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Scotley's Carrion Crown IC Part 1 The Haunting of Harrowstone



"Well and well, Besharn. Let's be off to the Unfurling Scroll - ah, yes, that was the name! - to see what we can find in that learned place about the prison and it's occupants." Vadim bids the lady of the house adieu and opens the door for Besharn, gesturing the burly half-orc out ahead of him, closing it gently before setting off with a purposeful stride across the village to the bookstore.

Vadim Nazdravan Character Sheet

"Now that is a reasonable offer, but I set my prices based on my known costs. I tell you what I'll do since you are a fellow scholar. You pay full price today and I'll let you use the library at a discounted rate of 5 on any future visits. I'm confident that you'll be back once you've had a chance to appreciate the value to be found in these books."

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The old wizard shakes Vadim's hand. His hand lacks the grip of an adventurer, but he makes a good effort none the less. "Excellent, if you'll step right this way I'll get you started and then I must really return to my students. They are missing out on valuable instruction while we complete our transaction." He gives Vadim a thankfully brief explanation of the simple filling system and leaves him to his researches. Vadim can just hear him from beyond the stout library door extolling his students to order. "Confound it lads, can it really be that hard to focus without the ever present threat of my wand upon your knuckles." He stumps to the front of the class and continues. "Liam, Gods in Heaven boy, get Caroline's hair out of your ink pot!" ;)


Besharrn Blacktusk, Half-Orc Ranger 3

"Since when it ag'in' the law to slice a zombie? Have a closer look at old Emmit. You see him been dead far longer than me been in alley. But if him not attack Besharrn, Besharrn leave in peace, instead of in pieces. Know a Lady Kendra? Me part of the crew that work for her."

OOC: I'm all out of ideas now. Besharrn is down here by his lonesome stuck up an alley where he might as well be on the moon as far as the rest of the party is concerned. Dropping Kendra's name is the best and only hole card that he has. If that doesn't work, I guess Besharrn will have to kill the guard and the old woman, plus any other witnesses, and then go on the lam as best he can. *Sigh* The life of a half-orc!

[sblock=stats - Besharrn Blacktusk]
Besharrn Blacktusk, Half-Orc Ranger 3

AC:21[10+7(+1 breastplate)+3(Dex)+1(Dodge Feat)] [25 w/Shield of Swings]
T:14 [18 w/Shield of Swings]


Skills: (Ranks 7+7+7 = 21) [CS=Class Skill]
Climb 3 ranks +2 str +3 CS = +8
Intimidate 3 ranks +2 rac'l +3 CS +0cha = +8 [Std act'n-if sucsfl give opp the Shaken condition, -2 att]
[DC to demoralize=10+target's HD+target's Wis mod] [lasts 1rnd + 1rnd for every 5 check exceeds DC]
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 3 ranks, +1 Int +2 Favored Terrain +3 CS = +9
Perception 3 ranks +1 wis +3 CS = +7 [+2 underground]
PASSIVE PERCEPTION: 17 [19 underground]
Stealth 3 ranks +3 dex +3 CS = +9 [+2 underground]
Survival 3 ranks +1 wis +3 CS = +7 [+2 underground] [+1 (half Ranger Level) to follow tracks]
Swim 3 ranks +2 str +3 CS = +8 [-3 ACP if wearing +1 Magic Breastplate]

Saves: Fort: +6 Ref: +7 Will: +3

Init +3, BAB +3, CMB +5, CMD 18 [22 w/ Shield of Swings]

Halberd +7, 1d10+3 dam, Short Sword +6, 1d6+2 dam, Heavy Crossbow +7, 1d10 dam

Feat: Shield of Swings - gain +4 AC and CMD but only do half damage. FULL ATTACK ONLY [APG]
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OOC: Doh, wrong thread. Post moved. I was planning to let the others chime in if they wished before moving on.
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First Post
"Thank you very much, the wine is just fine and it compliments the figs nicely. Not sure how long we will be around here. We are actually trying to figure out why that old prison seems haunted. What are your thoughts on it?" Falco is speaking to the lady keeper but says the last part loud enough to entice the older fellows to conversation.

diplomacy: 1D20+10 = [17]+10 = 27

They woman slips the gold coin into her apron pocket with haste and then pats it a couple times to make sure it is still in there. "Right away good sirs." She bustles off to the bar to fetch your wine, bread and figs. The figs are very ripe and almost melt into the warm bread. The wine of decent quality and a semi-dry red. It does complement the sweet figs and yeasty bread reasonably well. The startled old fellows duly raise their glasses in salute and drink deeply. "To your health." They say in unison. Falco hears one say to the other. "Say what ye will bout them halfin's, but they do have manors." Taking another sip of his fresh drink the other responds. "Oh indeed, and you was right we should stay and keep an eye on them. Unless my eye deceives me that lass got a right shiny gold piece. They could be buying more drinks before the day is out." The one called Furd nods, "Yes, such activity bares watching." The serving woman soon returns. "Is it to your liking good sirs? Is there anything else I can bring you? Will you be in town long?"


