AEGIS (Active ElectroGravitic Interception System) Armor, 2ppe 3 rnds +1rnd/maintain)
- Greater Armor (5PPE, +5 MDC armor)
** OmniBlaster (Bolt 1-3ppe, and Blast - hvy 2-6ppe)
- Onslaught (2 PPE/ 3d6 MD bolts up to 4, or 4 PPE for 1 6d6 MD bolt)
- Greater Blast (+4 PPE to do d10s instead of d6s)
** ROCKET BOOTS (Fly, 3-6ppe, 3 rnds +1rnd/maintain)
- Swift Flight (8 PPE for 4xPace, -1 to be hit; 10 PPE for 8xPace, -2 to be hit)

- Arcane Machinist
As action create magical gadget that has any one power available to TechWizards with TechnoWizard roll at -2 per
Rank above character's. Devices have ppe equal to have the TW's normal maximum (+5 with raise), and device burns out
when ppe are expended, or after 'timeframe' expires.
This ability can be used 1/2 the Technowizard dice per 'timeframe.'

-- Machine Maestro
Electronic and mechanical devices can be interfaced with by touch, giving +2 to noncombat skill rolls (+4 if device
is a technowizard device) or half that bonus for combat skills.

-- Device Depednent - Technowizard powers MUST have devices on hand to use.
-- Enemies - Technowizards are hunted by the Coalition States, and singled out for persecution by the Federation of Magic
unless sworn to serve them.

-- Gearhead Geek - Technowizards behave as if their devices were 'alive,' often talking to them, or showing them the
courtesies normally extended to living friends.

- Rapid Recharge
- New Power (fly)
- Mr Fixit (+2 to Repair, halve repair time on raise)
- Scholar (+2 to Knowledge Arcana and Knowledge Engineering)
- Master of Magic
- More PPE

Major: Small (-1 Toughness)
- Overconfident (what it says on the tin)
- Greedy (really really wants money)

Triax T-13 Field Mechanic Suit, AR 6, +2 Toughness, +2 Repair (See Below)

Wilk's 227 Pulse Laser Pistol

** APPEAR (Ambient Potential Psychic Energy Assessment and Ranging) Goggles, +2 Notice (As Magic Optic System, See Below)

TechWizard Tool Kit

Northern Gun S2 Survival Pack
(includes 2-man tent, sleeping bag, flashlight with mini-solar recharger, biometric compass/inertial mapper, short-range radio, first-aid kit, hunter/fishers kit, 3 saw wires, Firestarter with mini-solar recharger, survival knife, small hatchet, wooden cross (or other holy symbol, 4 signal flares, basic climbing kit with 30 feet of lightweight cord, a pair of climbing gloves, 4 ceramic spikes, a small mallet, 1 bar of soap and sterilized cloth, a canteen, two-weeks’ worth of minimum sustenance food in sealed pouches. Wt. 30lbs)

Hoverboard! 2000
Super Duct tape! 200
Dosimeter 200
Sensor Suite (Hand) 5000
PPE Battery (5PPE, recharges 1/hr)

Cash: 600

[sblock=Hero's Journey Stuff]
Education - (10): He’s traveled far and wide, and he knows a lot about the world that could come in handy. Your character gains a +2 on any Common Knowledge rolls related to geography and understanding the people and places of North America. He also gains a +2 on Survival and Streetwise checks in North America.

Enchanted Items & Mystic Gadgets -(12): A cunning pair of goggles that speaks of a fashion that never goes out of style, your character’s Magic Optic System is a favorite accessory. (the Magic Optics System features are)

Magic & Mysticism - (17): Often, one crisis is quickly followed by another, and your caster needs to get his energy back quickly. He has the Rapid Recharge Edge, or Improved Rapid Recharge if he already has the former. So Rapid Recharge Edge for free

Body Armor - (3): You may trade the starting Armor from your Iconic Framework for any other body armor (not power armor or robot armor) listed in this book. I will give you some options in a second here BECAUSE there are lots and lots of armors

Training - (19): Gain Professional Edge, ignoring all requirements except Arcane Backgrounds. Scholar gained![/sblock]

[sblock=Magic Optic System (TW)]Though gem-encrusted visors, full helms, and even elaborate sunglasses can be crafted to serve, most Techno-Wizards prefer the classic goggles approach to creating this mystical sensory enhancement system. It provides +2 to sight-based Notice checks, and the wearer gains access to darksight, farsight, and detect arcana. The system requires 1 Power Point per hour of use. (1 lb, 30,000 credits)[/sblock]

[sblock=Triax T-13 Field Mechanic]T-13 Cyclops armor is lighter in weight for greater mobility. It also comes equipped with a sidearm shoulder holster, additional equipment pouches attached to the tool kit attached to the waist belt. Larger equipment and tool kits are transported by hand, but the T-13 armor has some builtin tools to facilitate field repairs. First is a laser torch built into the right or left arm. In a pinch, the laser torch can be used as a weapon (Range 4/8/16, Damage 3d6, RoF 1, AP 3, Mega Damage). On the opposite arm, the T-13 features an extendable robot arm, used to access small areas and conduct repairs out of the mechanic’s normal reach. The arm is fully articulated, able to use tools, pick up objects, manipulate controls, and so forth. It gives the mechanic Reach 1 and Strength d6. The robot arm is equipped with a laser finger which inflicts Str+d4 damage if used in melee. The Field Mechanic Cyclops helmet is equipped with a pair of directional lights, as well as additional optics enhancement with 10× magnification, a thermal vision mode, and a spectrographic scanner used to locate microfractures, metal fatigue, and other subtle signs of damage. All of this grants the wearer +2 on Repair checks. T-13 body armor provides +6 AP and +2 Toughness, as well as providing Full Environmental Protection. It also has all the same electronic and communications systems of the T-10. T-13 Armor has no Strength Minimum. (18 lb, 75,000 credits)[/sblock]

Dog soldier designate D-WN0624 was a hot dog - so named because she was grown in a tube - out of the Lone Star Complex, made with an unusually high degree of psionic aptitude for a dog boy. After a successful tour of duty ferreting out mystical infiltrators in the Coalition's forward operating bases, D-WN0624 was earmarked for the breeding program, her genes being ones the Coalition felt were a successful mix.

