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Wynter Wolf

First Post
ok i wanted 4-5 i can live with 8

the 7 of you that have replied are in and i have 1 more that will be joining as a wiz/rog so it would seem its a well rounded party.


First Post
Listin Dale Paladin/Monk of Lathander

I have created the character's backstory to bring him to Waterdeep at this point in time. Let me know if this is correct (I assumed you would want us in Waterdeep from the opening post :) )

Listin Dale

Male Human
: Lawful Good

Str: 14 (+2) [6 points]
Dex: 14 (+2) [6 points]
Con: 10 (+0) [2 points]
Int: 10 (+0) [2 points]
Wis: 16 (+3) [10 points]
Cha: 14 (+2) [6 points]

Class Abilties:
Flurry of Blows, Unarmed strike, Aura of good, Detect Evil, Smite Evil 1/day

Hit Dice: 1d10
HP: 10
AC: 19 (+2 Dex, +3 Wis, +4 Vow of poverty), touch 15, flat-footed 17
Init: +2 (+2 Dex)
Speed: 30ft

Fortitude +2 [+2 base]
Reflex +4 [+2 base, +2 Dex]
Will +5 [+2 base, +3 Wis]

BAB/Grapple: +1/+3
Melee Atk: +3 (1d6 +2, unarmed)
Flurry of Blows : +1/+1 (1d6 +2 unarmed)

Move silently 4 = 2 ranks + 2 Dex
Hide 4 = 2 ranks + 2 Dex
Healing 5 = 2 ranks +3 Wis
Diplomacy 6(8 good) = 2 ranks +2 Cha + 2 perfection +2 circumstance (good)
Knowledge (religion) 3 = 3 ranks
Sense Motive 5 (7 good)= 2 ranks +3 wis +2 circumstance (good only)
Ride 9 = 4 ranks +2 Dex +3 (Saddleback)
Balance 3 = 1 ranks +2 Dex
Handle Animal 4 = 2 ranks + 2 Cha

Improved Unarmed Strike (Monk Bonus Feat), Stunning Fist (Monk Bonus Feat), Sacred Vow, Vow of Poverty, Nimbus of Light, Saddleback

Weapon Proficiencies:
Simple Weapons
Martial Weapons
Kama, Nunchaku, Sai, Shuriken, Siangham, Sling

Languages: Common

Monk’s Robes
1 Days iron rations

Money: 0gp, 0sp, 0cp

Listin is average height for a human, at just a touch under 6 foot. He keeps his head and face clean shaven. His clothing is simple but in good repair. He wears simple leather sandals and the dust of the road covers his feet. He carries a staff as a walking stick and generally looks like a traveller on pilgrimage.

Listin grew up in a privileged family in Cormyr. Nothing was lacking yet Listin felt that his life was empty and meaningless. He spent his days riding, roaming the area, while achieving nothing aside from excellent horsemanship. His concerned parents sent him to the Temple of Lathander to study, hoping he would find direction – even the priesthood seemed a good alternative to having a discontented son around the house (particularly a third son who could get ideas!).

He started studying in the temple, quickly finding faith and a path in life as a holy warrior, although still seeking some missing element. He started training, learning the ways of the paladins of Lathander. The future role as a knight, paricularly a cavalry knight appealing to him. Thus he lived and trained until a monk from an affiliated order visited the temple. The Order of the Sun Soul consists of monks viewing themselves as warriors in the battle of good, but not just soldiers, as healers and examples to the masses, doing good works to attract others to the cause.

Listin saw no contradiction in the two Orders of paladinhood and the Order of the Sun Soul, so with the blessing of the church he took oaths to both, swore a vow of poverty, donated all the money from his parents to the Order and joined the monks. He trained with them, finding his knowledge from the path of the paladin an extraordinary complement to the training of the monk. Finishing his training he decided to go into the world, find people to help and be a shining example of what good can do in the world.