The mistress of the Inn shakes her head. "Haunted? Well maybe I know there are lot of stories kids tell each other to give them a fright, but sensible people don't go in much for that sort of thing. No offense intended." She reddens realizing her words may have just insulted the best customer she's had in weeks.

One of the old fellows, Furd, frowns and then bangs his cane on the floor for attention. "I always aimed to be 'sensible', but I believe that uncanny things happen up at Harrowstone. My pld granddad's grandsire was a guard back when the prison was still open. He was just a lad, but some stories have come down through the family. At the time Harrowstone burned, five particularly notorious criminals had recently arrived at the prison. While most folks think that the tragic fire began accidentally after the riot began, in fact the prisoners had already seized control of the dungeon and had been in command of the lower level for several hours before the fire. Warden Hawkran triggered a dead fall to seal the rioting prisoners in the lower level, but in so doing trapped himself and nearly two dozen guards. The prisoners were in the process of escaping when the panicked guards accidentally started the fire in a desperate attempt to end the riot. That story doesn't get told much for it ain't a pretty one. Anyway, between the bad en's and the good en's that died that day I'd say a haunting or two might be expected. Such a tragedy don't happen so often that it wouldn't leave a lingering trace I'm thinking." He takes up his beer and raises a glass silently to a long dead ancestor and drinks deeply before turning away.

OOC: Nice Roll!


First Post
Falco laughs when he hears the mistress' comments and again when she realizes her follie. "None taken my lady. You could say just about anything and I wouldn't even notice as you captivate me so with your beauty." After the other man finishes, Falco raises his mug as well and stands to his full height (LOL) "To those that can no longer drink with us!" Falco moves toward the men, "I know not many like us around these parts, but you tell such good stories!" Falco finds a seat at one of the chairs at their table and motions for the lass to bring another round. "My own grandfather was a great story teller as well and I remember as a boy, it was always such a treat to go on an adventure he created. What was your relative's name, the guard? Did he die that day or did he make it out?"

The mistress of the Inn shakes her head. "Haunted? Well maybe I know there are lot of stories kids tell each other to give them a fright, but sensible people don't go in much for that sort of thing. No offense intended." She reddens realizing her words may have just insulted the best customer she's had in weeks.

One of the old fellows, Furd, frowns and then bangs his cane on the floor for attention. "I always aimed to be 'sensible', but I believe that uncanny things happen up at Harrowstone. My pld granddad's grandsire was a guard back when the prison was still open. He was just a lad, but some stories have come down through the family. At the time Harrowstone burned, five particularly notorious criminals had recently arrived at the prison. While most folks think that the tragic fire began accidentally after the riot began, in fact the prisoners had already seized control of the dungeon and had been in command of the lower level for several hours before the fire. Warden Hawkran triggered a dead fall to seal the rioting prisoners in the lower level, but in so doing trapped himself and nearly two dozen guards. The prisoners were in the process of escaping when the panicked guards accidentally started the fire in a desperate attempt to end the riot. That story doesn't get told much for it ain't a pretty one. Anyway, between the bad en's and the good en's that died that day I'd say a haunting or two might be expected. Such a tragedy don't happen so often that it wouldn't leave a lingering trace I'm thinking." He takes up his beer and raises a glass silently to a long dead ancestor and drinks deeply before turning away.

OOC: Nice Roll!


"Ah, his name was Jambro. He was but a new young guard himself and he did survive that day. He was touched by it though. He turned his hand to farming when the prison closed, but twas said he was a man of great sorrow always regretting that he could not do more to help his fellows. He only told the stories of that time when he was full of drink. But tell us a story of your grandfather. He sounds like a man I would have liked to know." The old fellow seems to have been won over. His friend however, sits with his mouth hanging open shocked at the change in Furd. The mistress of the house blushes a bit at the complement and rushes to bring more drinks then busies herself with lunch.

Voidrunner's Codex

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