She was a little disconcerted by this and then, when one of the Coalition's psi-division tried to use coercive psionic powers on her to get her to go along with it, became very disconcerted. After biting her superior - and knowing the punishment for being a Bad Dog - she knew her way around the wilderness of the FOB to elude capture, but had no idea what to do next until she stumbled upon a long-abandoned library.

By day, she hunted and trapped; by night she used her pistol's e-clips to power the library's holovid viewer, learning bits and pieces about pre-Rifts life from the few old movies amongst the reams of books. But it wasn't until a chance encounter with a cyber-knight that she was taught to read and write, and once she could, a key turned in her mind and she finally had words to describe why being with a male dog boy wasn't what she wanted.

Surprising her friend, she asked to join the knights, still wanting to serve her pack but feeling that perhaps she needed a pack more worthy of her loyalty. She was taught the ways of the knights, she found the sword inside of her that was shaped like her most noble thought, and she was injected with the nanotechnology that grants cyber-knights their powers. When her armor manifests, it gives her fur a silver sheen; therefore, she is known as Dawn Silvermane.

Appearance and Mannerisms: There is subtle, there is unsutble, there is over the top, and then there is Dawn Silvermane. Dawn is a mix of several different breeds of canine, but most resembles a fox, albeit one who talks with a Texas twang and who colors the fur atop her head bright pink. Her sword resembles strands of pale blue psionic energy that unfold from her hand and resolve into a machete-like shape; her armor and weapons are kept in the kind of good shape that someone who takes pride in her appearance takes. Her custom two-part helmet, built specifically to accomodate her head, also has a sophisticated smartgun system.

Dawn Silvermane
Race: Dog Boy (excuse YOU, "Dog Soldier," thanks)
Framework: Cyber-Knight

Bennies: 3

XP: 0
- Earned: 5 (August 18 2016)
- Spent: 5 (Ambidextrous Edge, Aug 20 2016)
- Earned: 5 (Sept 23 2016)
- Spent: 5 (Bumped Smarts from d6 to d8)

- Agility: d8
- Smarts: d8
- Spirit: d8
- Strength: d6
- Vigor: d6
- Psionics: d6

Derived Traits:
- Charisma: +2/0/-2, depending on circumstance
- Pace: 8, d10 Running die
- Parry: 8 (2 + 1/2 Fighting + 1)
- Toughness: 5 unarmored, 7 w/cyber-armor, 8 in armored suit

Skills: (15 points, +5 for Healing/Investigation/Knowledge)
- Fighting: d10 (2sp)
- Healing: d6 (2sp)
- Knowledge (Medicine) d6 (2sp)
- Knowledge (History) d4 (1sp)
- Shooting: d6+2** (2sp)
- Stealth: d4+2* (1sp)
- Survival: d6+1/3* (2sp)
- Tracking: d6+1/3* (2sp)
- Notice: d6+2 (2sp)
- Climbing: d4 (1sp)
- Swimming: d4 (1sp)
- Riding: d6 (2sp)

* = +1 to these rolls in the wilderness.
** = bonus comes from armor's targetting systems.

- Champion: +2 Toughness and +2 damage vs. supernatural evil
- Two-Weapon Fighting: May attack with two weapons at no penalty.
- Block: Adds +1 to Parry
- Mentalist: +2 to attack and defense with psionic attacks.
- Woodsman: +2 to Tracking, Survival and Stealth rolls in the wilderness.
- Ambidextrous: No off-hand penalties.

Hinerances: Curious (Major)
- Added one die to Spirit

Psi Powers:
- ISP: 10 / 2
- Deflection
- Smite
- Speed
- Psi-Sword Details: Does 1d6+2d8 damage, AP 6, MD with 2 ISP

- Cyber-Knight Medium Armor
-- Armor 6
-- +1 Toughness
-- Healing power

- Wilk's 320 Laser Pistol
-- Range: 18/36/72
-- Damage: 2d6
-- Rate of Fire: 1
-- AP: 2
-- Shots: 20 / 19
-- Weight: 2

- NG-L5 Laser Rifle
-- Range: 25/50/100
-- Damage: 3d6
-- Rate of Fire: 1 (semi-auto)
-- AP: 2
-- Shots: 20
-- Weight: 14

- NG-S2 Survival Pack
- One (1) silver cross
- 6 wooden stakes

Money: 900 credits

Racial Abilities:
- Breed Advantage (Agile Breed) (+1 to Agility)
- Keen Sense of Smell: +2 Notice, +2 Tracking
- Bite Attack: Str + d6
- Outsiders: -2 Charisma to anyone who fears the Coalition States
- Psychic Sense: Can 'smell' magic, effectively using Detect Arcana with the Notice skill (and Keen Sense of Smell bonus) to find them
- Restricted Paths: Cannot become an arcanist.
- Wanted: Rogue dog soldiers are sought after by the Coalition States.
- Weakness (Ley Line Hypersensitivity) - Loses psychic scent abilities close to a ley line, and gains a level of fatigue from a ley line storm.

