Seeking help!


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Hey everyone.

I'm looking to bring Apocalist back anew and seeing as he's yet to die the big meanie is instead taking on changes. I was curious if any would be interested in joining up. I could use some help and apoc some allies, though I warn you there is a possible chance your character could die.

Thank you and I hope you contact me. I play Faren Ozimar and will occassionally have Apoc on if you wish to contact me. Or you could leave a reply here!

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First Post
Hey everyone.

I'm looking to bring Apocalist back anew and seeing as he's yet to die the big meanie is instead taking on changes. I was curious if any would be interested in joining up. I could use some help and apoc some allies, though I warn you there is a possible chance your character could die.

Thank you and I hope you contact me. I play Faren Ozimar and will occassionally have Apoc on if you wish to contact me. Or you could leave a reply here!
(add on) Well people I am slowly but surely gaining help, but I need more if you guys want something exciting.


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Hullo Loonstro... I'm not sure that very many people actually use these forums anymore. You might do better approaching people individually, in PMs... although, of course, that may end up irritating people. It's a catch-22, no? Still... it's the best advice I can think of giving. Good luck!


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I wouldn't give up on the boards as a way of communicating with people, even if they're not taking advantage of this particular offer.

87 views for the 4 posts that had been here before mine. Even if the same people are viewing each new post to the thread (and yeah, I'm assuming people don't check the thread if it's not marked as updated), that's 20 people, more than you'd likely grab in ISRP. 'Course, probably a lot aren't playing these days, but you never know what might bring them back in.

For the reverse problem, the people who play but don't check the boards, one way to contact them without aggravation is "Hi, I'm interested in getting a scenario together. The info is on the boards under [name of thread or link]. No pressure, but if you like the idea please contact me."


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Thanks Trelian. Maybe you can join? Lol I don't care who joins I just want to bring back fun! Fun for know?


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Well everyone I have two positions that need filled, so if anyone is interested in playing a demon or
some kind of necromancer or witch please contact me.


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Hello again everyone. I'm sure you've noticed something has been brewing as of late, well I am inviting whatever players wish to join in a side rp that cooperates with the main. Here are the basics; Apoc teleports a group of characters to another world and basicly its all about the skill to survive, becuse there will be various monsters involved ant etc. I have not yet set a date, but if you're interested please contact me.


First Post
...Apoc teleports a group of characters to another world ....

If this is the same storyline as "A site to behold" in the Great Bazaar forum, it's now got a swirling mass of chaos/rain over the Sigil Bazaar. Which is not "another world" but is a needs-to-be-kept-useable-by-everyone chat room setting.

On the other hand, there's been little enough going on in ISRP these days.

So let's see what we can do. Nothing has been done so far but threaten the setting, and other players are still free to ignore what's happening. But if you want to actually mess up Sigil itself, I will declare this storyline is an "alternate history" timeline and not ISRP's Sigil and you can rain doom and destruction down on the place in your forum thread because it's not the "real" place. This would still mean any play affecting Sigil that's inside the chat rooms needs to be done in Carpe DM or Ahoy Adventure as this "alternate" Sigil.

Or if you never intended to go further, then all is good. Carry on. :)

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