He has been travelling for a while, heading north and finds himself entering Waterdeep the great for the first time.
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Murtek Greyspear

Murtek Grayspear
Male Human Fighter/Priest (Red Knight) Lvl 1
Lawful Good
Region: Waterdeep

Str 14 (+2)
Dex 12 (+1)
Con 14 (+2)
Int 12 (+1)
Wis 16 (+3)
Cha 10 (+0)

Hit Points 12
AC 18, Touch 11, Flat 15

Init +3
BAB +1, Grap +3

Speed 30

Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +5

Medium, 6'2" tall, 200 wt, 23 yrs old
Brown hair, Hazel eyes, Tanned skin

Speaks Chondothan, Common, Celestial

+4 Concentration (2)
+3 Ride (2)
+7 Heal (4)
+4 Knowledge (History) (2)
+4 Knowledge (Religion) (2)
+3 Knowledge (Geography) (2)
+3 Spellcraft (2)
+2 Intimidate (0)

-Scribe Scroll (Bonus Human)
-Extend Spell (Planning Domain Bonus)
-Weapon Focus (Fighter Bonus)
-Education (1st lvl feat; +1 to History and Religion)
-Thug (Regional Feat)
MW Longsword +5, 1d8+2, 19-20/x2 (slashing)
Dagger +3, 1d4+2, 19-20/x2 (Piercing or slashing)

Racename Traits
-base speed 30`
-1 extra feat at 1st level
-4 extra skill points at 1st; 1 extra skill point at each additional level

Classname Abilities
-Proficient with all simple weapons, with all types of armor, and with shields.
-Lawful Good aura
-Can cast divine spells
-Can spontaneous cast healing spells from those selected for each day.
-Turn Undead.
-Generate a protective ward as a supernatural ability. Grant someone you touch a resistance bonus equal to your cleric level on his/her next saving throw. Activating this power is a standard action. The protective ward is an abjuration effect with a duration of one hour that is usable once per day.*
-Extend Spell feat (Planning domain ability)

Prepared Spells
0:Light, Detect Poison, Detect Magic
1:Shield of Faith, Bless, Deathwatch*

*=Domain spell

MW Longsword (regional item)
Dagger x 2
Heavy Wooden Shield
Holy symbol
-4 days rations
-3 Sunrods
-Scroll case (empty)

coin 5gp


From the confident way Murtek carries the sword at his side and shield on his arm, it is easy to see that he is no stranger to the life of a soldier. However, the red lanceboard knight figurine secured to his neck with a leather tie marks this soldier as a priest in the Red Knight's clergy, marking him as more than a simple grunt looking for easy coin.


Murtek has lived all his life in the city of Waterdeep and while the Grayspears were not wealthy, they were able to provide a good home and comfortable life to their five children.

Being the youngest, Murtek knew that his fate was destined to be either a merchant like his father, or learn his uncle's trade as a sailor. Knowing that neither was truly the path for him, Murtek hired himself out as a caravan guard, forgetting to ask where they were headed when they left town.

Six years later, Murtek returned to his home, and his family as a changed man. His body was covered with old scars and his voice had become rough and scratchy, but he refused to speak of what had happened save saying he had been captured by orcs, but delivered from them by the Red Knight.

A year has passes since his return, and once more he feels his holy mistress calling him to travel away from the safety of the city and seek out those who are need of his help. He does not know when he will be leaving, but he does feel that it will be soon...
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First Post
Darvin Telhunt

Human Fighter/Rogue

S 14 +2
D 14 +2
C 14 +2
I 14 +2
W 12 +1
Ch 12 +1

F 2+2+1= 5
R 2+2= 4
W 0+1= 1

Init = 2
HP 12
AC 16 Flat 14 Touch 12

BAB +1, Grapple +1
Melee 1+2 = 3
Missile 1+2 = 3

Feats (3)
EWP: Bastard Sword (human bonus feat)
Quickdraw (fighter feat)
Track (1st level feat)
Survivor (Bonus regional Feat)

Skills (8+2+1)*4 = 44 total points
Climb 4 + 2 = 6
Craft (bowmaking) 2 + 2 = 4
Craft (woodworking) 2 + 2 = 4
Hide 4 + 2 = 6
Jump 4 + 2 = 6
Listen 4 + 1 = 5
Move Silent 4 + 2 = 6
Ride 4 + 2 = 5
Spot 4 + 1 = 5
Survival 4 + 1 + 2 = 7
Swim 4 + 2 = 6
Tumble 4 + 2 = 6
(armor check penalties not applied...)

Bastard sword 35
Studded leather 25
Buckler 15
Shortbow (20 arrows) 30
Throwing knives (2)
Thieves tools 30
Artisan’s tools 5
Mess kit 2
Explorers outfit
Spare cloak 2
Tinder kit (flint, steel, sparkable tinder) 1
Bullseye lantern (oil (2), spare parts) 12

Darvin was one of several children of Mardell Telhunt, head huntsman of Bendar Greycastle, a baron of Daggerford. As a child, Darvin was good at everything, but rarely the best at any activity. The boy could not be kept indoors.