Framework Abilities:
- Cyber-Armor: Summoned as a free action, adds +2 Toughness.
- Cyberkinetic Combat: All technology-based attacks are at -2 to hit Dawn.
- First into Battle: +2 Pace, d10 running die.
- Intense Combat Training: Begins with Fighting d8 and two combat Edges.
- Minor Psionic: Begins with Psionics d6 and the Arcane Background (Psionics) trait.
- Inner Light: Has the Champion edge.
- Psi-Sword: Can summon, as a free action, a sword that does Strengthx1 + Spritx2 damage, with AP 6. May inflict mega-damage for 2 ISP; may be split into two swords, each with AP 2.
- Reversed Protectors: +2 Charisma amongst those who respect the cyber-knights.
- Code of Honor: Must adhere to the cyber-knight code of chivalry or have access to powers restricted.
- Cybernetics: Not an option.

Male Simvan Burster
Abilities: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirits d10, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Charisma +0 (-4 or -8), Pace 6 (d6), Parry 7, Toughness 12 (6)
Hindrances: Enemy (the Coalition, Psi-Stalkers), Quirk (Pyromania)
Edges: Acrobatic, Arcane Background (Psionics), Beast Friend, Brawny (carry 48lbs), Major Psionics, Rapid Recharge
Skills: Climb d6, Fighting d10, Intimidate d6, Notice d6, Psionic d8, Riding d6, Shooting d6, Stealth d6, Survival d6
Trait: Apex predator, Burn everything, Cybernetics, Distinctive D-Bee, Fiery aura, Fire mastery, Fire Walker, Flame Bolt (Damage 4d6, Range 12/24/48), Instinct over intellect, Low-light vision, Monstrous beast affinity, Natural psionics, Racial Enemy (Psi-Stalkers)
Powers (25 ISP): Armor, Beast Friend, Boost/Lower Trait, Smite

Gear: Chain Long Sword (Damage d6+2d8 mega-damage, AP-2, Wt. 15lbs), NG-33 Laser Pistol (Range 15/30/60, Damage 2d4+1, ROF 1, AP-2, Shots 20, Wt. 4lbs), NG-S2 Survival Pack (30lbs), 700 credits

[sblock=Burster]*Arcane Background (Psionics): A Burster begins with three powers from the list above, 20 ISP, and a d8 Psionics skill.
*Everything Burns: The fires started by Bursters are some of the most intense possible. They can catch almost anything on fire, and combustible materials don’t stand much of a chance against them. Any time a Burster causes damage with a flame ability, roll a d10 (instead of the usual d6 as indicated in Savage Worlds under Fire). Anything flammable catches fire on a 6 –10, while highly flammable targets ignite on a 3 –10. Things that normally don’t catch fire (metal, ceramics, stone) ignite from a Burster’s flames on a 10, or at least begin to melt. Water super-heats and evaporates nigh-instantly on a 10 as well, and boils away over 2d6 rounds on an 8 or 9.
*Fiery Aura: At will, as an action (no roll required), a Burster can surround himself with a sheath of flame and heat, causing 3d6 damage to anyone who touches him (with a melee or touch attack, for example). He can add this damage to any Fighting attack he makes, as well. When the aura is activated, it provides +6 Armor to the Burster (this stacks with the armor power, but not worn armor). Neither effect costs any ISP. However, if he spends 3 ISP when he activates his Fiery Aura, the damage becomes Mega Damage and the Armor gains the M.D.C. quality. Fiery Aura goes away whenever the Burster is Incapacitated or is otherwise unconscious.
*Fire Mastery: Over a Large Burst Template centered anywhere within 12”, the Burster can create, control, and eliminate fire. He can create minor fire and heat effects (or douse flames) as a free action with no roll. As an action, he can create environmental effects that impose a −2 to Trait rolls (−4 with a raise). For any Trait rolls, use the Psionics skill. None of these effects cost ISP.
*Firewalker: The Burster is completely impervious to all sources of fire and heat; he could take a dive into a river of lava and come out unscathed. He only suffers half damage from lightning and electrical attacks, as well as laser weapons. He’s also immune to plasma weapon damage.
*Flame Bolt: The Burster can hurl forth a flaming bolt of 4d6 Damage with a Range of 12/24/48. This costs no ISP and does Mega Damage. The Burster may add +2 AP by spending 1 ISP per Flame Bolt, or +4 AP for 2 ISP. Double the bonus for the same cost when on a ley line. Rolling a 1 on the Psionics die when using flame bolt does not result in Brainburn (per Savage Worlds).
*Major Psionics: Bursters begin with the Major Psionics Edge. When they take ISP for a +1 to Psionics rolls, and 4 ISP for a +2 (added before the roll). They can spend +1 ISP for Range × 2 for any ranged (not Self or Touch) powers, or +2 ISP for Range × 10. These last two effects are doubled when on a ley line. If the Burst takes the Power Points Edge, they gain 10 ISP (instead of 5)

*Cybernetics: Simply not a good option for a Burster, as they interfere too much with his powers. If circumstances force a bionic addition, each point of Strain imposes a −1 penalty to the Psionics skill.
*Enemies: The Coalition considers Bursters a dire threat to life and property, and they are to be destroyed on sight. There are more than a few settlements with long memories of rogue Bursters causing enormous property damage.
*Quirk—Pyromaniac: Though most are not sociopathic arsonists, Bursters tend to have a thing about starting fires just to watch them burn with loving fascination. This is more aggravating than dangerous (at least most of the time).

