Vampire ‘Master’

Secondary Vampire (Wild Card) – 2 Bennies
Abilities: Agility d12, Smarts d8, Spirits d10, Strength d12+2, Vigor d12
Charisma +2 (-6), Pace 18 (d12), Parry 8, Toughness 10
Skills: Climbing d10, Fighting d12, Intimidate d10, Notice d8, Psionic d12, Stealth d10, Survival d4, Taunt d10, Tracking d10
Edges: Arcane Background (Psionics), Fast on their Feet, Fleet Footed (2)
Gear: Random melee weapons (Str+d8).
Beat friends (rats and/or vermin swarms and wolves only), Detect/conceal arcana,
mind reading, obscure (fog bank), puppet,
ISP: 25
Special Abilities:
*Bite: Str+d6. Following a successful grapple, a wild vampire can bite a victim. If a target is Shaken or wounded by this attack, they must make a Vigor check to resist suffering Fatigue as well.
Change Form: As an action, a vampire can
shape change into a wolf or bat with a Smarts roll. Changing back into humanoid form requires another action and Smarts roll.
Claws: Str+d4, Mega-Damage.
Fast Regeneration: Vampires make a Vigor roll every round to heal damage— even after being “killed.” A success heals one wound, two with a raise. Certain Weaknesses (below) bypass this ability.
*Fear: When a vampire first reveals itself, its foes need to make a fear check.
*Improved Frenzy: Vampires can make two attacks a round.
*Leaper: Vampires can long jump up to 4” and high jump 2” straight up without having to make a Strength test or any movement. A running jump and/or strength test can increase this by +1d6” to both, for each that is used (i.e. with a running jump and a strength roll add +2d6” to both distances).
Immunities: Vampires are immortal and ignore poison, disease, fire, cold, radiation, and virtually all other sources of mundane damage or negative effects. They need no food or water (only blood, the lack of which drives them insane).
*Improved Frenzy: Vampires can make two attacks a round.
*Improved Level Headed: This vampire draws 3 cards for initiative, and keeps the best.
Invulnerable: Vampires can only be Shaken by most attacks, including those that do Mega Damage.
Mist Form: Wild vampires can turn into mist with an action and a Smarts roll at −2.
Perfect Night Vision: Vampires ignore Illumination penalties up to −6.
Thrall: A target Incapacitated by the bite attack of a vampire is under its control (if she is not outright killed, which is usually the case for wild vampires). This is like being permanently under the
puppet power, and remains in effect until the controlling vampire is destroyed.
Turn: Instead of creating a thrall, the vampire can turn a victim of its bite. When a vampire attempts to create a new vampire, the victim makes a Vigor check after being Incapacitated (either by the damage or Fatigue); the roll is made with all the penalties appropriate to damage done and Fatigue inflicted. On a failure, the victim dies. On a success, the victim makes a Spirit roll at the same penalty. Failure means she is now a secondary (or wild) vampire; success means she somehow resists and is still alive.
Undead: +2 Toughness; +2 to recover from Shaken; called shots do no extra damage (with exceptions noted below). Vampire Wild Cards do not suffer from Wound Penalties.
Weakness (Decapitation and Burning): Once a vampire is Incapacitated (via a wooden stake or silver bullet, for example), it is vulnerable to normal damage and fire. Its head must be removed, and the head and body must be burned in separate pyres, after which the ashes must be scattered.
*Weakness (Garlic and Wolf’s Bane): A vampire must make a Spirit check to cross a threshold protected by these herbs, and the attack roll is made at −2 to bite anyone wearing either.
Weakness (Holy Symbols): Holy symbols of a religion where good is revered over evil) can hold a vampire at bay; the vampire must beat the wielder in an opposed Spirit check. With a successful Touch Attack (Fighting +2), the holy symbol causes 1d10 fire damage to the vampire.
*Weakness (Invitation Only): Vampires cannot enter a private dwelling without being invited. They may enter public domains as they please.
Weakness (Magic and Psionics): Vampires can be affected by magic and psionics, though damaging powers
must do Mega Damage to actually harm a vampire. Vampires
cannot be destroyed by magic or psionics, however (unless the power has a component that otherwise fulfills the requirement, such as water, sunlight, or silver Trappings). Magic weapons can damage a vampire, but have the same restrictions as above.
Weakness (Silver and Wood): Vampires suffer +4 damage from purely wooden or silver weapons, or combinations of the two (including stakes, arrows, spears, bullets, etc.). A called shot to the heart (−4) forces a vampire to make a Vigor check against the damage total. If successful, it suffers damage normally; if it fails, it is Incapacitated and is vulnerable to all normal weapons and sources of damage. It is
not destroyed, however, and requires decapitation and burning to be eliminated permanently.
Weakness (Sunlight): Vampires catch fire if any part of them is exposed to sunlight (clothing and armor do not help; the vampire must be within a solid, enclosed structure). They burn for 2d10 damage every round until they are turned to ash (or somehow manage to get under cover again). None of their powers work while they burn. As well, vampires suffer an automatic level of Fatigue during daylight hours.
Weakness (Vampires): Vampires can be hurt by other vampires’ natural attacks.
Weakness (Water): Water can damage and destroy a vampire. Small sources (a bucket, a squirt gun) do 1d10 damage. Larger sources (a hose, a “super soaker”) do 2d10. Immersing the vampire or using a very large water source (stream, lake, fire hose) causes 3d10 damage.
