Black Flag Sell Me on Tales of the Valiant

Just to be clear, since there seems to be some misinformation here …

The two Core books for Tales of the Valiant are the Player’s Guide (384 pages) and the Monster Vault (380 pages). Everything you need to play ToV is in those two hefty books.

The Game Master’s Guide (304 pages) is kind of a quasi third Core book. It is not required but there is a ton of great info in it to help improve your game in hundreds of ways.

The Game Master’s Guide Is NOT equivalent the D&D DMG. The Player’s Guide and Monster Vault contain what would more or less equate to the D&D Dungeon Master’s Guide, Monster Manual and Player’s Handbook. The ToV Game Master’s Guide Is for GMs that want to enhance, expand, and improve their skills and their game.

Hope that helps!
Castles & Crusades has a similar split (although it puts the magic items in the Monsters & Treasures book) and I liked having to only worry about two books 99% of the time when I ran that system.

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Would you say that you could use the ToV Monster Vault pretty seamlessly with the 2024 PHB and DMG?
Totally. In any game you're playing, if there's a Monster Vault version use that one. If not, see if there's a Tome of Beasts or Creature Codex NPC that will work. The WotC bags of hit points are a last resort.

TALES OF THE VALIANT- I think brings the Fun to Player Creation, especially with your Lineage and Heritage. The Beastkin offers versatility to Characters who wanna play those Antrhoprmorphic Animals. You can be a Bear Beastkin, by taking the Sturdy Adaptation for stronger Strength and AC, Combining that with the Grove Heritage, now allows you to get a climb speed.

Totally. In any game you're playing, if there's a Monster Vault version use that one. If not, see if there's a Tome of Beasts or Creature Codex NPC that will work. The WotC bags of hit points are a last resort.
Yeah, there's probably a 75% or more overlap between Monster Vault 1 and the 2014 Monster Manual, minus clear IP monsters like the beholder (although there are a few cases of clear "just use this one instead" monsters presented).

Only players with the most encyclopedic knowledge of WotC monsters would spot a difference, other than one or two monsters, like the mimic, having cool new attacks.

I intend to use Monster Vault and the 2024 Monster Manual as a big collection of variant monsters in my games.

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