NG-33 Laser Pistol, NG-S2 Survival Pack, 700 credits.[/sblock]

[sblock=Simvan]*Animal Empathy: A Simvan has a psionic connection to animals, granting the Beast Master Edge and Riding d6.
*Apex Predator: Simvan consider themselves pinnacle predators; the ultimate victory is to defeat and consume an enemy. Simvan have the Bloodthirsty Hindrance and most know their deadly habits.
*Distinctive D-Bee: Simvan are clearly inhuman. They suffer −4 Charisma with CS citizens.
*Instincts Over Intellect: Simvan act on their instincts. Intellectual pursuits are not common for them. They suffer a −1 penalty to all Smarts rolls.
*Low Light Vision: Simvan ignore penalties for Dim and Dark conditions.
*Monstrous Beast Affinity: Simvan have a natural affinity for large creatures. When using the beast friend power, they pay half the cost for a creature’s Size (effectively 1 ISP per +1 Size). Additionally, they may take a larger than normal creature with their Beast Master Edge as a mount (see the list above of common riding animals).
*Natural Psionics: Simvan start with the Arcane Background (Psionics) Edge. Beast friend must be one of their first chosen powers. They start with 15 ISP instead of 10. If a Simvan chooses an Iconic Framework providing Arcane Background (Psionics), he follows all the normal rules for the Framework except he gains beast friend as a bonus power and gains +5 ISP in addition to what the Framework normally provides.
*Racial Enemy: Many Psi-Stalker and Simvan tribes have been at war for years. Meetings between them start argumentative and get worse. Simvan suffer −4 Charisma with wild Psi- Stalkers (Coalition Psi-Stalkers don’t like them just because they are D-Bees).[/sblock]

[sblock=Psionic Powers]Armor
Power Points: 2
Range: Touch
Duration: 3 (1/round)
Trappings: Fiery glow
Armor creates a field of magical protection around a character or an actual shell of some sort, effectively giving the target Armor. Success grants the recipient 2 points of Armor. A raise grants 4 points of Armor.

Beast Friend
Power Points: Special
Range: Smarts x 100 yards
Duration: 10 minutes
Trappings: Varg concentrates while looking at the beast
This spell allows mages to speak with and guide the actions of nature’s beasts. It works only on creatures with animal intelligence, not humanoids. Nor does it work on conjured, magical, or otherwise “unnatural” animals.
The target must be within the sorcerer’s range — it is not conjured.
The cost to control a creature depends on its Size. The base cost is 3, plus twice its Size for creatures with a Size greater than 0. A great white shark (Size +4) costs 3 plus 8 (2x4), or 11 points. A roc (Size +8) costs 19 Power Points to control.
Swarms may also be controlled. Small swarms cost 3, Mediums 5, and Large 8. Thus a single rat costs 3 to control, as does a small swarm of the creatures.
NOTE: See Monstrous Beast Affinity under Simvan for changes.

Boost/Lower Trait
Power Points: 2
Range: Smarts
Duration: 3 (1/round)
Trappings: Fiery Aura or glow
This power allows a character to increase any of a target’s Traits by one die type for a standard success, or by two with a raise. The affected Trait can exceed d12. Each step over d12 adds +1 to his Trait total. For example, a raise on someone who already has a d12 in the affected Trait grants him d12+2 for the duration of the power.
The power can also be used to lower an opponent’s Trait. This is an opposed roll against the victim’s Spirit. Success lowers any Trait of the caster’s choice one step, a raise lowers it two steps. A Trait cannot be lowered below a d4. Multiple castings stack, though the caster must keep track of when each casting expires as usual.
►►Additional Targets: The power may affect an additional target for every additional Power Point spent, up to a maximum of five targets. All targets share the same effect and Trait affected.

Power Points: 2
Range: Touch
Duration: 3 (1/round)
Trappings: Fiery Aura on weapon or attack
This power is cast on a weapon of some sort. If it’s a ranged weapon, it affects one entire magazine, 20 bolts, shells, or arrows, or one full “load” of ammunition (the GM may have to determine the exact quantity for unusual weapons). While the spell is in effect, the weapon’s damage is increased by +2 or +4 with a raise.
►►Additional Targets: The character may affect up to fivetargets by spending a like amount of additional Power Points.[/sblock]

Those who have formal training in the acrobatic arts or are naturally agile may take this Edge. It adds +2 to all Agility rolls made to perform acrobatic maneuvers (including Trick maneuvers), and also adds +1 to a character’s Parry as long as he has no encumbrance penalty.

Grants you your psionic powers

Allows you to bond with an beast (Spary the Fury Beetle)

The character is on the large size for his species and adds +1 to Toughness and can carry x8 their Strength before being hindered.

For a single ISP, the Burster’s Flame Bolt affects a Medium Burst Template. For two ISP, he can expand the radius to a Large Burst Template. Alternately, the Burster can spend one ISP to use the Cone Template at no range (targets make an opposed Agility roll against Psionics to avoid the effect). Unless otherwise stated, enhancements from other Edges (such as Improved Flame Bolt) apply to this use of this Edge as well.

A greater control of mind, body, and spirit combined with the overwhelming power available on Rifts Earth means this hero can do much more with her inner strength. Major Psionics double their base ISP, and they gain +10 ISP (instead of the usual +5) from the Power Points Edge.