Vampire Bride

Secondary Vampires (Extra – Henchmen, gain the wild dice only for trait rolls). Note that with Fast Regeneration, they can come-back from being knocked out. They can only be ‘killed’ by the means listed below.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d12+1, Vigor d10
Skills: Climbing d8, Fighting d10, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Psionics d6, Stealth d8, Survival d4, Tracking d8
Charisma: +2 (-6 when true nature revealed),
Pace: 10,
Parry: 7,
Toughness: 9
Edges: Arcane Background (Psionics), Fleet-Footed (2)
Gear: Random melee weapons (Str+d8).
Beat friends (rats and/or vermin swarms and wolves only), Detect/conceal arcana,
mind reading, puppet,
ISP: 15
Special Abilities:
*Bite: Str+d6. Following a successful grapple, a wild vampire can bite a victim. If a target is Shaken or wounded by this attack, they must make a Vigor check to resist suffering Fatigue as well.
Change Form: As an action, a vampire can
shape change into a wolf or bat with a Smarts roll. Changing back into humanoid form requires another action and Smarts roll.
Claws: Str+d4, Mega-Damage.
Fast Regeneration: Vampires make a Vigor roll every round to heal damage— even after being “killed.” A success heals one wound, two with a raise. Certain Weaknesses (below) bypass this ability.
*Fear: When a vampire first reveals itself, its foes need to make a fear check.
*Frenzy: Vampires can make two attacks a round with a -2 penalty to each attack
*Leaper: Vampires can long jump up to 4” and high jump 2” straight up without having to make a Strength test or any movement. A running jump and/or strength test can increase this by +1d6” to both, for each that is used (i.e. with a running jump and a strength roll add +2d6” to both distances).
Immunities: Vampires are immortal and ignore poison, disease, fire, cold, radiation, and virtually all other sources of mundane damage or negative effects. They need no food or water (only blood, the lack of which drives them insane).
Invulnerable: Vampires can only be Shaken by most attacks, including those that do Mega Damage.
Mist Form: Wild vampires can turn into mist with an action and a Smarts roll at −2.
Perfect Night Vision: Vampires ignore Illumination penalties up to −6.
Thrall: A target Incapacitated by the bite attack of a vampire is under its control (if she is not outright killed, which is usually the case for wild vampires). This is like being permanently under the
puppet power, and remains in effect until the controlling vampire is destroyed.
Turn: Instead of creating a thrall, the vampire can turn a victim of its bite. When a vampire attempts to create a new vampire, the victim makes a Vigor check after being Incapacitated (either by the damage or Fatigue); the roll is made with all the penalties appropriate to damage done and Fatigue inflicted. On a failure, the victim dies. On a success, the victim makes a Spirit roll at the same penalty. Failure means she is now a secondary (or wild) vampire; success means she somehow resists and is still alive.
Undead: +2 Toughness; +2 to recover from Shaken; called shots do no extra damage (with exceptions noted below).
Weakness (Decapitation and Burning): Once a vampire is Incapacitated (via a wooden stake or silver bullet, for example), it is vulnerable to normal damage and fire. Its head must be removed, and the head and body must be burned in separate pyres, after which the ashes must be scattered.
*Weakness (Garlic and Wolf’s Bane): A vampire must make a Spirit check to cross a threshold protected by these herbs, and the attack roll is made at −2 to bite anyone wearing either.
Weakness (Holy Symbols): Holy symbols of a religion where good is revered over evil) can hold a vampire at bay; the vampire must beat the wielder in an opposed Spirit check. With a successful Touch Attack (Fighting +2), the holy symbol causes 1d10 fire damage to the vampire.
*Weakness (Invitation Only): Vampires cannot enter a private dwelling without being invited. They may enter public domains as they please.
Weakness (Magic and Psionics): Vampires can be affected by magic and psionics, though damaging powers
must do Mega Damage to actually harm a vampire. Vampires
cannot be destroyed by magic or psionics, however (unless the power has a component that otherwise fulfills the requirement, such as water, sunlight, or silver Trappings). Magic weapons can damage a vampire, but have the same restrictions as above.
Weakness (Silver and Wood): Vampires suffer +4 damage from purely wooden or silver weapons, or combinations of the two (including stakes, arrows, spears, bullets, etc.). A called shot to the heart (−4) forces a vampire to make a Vigor check against the damage total. If successful, it suffers damage normally; if it fails, it is Incapacitated and is vulnerable to all normal weapons and sources of damage. It is
not destroyed, however, and requires decapitation and burning to be eliminated permanently.
Weakness (Sunlight): Vampires catch fire if any part of them is exposed to sunlight (clothing and armor do not help; the vampire must be within a solid, enclosed structure). They burn for 2d10 damage every round until they are turned to ash (or somehow manage to get under cover again). None of their powers work while they burn. As well, vampires suffer an automatic level of Fatigue during daylight hours.
Weakness (Vampires): Vampires can be hurt by other vampires’ natural attacks.
Weakness (Water): Water can damage and destroy a vampire. Small sources (a bucket, a squirt gun) do 1d10 damage. Larger sources (a hose, a “super soaker”) do 2d10. Immersing the vampire or using a very large water source (stream, lake, fire hose) causes 3d10 damage.