Following his father’s trade, Darvin learned to stalk and hunt game, ride with the baron’s hunts, shoot for sport or war, and fight with sword and shield. As a member of the Greycastle household, he took his duty with the militia, but to his sergeant’s chagrin, distained the house armor. But Darvin’s ability to surprise foes during wargames and the occasional orc or lizardman raids proved his point better than any argument the lad could construct.

While a place in the baron’s employ was assured, Darvin needed more. Tales of Waterdeep, told in the taverns of Daggerford or around the baron’s table sparked his interests. So off he went to seek his fortunes in the big city!

Whoa. Waterdeep is huge! And more than a little overwhelming. But Darvin pushed gamely on, trying to hide his rustic origins. But this job sounds right up his alley, and perhaps he’ll have an adventure worthy of telling when he returns to Greycastle manor.
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Storminator said:
Darvin Telhunt..snip

Hate to be a pain, but Storminator, unless you were intentionaly hiding Darvin's stats could you make it some lighter colour, or no colour at all. I use the base colour scheme for viewing the boards and I can't see your character without highlighting him.

PugioilAudacio said:
Too late again! Well, if anyone drops out, put me in line for the slot

PugioilAudacio, I believe that our DM has expanded recruitment to 8 characters, which would put you right into that 8th slot. If I am wrong please go ahead and take my spot, as I said I am in plenty of games and would be okay passing on this one if necessary.


Thurdack Horne

Thurdack Horne, human male barbarian/sorceror1; CR1; HD 1d12+8 (20 hp); Init +2; Speed 40 feet; AC 12 (+2 Dex) touch 12, flatfooted 10, ACP:0; Bab +1, Grapple +4; Atk +5 melee (2d6+3, critical 19-20/x2, greatsword) or +3 ranged (1d8, critical x3, longbow); SQ Fast movement, rage, summon familiar; AL CG; SV Fort +4, Refl +2, Will +3; Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 14.

Skills and Feats: (20sp, 4/2) Concentration +6 (4), Knowledge (arcana) +1 (1), Spellcraft +2 (2), Climb +4 (1), Intimidate +5 (1), Jump +4 (1), Survival +4 (4), Swim +4 (1), Listen +3 (1), Knowledge (local: the North) +2 (2cc); Diehard, Toughness, Bullheaded.

Fast Movement (Ex): +10 feet movement in medium armor or less.
Rage (Ex): 1/day +4 Str, Con, +2 will save, -2 AC, lasts 7 rd, after becomes fatigued for the encounter.
Familiar: Squishy the Toad, +3 hp, Alertness.
Diety: Uthgar.
Region: The Western Heartlands. (masterwork greatsword)

Possessions: masterwork greatsword(region), longbow(75gp, 100' range), 20 arrows(1gp), studded leather(25gp, 15% spell failure), backpack(2gp), bedroll(0.1gp), winter blanket(0.5gp), flint and steel(1gp), hammer(0.5gp), belt pouch(1gp), 4 pitons(0.4gp), 5 trail rations(2.5gp), 5 torches (0.05gp), waterskin(1gp), whetstone(0.02), 50' silk rope(10gp). 39gp 9sp 3cp [72.5lbs (76/153/230)]

Spells: (5/4 per day) base save DC 12+spell level.
0th - Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Mending.
1st - Endure Elements, Shield.

Description: Thurdack is a very large individual, not only in height but in girth as well. His wild long hair and general dishevelled look mark him as one of the northern barbarians. With his broad shoulders and barrel chest many stereotype him as un-cultured and ignorant. They would be suprised by his friendly open nature and definitely by his appreciation of music. While completely inept in that area, he loves to listen to bards sing and musicians play. At 19 he is quite young, yet he has had a knack for spell-casting since he was much younger.

Background: Thurdack was born in the Western Heartlands, having grown up on farm in one of the northern fronteir areas. Following a series of mishaps around the farm, he set out from home leaving his family behind. He fell in with some of the Uthgardt who wandered much further south than they had before. They had been tracking a number of orcs down from the mountains far to the north. They welcomed Thurdack into their tribe after a particularily harrowing encounter. Still they trudged on their quest, one of vengence, had not yet been sated.

...still more background to work on...
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