This Edge allows an arcane character to regain 1 Power Point every 30 minutes.[/sblock]

SPARKY, Fury Beetle
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6, Strength d12+7, Vigor d12+2
Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d8
Pace: 12; Parry: 6; Toughness: 25 (12)
Edges: Alertness, Charge, Frenzy
Special Abilities:
*Armored Shell: Fury Beetles have +12 M.D.C. Armor and +2 Toughness.
*Claws/Bite: Str+2d8, AP 8, Mega Damage. The Fury Beetle can gut a Glitter Boy.
*Full-Spectrum Vision: Able to see in the infared and ultraviolent spectrums, as well as sense thermal patterns and possessed of full night vision, the Fury Beetle ignores all Illumination penalties.
*Large: Fury Beetles make big targets and are +2 to be hit.
*Psionic Senses: Fury Beetles can psionic sense a water source within a mile, and are also able to sense any arcane or psionic energies.
*Rapid Movement: All those legs give the Fury Beetle exceptional Pace, with a d10 Run die.
*Size +4: Fury Beetles grow up to 20 feet long and half that in height.
*Slow Regeneration: These creatures gain a natural healing roll once per day and can regenerate lost limbs over time.

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Vampire ‘Master’
Secondary Vampire (Wild Card) – 2 Bennies
Abilities: Agility d12, Smarts d8, Spirits d10, Strength d12+2, Vigor d12
Charisma +2 (-6), Pace 18 (d12), Parry 8, Toughness 10
Skills: Climbing d10, Fighting d12, Intimidate d10, Notice d8, Psionic d12, Stealth d10, Survival d4, Taunt d10, Tracking d10
Edges: Arcane Background (Psionics), Fast on their Feet, Fleet Footed (2)
Gear: Random melee weapons (Str+d8).
Powers: Beat friends (rats and/or vermin swarms and wolves only), Detect/conceal arcana, mind reading, obscure (fog bank), puppet, slumber; ISP: 25
Special Abilities:
*Bite: Str+d6. Following a successful grapple, a wild vampire can bite a victim. If a target is Shaken or wounded by this attack, they must make a Vigor check to resist suffering Fatigue as well.
*Change Form: As an action, a vampire can shape change into a wolf or bat with a Smarts roll. Changing back into humanoid form requires another action and Smarts roll.
*Claws: Str+d4, Mega-Damage.
*Fast Regeneration: Vampires make a Vigor roll every round to heal damage— even after being “killed.” A success heals one wound, two with a raise. Certain Weaknesses (below) bypass this ability.
*Fear: When a vampire first reveals itself, its foes need to make a fear check.
*Improved Frenzy: Vampires can make two attacks a round.
*Leaper: Vampires can long jump up to 4” and high jump 2” straight up without having to make a Strength test or any movement. A running jump and/or strength test can increase this by +1d6” to both, for each that is used (i.e. with a running jump and a strength roll add +2d6” to both distances).
*Immunities: Vampires are immortal and ignore poison, disease, fire, cold, radiation, and virtually all other sources of mundane damage or negative effects. They need no food or water (only blood, the lack of which drives them insane).
*Improved Frenzy: Vampires can make two attacks a round.
*Improved Level Headed: This vampire draws 3 cards for initiative, and keeps the best.
*Invulnerable: Vampires can only be Shaken by most attacks, including those that do Mega Damage.
*Mist Form: Wild vampires can turn into mist with an action and a Smarts roll at −2.
*Perfect Night Vision: Vampires ignore Illumination penalties up to −6.
*Thrall: A target Incapacitated by the bite attack of a vampire is under its control (if she is not outright killed, which is usually the case for wild vampires). This is like being permanently under the puppet power, and remains in effect until the controlling vampire is destroyed.
*Turn: Instead of creating a thrall, the vampire can turn a victim of its bite. When a vampire attempts to create a new vampire, the victim makes a Vigor check after being Incapacitated (either by the damage or Fatigue); the roll is made with all the penalties appropriate to damage done and Fatigue inflicted. On a failure, the victim dies. On a success, the victim makes a Spirit roll at the same penalty. Failure means she is now a secondary (or wild) vampire; success means she somehow resists and is still alive.
*Undead: +2 Toughness; +2 to recover from Shaken; called shots do no extra damage (with exceptions noted below). Vampire Wild Cards do not suffer from Wound Penalties.
*Weakness (Decapitation and Burning): Once a vampire is Incapacitated (via a wooden stake or silver bullet, for example), it is vulnerable to normal damage and fire. Its head must be removed, and the head and body must be burned in separate pyres, after which the ashes must be scattered.
*Weakness (Garlic and Wolf’s Bane): A vampire must make a Spirit check to cross a threshold protected by these herbs, and the attack roll is made at −2 to bite anyone wearing either.
*Weakness (Holy Symbols): Holy symbols of a religion where good is revered over evil) can hold a vampire at bay; the vampire must beat the wielder in an opposed Spirit check. With a successful Touch Attack (Fighting +2), the holy symbol causes 1d10 fire damage to the vampire.
*Weakness (Invitation Only): Vampires cannot enter a private dwelling without being invited. They may enter public domains as they please.
*Weakness (Magic and Psionics): Vampires can be affected by magic and psionics, though damaging powers must do Mega Damage to actually harm a vampire. Vampires cannot be destroyed by magic or psionics, however (unless the power has a component that otherwise fulfills the requirement, such as water, sunlight, or silver Trappings). Magic weapons can damage a vampire, but have the same restrictions as above.
*Weakness (Silver and Wood): Vampires suffer +4 damage from purely wooden or silver weapons, or combinations of the two (including stakes, arrows, spears, bullets, etc.). A called shot to the heart (−4) forces a vampire to make a Vigor check against the damage total. If successful, it suffers damage normally; if it fails, it is Incapacitated and is vulnerable to all normal weapons and sources of damage. It is not destroyed, however, and requires decapitation and burning to be eliminated permanently.
*Weakness (Sunlight): Vampires catch fire if any part of them is exposed to sunlight (clothing and armor do not help; the vampire must be within a solid, enclosed structure). They burn for 2d10 damage every round until they are turned to ash (or somehow manage to get under cover again). None of their powers work while they burn. As well, vampires suffer an automatic level of Fatigue during daylight hours.
*Weakness (Vampires): Vampires can be hurt by other vampires’ natural attacks.
*Weakness (Water): Water can damage and destroy a vampire. Small sources (a bucket, a squirt gun) do 1d10 damage. Larger sources (a hose, a “super soaker”) do 2d10. Immersing the vampire or using a very large water source (stream, lake, fire hose) causes 3d10 damage.

