Set Rises From the Sands in Mythos: God of Sand and Storms


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Has any real world mythological god appeared in more roleplaying game settings than Set? He’s stalked Africa in the RIFTS ™ universe, caused chaos among the clans of Vampire: The Masquerade™, and even found his way into Faerun™ and Ravenloft™ at various times. With the exception of the Devil himself, few mythical figures scream “evil” like Set.

But evil is such a...relative term.

Mythos: The God of Sands and Storms explores the Set mystique and presents an alternative history for storytellers and game masters looking to shake up their setting pantheons. As an entity that is the embodiment of necessary chaos, Set’s followers are less concerned with the abstract moral confines of good versus evil and instead focus their efforts on breaking down those institutions and powers that refuse to evolve. Dig deep into the root cause of the war between Horus and Set, and unlock the true mysteries of the Cult.

Designed for use with 3.5/OGL fantasy games, this Product Includes:

The Set Myth: a brief overview of the historical myth, and a reinterpretation through the eyes of Setians themselves.

Playing a Setian: Setian specific feats and spells, as well as new class-specific Paths that grant unique abilities to the devoted. These are not prestige classes, but rather templates that stack over the player's existing class.

Allies and Adversaries: Typhon Beast template for animals and vermin, Champion of Horus prestige class, the Horus Bird, and the Mummies of Osiris

Was Scepter: The legendary staff of the pharoahs that holds god-given powers for the faithful.

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