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Saying Goodbye to Dungeon/Dragon - Our Thoughts


This thread is specifically dedicated to our thoughts regarding Dungeon and Dragon magazines. Please say Goodbye.

It is not a thread to discuss about future projects of Wizards or Paizo. It is not a thread to say whether it is right or wrong: Print editions of Dragon and Dungeon are coming to a halt for now.

Say your last words in a respectful manner, please (People from Wizards' staff, please don't hesitate to join this thread).

Personally: Thank you Dragon for introducing me to Ravenloft and the many layers the Forgotten Realms universe could hold. Thank you for being the door through which many talented designers came to be known. Thank you Dungeon to provide me insights into all levels of play for the whole DnD experience, for all these years. I will miss you both.

Love you both,
Benoist Poiré.

Your turn.

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Thank you, Dragon magazine.

Thank you for covering the walls of my basement. I was 17. We gamed among the mildew and the spiders, surrounded by posters from Dragon magazine.

Thank you for the articles. Thank you for opening us all up to new gaming experiences.

Thank you for the ads -- especially in the older issues, before the age of the internet. I spent hours making dream lists of miniatures I would never see in person.

Thank you, Dungeon magazine.

Thank you for helping out a struggling Dungeon Master.

Thank you for dozens of PCs killed in amusing ways.

Thank you (and Polyhedron) for great d20 minigames.

Thank you for staying true to your roots.


Farewell, old friends.

I will be returning your pages often for the pleasure it gives me to read you.

It will not be the same without new issues to look forward to.


First Post
Thank you, Dungeon, for providing many hours of fun for my many gaming groups over the years. Thank you Dragon, for letting me look at the rules in new ways. You will be missed.


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Shortly after I started playing D&D in 1981, I discovered Dragon magazine at a local bookstore. I bought all the back issues they had, and then subscribed. I have been a subscriber ever since.

Over the years, the magazine and game have changed. But the magazine arriving every month in the mailbox (other than that one 9-month hiccup) was a constant -- a constant source of entertainment, a constant source of inspiration, a constant reminder that there are good things in life.

I will miss Dragon magazine as much as I would an old friend.


Dragon was the first magazine I ever subscribed to, way back in the 80's. I used to read and reread those issues time and again. The short story about Simon sticks in my mind as well as the article on how to create an air ship using the bones of dragons. Voyage of the Princess Ark, even though I wasn't playing Basic/Expert D&D, was always a great read.

I returned to Dragon a single issue before the relaunch and subscribed ever since. The articles just got better and better. The article of polearms was the springboard for Grgur, my dwarven fighter with a Dwaven Warpike and the many articles on alchemical goodies is certainly driving my current PC, Chortus the gnome Binder.

I will really miss (the) Dragon. Thanks for the memories to all who contributed both past and present.


First Post
It will be with a sad heart that I read the last issue of Dragon magazine. True, I have not been reading it over the last decade but that was more to my time limits and lack of DMing anymore. I started playing in 1978 and Dragon was "the" magazine for our hobby. It formed the basis of many house rules and ideas that we tried out back before TSR and followers started flooding the market with every type of supplement and book you could imagine. I will have fond memories of being a young man reading issues and talking about them with my original gaming group. Thanks for the memories, as Bob Hope use to say. :(

gaming since 1978

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