Vampire Bride
Secondary Vampires (Extra – Henchmen, gain the wild dice only for trait rolls). Note that with Fast Regeneration, they can come-back from being knocked out. They can only be ‘killed’ by the means listed below.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d12+1, Vigor d10
Skills: Climbing d8, Fighting d10, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Psionics d6, Stealth d8, Survival d4, Tracking d8
Charisma: +2 (-6 when true nature revealed), Pace: 10, Parry: 7, Toughness: 9
Edges: Arcane Background (Psionics), Fleet-Footed (2)
Gear: Random melee weapons (Str+d8).
Powers: Beat friends (rats and/or vermin swarms and wolves only), Detect/conceal arcana, mind reading, puppet, slumber; ISP: 15
Special Abilities:
*Bite: Str+d6. Following a successful grapple, a wild vampire can bite a victim. If a target is Shaken or wounded by this attack, they must make a Vigor check to resist suffering Fatigue as well.
*Change Form: As an action, a vampire can shape change into a wolf or bat with a Smarts roll. Changing back into humanoid form requires another action and Smarts roll.
*Claws: Str+d4, Mega-Damage.
*Fast Regeneration: Vampires make a Vigor roll every round to heal damage— even after being “killed.” A success heals one wound, two with a raise. Certain Weaknesses (below) bypass this ability.
*Fear: When a vampire first reveals itself, its foes need to make a fear check.
*Frenzy: Vampires can make two attacks a round with a -2 penalty to each attack
*Leaper: Vampires can long jump up to 4” and high jump 2” straight up without having to make a Strength test or any movement. A running jump and/or strength test can increase this by +1d6” to both, for each that is used (i.e. with a running jump and a strength roll add +2d6” to both distances).
*Immunities: Vampires are immortal and ignore poison, disease, fire, cold, radiation, and virtually all other sources of mundane damage or negative effects. They need no food or water (only blood, the lack of which drives them insane).
*Invulnerable: Vampires can only be Shaken by most attacks, including those that do Mega Damage.
*Mist Form: Wild vampires can turn into mist with an action and a Smarts roll at −2.
*Perfect Night Vision: Vampires ignore Illumination penalties up to −6.
*Thrall: A target Incapacitated by the bite attack of a vampire is under its control (if she is not outright killed, which is usually the case for wild vampires). This is like being permanently under the puppet power, and remains in effect until the controlling vampire is destroyed.
*Turn: Instead of creating a thrall, the vampire can turn a victim of its bite. When a vampire attempts to create a new vampire, the victim makes a Vigor check after being Incapacitated (either by the damage or Fatigue); the roll is made with all the penalties appropriate to damage done and Fatigue inflicted. On a failure, the victim dies. On a success, the victim makes a Spirit roll at the same penalty. Failure means she is now a secondary (or wild) vampire; success means she somehow resists and is still alive.
*Undead: +2 Toughness; +2 to recover from Shaken; called shots do no extra damage (with exceptions noted below).
*Weakness (Decapitation and Burning): Once a vampire is Incapacitated (via a wooden stake or silver bullet, for example), it is vulnerable to normal damage and fire. Its head must be removed, and the head and body must be burned in separate pyres, after which the ashes must be scattered.
*Weakness (Garlic and Wolf’s Bane): A vampire must make a Spirit check to cross a threshold protected by these herbs, and the attack roll is made at −2 to bite anyone wearing either.
*Weakness (Holy Symbols): Holy symbols of a religion where good is revered over evil) can hold a vampire at bay; the vampire must beat the wielder in an opposed Spirit check. With a successful Touch Attack (Fighting +2), the holy symbol causes 1d10 fire damage to the vampire.
*Weakness (Invitation Only): Vampires cannot enter a private dwelling without being invited. They may enter public domains as they please.
*Weakness (Magic and Psionics): Vampires can be affected by magic and psionics, though damaging powers must do Mega Damage to actually harm a vampire. Vampires cannot be destroyed by magic or psionics, however (unless the power has a component that otherwise fulfills the requirement, such as water, sunlight, or silver Trappings). Magic weapons can damage a vampire, but have the same restrictions as above.
*Weakness (Silver and Wood): Vampires suffer +4 damage from purely wooden or silver weapons, or combinations of the two (including stakes, arrows, spears, bullets, etc.). A called shot to the heart (−4) forces a vampire to make a Vigor check against the damage total. If successful, it suffers damage normally; if it fails, it is Incapacitated and is vulnerable to all normal weapons and sources of damage. It is not destroyed, however, and requires decapitation and burning to be eliminated permanently.
*Weakness (Sunlight): Vampires catch fire if any part of them is exposed to sunlight (clothing and armor do not help; the vampire must be within a solid, enclosed structure). They burn for 2d10 damage every round until they are turned to ash (or somehow manage to get under cover again). None of their powers work while they burn. As well, vampires suffer an automatic level of Fatigue during daylight hours.
*Weakness (Vampires): Vampires can be hurt by other vampires’ natural attacks.
*Weakness (Water): Water can damage and destroy a vampire. Small sources (a bucket, a squirt gun) do 1d10 damage. Larger sources (a hose, a “super soaker”) do 2d10. Immersing the vampire or using a very large water source (stream, lake, fire hose) causes 3d10 damage.

