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Sell Me On WoW!


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Arc said:
...despite frequent attacks from Horde PvP gankers...

At first I hated getting mopped by players 10+ levels than me but I have come to accept it as part of the game, and quite honestly it has fuled my need to gank those lower than me! Payback...such a viscious cycle.

One last bit: Casual gamers are actually rewarded by XP bonuses, so they can keep up with the truly hardcore. For every few hours spent in an Inn or major City, whether logged in or not, a certain amount of "Rest XP" is gained. When you log back in, enemies you kill while in the "Rested" state provide double the XP, so that you get something similar to a UO "Power Hour" when you don't play for a bit. It won't make you level faster than someone who plays constantly, but it helps keep you from getting left in the dust.

For me this is one of the biggest draws to the game. Without it I probably would have given up a while ago.

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For the past couple of weeks I've been playing WOW for about 8-14 hours per day. That's a good review for a game I guess, since I am not typically a hardcore gamer. The last game I plauyed was Star Wars: Jedi Acadamy in the beginning of 2004.

I want my life back. :(


Spatula said:
Are you in the ENworld guild on Feathermoon?

Cool, I didn't know there was one. I was in a guild for about a day but they never answered any of my questions, so I quit. What's the name and how do I join?


WayneLigon said:
Cool, I didn't know there was one. I was in a guild for about a day but they never answered any of my questions, so I quit. What's the name and how do I join?

Enduring Nobility is the name and contact Harbromm, Garos, Vaslov, Venatrix, or Eloi for an invite (you guys are getting promoted as soon as this message posts).


First Post
I played in the open beta. One thing that I've noticed (and this holds true for basically all MMOGs) is that you shouldn't bother playing unless you have a group. Get into a guild if you can, and make sure they're all similar levels, and that you have enough time to keep up with at least 3-4 of them. Otherwise, you're in for a world of frustration/boredom. Soloing is basically non-existant past level 7 or so. WoW is slightly better about this, but it's still not good enough. So it basically boils down to: do you have a group/guild? Can you stay at similar levels as most of them? Do you have enough time to play (at least 3-5 hours a day)? If you answered "no" to any of these questions, the game's probably not for you.

This has been my experience with just about every MMOG there is, and I've played most of them. Possible exception includes Planetside, in which levels don't make as much a difference, but the other things hold true.


Raloc said:
I played in the open beta. One thing that I've noticed (and this holds true for basically all MMOGs) is that you shouldn't bother playing unless you have a group.

I've soloed in City of Heroes until lvl 32, when I have started getting missions that require you to group (the various 'disarm three bombs at once' missions, plus a couple others that say 'you need to find some friends'). Even then most of the stuff has been soloable.

So far, I've soloed in WoW to 15th level rogue and warrior, 10th druid and warlock. I have a couple of quests where I've been told 'go get friends', so I'll find a couple people to group with for those. I've grouped more often in WoW; once on the Hogger mission, once on the Landing mission, but those were rare.

Can't yet speak for the higher levels.


First Post
I only played a warrior, but I ended up having to group at around level 10 to gain any real experience (that is, unless I wanted to go grind EQ style for hours on end, which I don't think is fun or fitting with WoW). Without spending insane amounts of time to solo, I don't think it's really a viable option, just as it hasn't been in nearly every other MMOG. Maybe things have changed since the beta, but then it wasn't really feasible for me to solo. I could only play for 3-4 hours a day, so it may just be a matter of not having enough time. I still stand by my assessment though.

Dark Jezter

First Post
Raloc said:
I played in the open beta. One thing that I've noticed (and this holds true for basically all MMOGs) is that you shouldn't bother playing unless you have a group. Get into a guild if you can, and make sure they're all similar levels, and that you have enough time to keep up with at least 3-4 of them. Otherwise, you're in for a world of frustration/boredom. Soloing is basically non-existant past level 7 or so. WoW is slightly better about this, but it's still not good enough. So it basically boils down to: do you have a group/guild? Can you stay at similar levels as most of them? Do you have enough time to play (at least 3-5 hours a day)? If you answered "no" to any of these questions, the game's probably not for you.

This has been my experience with just about every MMOG there is, and I've played most of them. Possible exception includes Planetside, in which levels don't make as much a difference, but the other things hold true.
I've got an orc shaman to level 55, and he only occasionally groups with other players (usually for elite quests). I don't grind, either: I got nearly all of my expirience through questing. World of Warcraft is easily the most solo-friendly MMORPG I've ever played. In fact, I think it's the only MMORPG I've played where grouping is 100% optional (in the sense that it's completely possible to reach max level without ever grouping with other players).


Sniper o' the Shrouds
Raloc, that's not been my experience. With the exception of Night Elves, I've done the beginning quests for humans, dwarves, taurens and undead without needing to group. The Night Elf barrow downs was the only area that I needed to group in to survive and succeed in the quests. I haven't played a warrior, yet, however, so maybe it's different for them than druids, paladins, warlocks, priests, mages and rogues. I also primarily do quest objectives rather than grinding (which I find boring).

Finding a good guild does make things a lot easier, however. Enduring Nobility, for example, has a mage tailor that loves nothing more than to provide full sets of silk bags (or better if he's got better on hand) to sub-level 5 guildies. The guild chat channel is also a nice information source. Just don't pull stunts like asking questions on the guild channel and then ask again on the general channel hoping for a different answer. We're really not lying to you.

As for keeping at the same level as other people in the guild, I guess it helps if you can maintain pace with a group that you get together with to do more difficult elite quests and instances. If other guilds are like EN, though, then a number of people will have multiple characters at different levels. In my case, Garos (druid) is lvl 52, Errand (paladin) is lvl 33, Takkor (warlock) is 16, Tipher (rogue) is 13, and Sundiver (shaman--hopefully going into the shadow guild once that's off the ground) is 16. Depending on what's going on, Garos may go with Venatrix (48 hunter) or Errand may accompany Etayn (18 druid alt for Venatrix/Kotik2) to the Deadmines. Etayn is also planning on accompanying Tipher and Takkor a couple different times through the Deadmines.

The trick for us is that we're mostly a low player count guild (as EN World members are scattered across servers and some are playing their horde characters exclusively or primarily) that has a larger number of characters. So whatever works best for our own enjoyment and/or ours and other guildmates' needs is what we do at any given time.

I guess it comes down to most of the game being soloable, but I enjoy the instances that require grouping; and with the guild set up and a few friends on the side, I can usually find appropriate groups for the instances. But a lot of my recent time has been at most duoing in Un'goro and the Burning Steppes. Still, I need to get a good run through Maraudon and the Sunken Temple. Those'll require groups.


First Post
Well, that's not my experience. At around level 10 I was needing to group to finish the low level human quests, since they were in areas with many enemies, or camps with enemies that would require you to be 4-5 levels higher than they to take them alone.

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