Brodkil Demon
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d12, Vigor d10
Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidation d8, Notice d6, Shooting d6, Stealth d6, Survival d4
Pace: 8 (d8); Parry: 6; Toughness: 11 (2)
Gear: NG-L5 Rifle (Range 25/50/100, Damage 3d6, RoF 1, AP-2), Vibro-Swords (Str+d10, AP-4, Mega Damage).
Special Abilities:
*Armor +2: Brodkil have natural Armor.
*Fear: Even lesser, relatively common demons cause Fear checks when first encountered.
*Infernal Form: Immune to normal fire, heat, and cold (still affected by Mega Damage sources); immune to all diseases and poisons.
*Infravision: All Brodkil halve the penalties for dark lighting against living targets.
*Invisibility: As the power, but used at will without a roll (at the base −4 level). Brodkil use this to ambush foes, but rarely remain invisible once combat is underway, instead relying on their horrific presence to unnerve foes.
*Natural Weapons: Brodkil strike with their fists, claws, and bite for Str+d6.
*Size +2: Brodkil are significantly taller and tougher than the average human.
*Slow Regeneration: Brodkil gain a natural Healing roll once per day.
*Weakness (Holy): As demons, Brodkil take +4 damage from holy attacks and weapons.

Brodkil with cybernetic upgrades. Use statics above with the following modifiers…
*Increase Strength to d12+2 (cybernetic arms).
*Add +2 for all Notice checks and Shooting rolls (cybernetic eye).
*Add +4 M.D.C Armor (plating), change Toughness to 13 (4 MDC).
*Add +2 Pace (base 10) and increase the Run die to d10 (cybernetic legs) or +1 Action at no
M.A.P. (extra cybernetic arm).
*Remove the Invisibility power.


Male Elf Ley-Line Walker (Wild Card, 2 Benny)
Abilities: Agility d8, Smarts d12, Spirits d10, Strength d6 (d8), Vigor d8
Charisma -2, Pace 8 (d8), Parry 5, Toughness 13 (7)
Hindrances: All-Thumbs, Arrogant (Major), Cybernetics, Disconnected (-2 Charisma), Distinctive D-Bee, Enemy (the Coalition, etc.), Greedy (Major), One-Eyed (Major)
Edges: Arcane Background (Magic), Dodge, Extra Powers (4), Extra Power Points (2), Ley-Line Observation Sphere, Rapid Recharge, Rich, Strong Will, Wizard
Skills: Drive d4, Fighting d6, Intimidate d8, Investigation d8, Knowledge (Arcana) d10, Notice d8, Shooting d6, Spellcasting d12
Trait: Elf (Agility d6, Low-Light Vision, Distinctive D-Bee, Pace), Expanded Awareness (can cast Detect/Conceal Arcana, at will and at no cost in PPE), Ley Line Magic Mastery (draw extra PPE from Ley-Lines and farther away), Ley-Line Rejuvenation, Ley-Line Sense (10 miles), Ley-Line Transmission, Ley-Line Walking, Master of Magic (mega-spells and Rapid Recharge)
Powers (PPE 25; up to 75 on Ley-Line Point): Armor (Greater Armor), Banish (Banish the Hoard), Barrier (Stalwart Wall), Blast (Greater Blast), Dispel (Exalted Dispel), Drain Power Points (PPE Thief), Fly (Shift Flight), Invisibility (True Invisibility), Teleport (Great Teleport), Zombies (Zombie Hoard)
Gear: Combat Mage Armor (TW; AP+7, +1 Str die, Full Environmental, access darksight and farsight; 1 PP an hour), Light Blade (TW; Damage Str+d6+2 Mega-Damage, AP-3, Wt. 1lbs, creates sunlight in Small Burst Template; looks like a silver and plastic tube until activated, 1PP; free action to activate), TK Revolver (Range 12/24/48, Damage 2d6+2, ROF 1, AP-4, Shots 6, Wt. 4lbs. can “fan the hammer; 2PP to reload; free action to reload), Eyepatch of Gorth (Magic; cancel One-Eye Hindrance; for 1PP per round, access speak language and +1 to Persuasion and Streetwise; 0lb), Psionic Mind Shield (TW; +4 to resist Psionic Powers and +4 AP vs damaging psionic powers; 3PP an hour to activate; 1lb), Shadow Cloak (TW; when active +2 to Stealth, access to fear and invisibility; 1PP per hour to active; 1lb)


Human Crazy (Wild Card, 1 Benny)
Abilities: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirits d8, Strength d10, Vigor d12
Charisma -4 (-6 with D-Bees), Pace 12 (d12), Parry 8, Toughness 13 (5)
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty (Major), Delusion (this world is not real, its’ only a dream. Therefore I can’t really die here), Overconfident (Major), Manic (Major)
Edges: Ambidexterity, Berserker (free action), Combat Reflexes, Dodge (ranged attacks suffer total of -3), Off-The Handle, Quick, Quick Draw, Split the Seconds, Two-Weapon Fighting
Skills: Climb d4, Drive d4, Fighting d12, Intimidate d10, Notice d4+2, Psionics d8, Shooting d8, Throwing d6, Tracking d4
Trait: Bio-Regeneration, Enhanced Attributes, Enhanced Speed, Heightened Senses (ignores 2 points of Range penalties, only when not bersker), Losing It, Minor Psionics, Quick, Super-Endurance (+4 vs. Fatigue), Super-Reflexes (all attacks he is aware of are at -2 to hit him), Distinctive Appearance, Anti-Magic, Demands Action, Unstable Psyche
Psionic Powers (10 ISP): Boost/Lower Trait, Deflection, Speed
Gear: SFD Huntsman Lightweight Personal Armor (AP+5), Wilk’s 237 Laser Pistol (Range 15/30/60, Damage 2d6+1, AP-4, ROF1, Shots 16, Semi-Auto), twin Vibro-swords (Damage Str+d10 Mega-Damage, AP-4), 2 Frag Grenades (Range 5/10/20, Damage 3d6, Mega-Damage, LBT)
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(Minion, but Brutes with Two Wounds)
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d12+2, Vigor d10
Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidation d6, Notice d8, Psionics d6, Shooting d6, Stealth d6, Survival d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 21 (9 M.D.S.)
Special Abilities:
*Armored Hide
: Gargoyles have +9 M.D.S. Armor and +2 Toughness.
*Claws: Str+2d6, AP-6 Mega-Damage.
*Fear: Even lesser, relatively common demons cause Fear checks when first encountered.
*Fearless: Gargoyles are extremely arrogant (at least those with wings) and supremely confident in their own powers. They rarely back down or so fear to any enemy.
*Flight: The gargoyle’s wings give him flight at Pace 12 with a d8 run die and Climb 0.
*Minor Psionics: ISP 10, Powers: Farsight, Smite, Speed
*Size +3: Tall and powerfully built, gargoyles weigh around 1,500 pounds.
*Slow Regeneration: An injured gargoyle heals on his own, gaining a natural healing roll once per day.
*Superior Vision: Gargoyles enjoy +2 to all vision-based Notice checks and have low light vision (ignoring penalties for Dim and Dark conditions).
*Tail: The gargoyle’s tail, while not fully prehensile, can still pack a solid wallop of Str+d4 (not mega), and the attack doesn’t inflict a multi-action penalty.
Gear: normal none but one is carrying a Mini-Railgun (Range 75/150/300, Damage 2d8+4, FOR 4, AP-6, Shots 32 bursts, No Snapfire Penalty).

Gargoyle Mage (Wild Cards, 2 Benny)
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d12+2, Vigor d10
Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidation d6, Notice d8, Psionics d6, Shooting d6, Spellcasting d8, Stealth d6, Survival d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 21 (9 M.D.S.)
Special Abilities:
*Armored Hide
: Gargoyles have +9 M.D.S. Armor and +2 Toughness.
*Claws: Str+2d6, AP-6 Mega-Damage.
*Fear: Even lesser, relatively common demons cause Fear checks when first encountered.
*Fearless: Gargoyles are extremely arrogant (at least those with wings) and supremely confident in their own powers. They rarely back down or so fear to any enemy.
*Flight: The gargoyle’s wings give him flight at Pace 12 with a d8 run die and Climb 0.
*Master Magic: PPE 20, Powers (Mega Version): Burst (Greater Burst), Drain Power Points (PPE Thief), Slumber (Greater Slumber)
*Minor Psionics: ISP 10, Powers: Farsight, Smite, Speed
*Size +3: Tall and powerfully built, gargoyles weigh around 1,500 pounds.
*Slow Regeneration: An injured gargoyle heals on his own, gaining a natural healing roll once per day.
*Superior Vision: Gargoyles enjoy +2 to all vision-based Notice checks and have low light vision (ignoring penalties for Dim and Dark conditions).
*Tail: The gargoyle’s tail, while not fully prehensile, can still pack a solid wallop of Str+d4 (not mega), and the attack doesn’t inflict a multi-action penalty.
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Human Male Techno-Wizard
Abilities: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirits d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Charisma +0, Pace 6 (d6), Parry 5, Toughness 12 (7)
Hindrances: Curious (Major), Loyal (Minor), Truthfulness (Minor)
Edges: Ace, Arcane Background (Techno-Wizard), McGyver, Mr. Fix It
Skills: Driving d6, Fighting d6, Investigation d6, Knowledge (arcana) d6, Knowledge (computers) d8, Knowledge (engineering) d6, Knowledge (science) d6, Notice d8, Piloting d6, Repair d10, Shooting d8, Techno-Wizardary d10
Trait: Arcane Machinist, Machine Maestro.
Powers: Barrier, Blast, Bolt, Boost/Lower Trait, Speed. PPE: 20
Gear: Combat Mage Armor (TW, AP+7, Full Environmental), Shard Pistol (TW, Range 15/30/60, Damage 2d8+1, AP-1, Shots 36, ROF3, lower Trait [Vigor] using Shooting, Ice trappings; Requires 3PPE to reload), Diagnosis Glove (TW; Neural Cable Jack: base +2 to Boating, Drive & Piloting, +2 to Healing, +2 to Repair; 20 mile range Radio; can cast darksight and speak languages; has an Internal +10 PPE power reserve that can fuel itself or any other TW gadget that is being held; 2PP per hour to activate), Focus Energy-Filed Generator (TA, much like a Energy Field Generator but only a ‘wall’ up to 5” long (10yds) and 2” high (4yds)), Techno-Wizard toolkit.


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