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Shackled City: A Gestalt Campaign (PG-13/R)


Quantum Chronomancer
Welcome, everyone, to another iteration of Dungeon's excellent Adventure Path series. It has been done before, and quite well, by many other esteemed DMs. I have been meaning to start a campaign with this series of modules, and with the recent release of Unearthed Arcana, I could not miss my chance to try out the Gestalt variant at the same time.

This is my first time DMing on the EN World messageboards, however I have been playing online and running campaigns over at RolePlayingGames.net for quite some time, as well as over the table. I am really excited about conducting a campaign amongst such well-respected company.

And so we begin, in the isolated yet prosperous community of Cauldron.

Hershan Gollo, a monk seeking to escape his family's expectations while seeking his own.

Telenor Viendos, an orphan rogue in search for his own meaning.

Polaris Nemarin, an elf paladin of Pelor as stongly attached to his urban community as other elves are to their forests.

James Whitewolf, an arctic druid seeking to heal a wound that is not his own.

And unsure as to why, each shares the gift of magic, independent of gods or books, of nature or music.

These are the Gestalts of the Shackled City; their adventures will be rememebered for generations, they themselves will become legends.
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Quantum Chronomancer
Life's Bazaar

Hershan crested the ridge, thankful to see the city wall of Cauldron come into view. The previous two days had been difficult, hiking the dormant volcano that supposedly housed a thriving city. Obviously, something had been carved into the mouth of the volcano, for the road he traveled was well-used, and wagons laden with goods often passed, both to and from the mountain peak. Some even offered a rides to the city, but Hershan refused; his journey was his own to make.

Still, he was relieved. His feet were sore and his staff now supported far more weight now than when he had begun his trek. But as he drew nearer to the fortified wall, he began to forget his aches.

50 feet of black malachite soared into the air, as if the wall had sprouted out of the volcanic rock itself. An immense gate lay open where the road entered the city with a small number of town guards passing the time with dice, scrolls, and sleep.

He had reached Cauldron, the fabled City of Fools, the city built inside a volcano, the city that was little more than a rumor beyond the valley below. He breathed deeply, inhaling the high-altitude mountain air, mixed with the all-too-recognizable smell of city sewage and unwashed masses. Grasping his staff, Hershan stepped into Cauldron.

* * *​

His face had been pinched in an expression of perpetual distaste ever since arriving in Cauldron three days ago. The stench of civilization reeked and James would far prefer to escape the high walls of the city and live among those with a stronger bond with nature on the slopes of the volcano. But he could not. He senses had brought him to Cauldron, and here he would stay until he discovered the source.

James tried to focus on the architecture instead of the self-absorbed humans, elves, dwarves and occasional halfling or gnome wandering the streets. He had a modicum of respect, at least, for the builders of Cauldron. They had not defaced or restructured that which nature wished to be, but built and designed along Her contours. The outer wall was simply an extension of the large deposit of malachite just below the surface. The roads spiraled down the inner bowl of the volcano to empty into numerous docks extending into the lake at the city's center. The buildings themselves were more often than not formed from the volcanic rock and the trees and scrub had not been eliminated but encouraged to thrive in the mouth of the volcano. He could have done without the city itself, but James was moderately impressed with the efforts of the citizens to work with the volcano, instead of against it.

He wandered the streets, this day making his way to the city's center on the lakeshore.

* * *​

The sun rose above the lip of Cauldron's malachite wall, shedding its radiance down upon Polaris, the elf practicing with single-minded focus in the small courtyard of the church, alone. He practiced alone because, as of late, the ranks of Pelor in Cauldron had thinned. Some had been called away to establish churches along the frontier lands, and others had been requested for their aid and expertise in orc uprisings and goblin invasions. One by one, they had been called. Even Carnas, a father to him during his time in the Order of Radiance, had been forced to leave.

Only he, a recent inductee into the ranks of Pelor's knighthood, and Kristof Jurgensen, the resident high cleric of the temple, and a handful of acolytes, were all that remained of Pelor's ardent followers in Cauldron.

And so Polaris practiced alone, and did not hear the figure approach.

Despite the brilliance of the morning light, shadows still clung to the stooped figure, as if he carried the whoel mountain on his back to shield him from the light. He might have been a dwarf, or a tall halfling, or a thickly bundled elf, or "he" may have even been a she. Polaris paused in his swings, small beads of sweat glistening on his porcelein face, and waited for the stranger to approach.

The thick, gravelly voice that emerged from within the lowered, dark cowl did nothing to help identify the stranger.

"In your future, great deeds await," it whispered, "You possess that which few comprehend, and the strength to harness it. Dangers lurk beneath our feet, and the people of Cauldron will need you, though may try to deny your aid. Meet me tonight, at the Gurnezarn smithy."

The dark figure lifted one gloved hand in farewell. Without a whispered word or arcane gesture, it blurred and faded from sight.

* * *​

Telenor knocked hesitantly upon the door of the Lantern Street Orphanage. He had spent many years of his childhood trying to escape the orphanage, yet today he was returning. He had heard the rumors of disappearances around town, of course, but when he heard that children had been kidnapped, taken from the beds in the dead of the night, he had to see for himself. Although Telenor knew none of the children now within, he felt as if he did. Any who bared the brunt of Miss Gretchyn's eye undoubtedly shared a common bond.

He swallowed forcefully as the oaken front door slowly opened. An old elven woman with scraggly gray hair and gnarled, twisted hands glared suspiciously from within the crack of the door.

"Who sent you?" she demanded.

* * *​

OOC: Ah! The prodigal post! Feel free to introduce your characters into the story as you see fit, and feel free to expand on anything that you would like, either in the events above, or any history you might like. Welcome to the Adventure Path!
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"Come Snow, let us embark on this journey so we may see its end." Having nowhere else that is drawing him at this time, he follows his natraul inclinations and goes to the brightest source of nature, he makes his way to the lake, lost in wonder at the dead looks of the citizens of this 'town.'"
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First Post
Hershan stepped into the city. Around him were the walls and buildings of a thriving city.

Hmm. wonder how they a city this size relatively unknown? It isn't that hard to get to.

Wandering through the city he looked around for a place to stay or at least to get some food.


First Post
Telenor looked around, slightly nervous at the sight of the old elf. The feelings that had been lost in the mists of time came rushing back to him, the older elvish woman keeping a (at the time, unwanted) eye open for every transgression, and meting out (in his young eyes) harsh punishment for those mistakes. I hope she doesn't remember the incident with the chicken...

He cleared his throat, and said, "Miss Gretchyn, don't you remember me? I'm Telenor, I was one of your orphans. I heard you're having some troubles around the orphanage with missing children, and I thought I'd come back and offer to help."


Polaris Nemarin, elven paladin

As the sun shone over the lip of the city walls its brilliance falling on the elven warrior, Polaris straightened in his stance looking up at the glory of the sun. This was his favorite time of the day, the new sun shining bright in the morning brought with it hope and warmth. He continued through his practice routine concentrating on the motions that drew him in, the well ordered steps that dictated the movements of his body. The movements helped him forget about the opportunities that seemed to be passing him by.

All the others had left, even Carnas his mentor. All summoned on quests that would bring help those in need as well as personal glory. And yet he remained here. He knew why too, all to often when there was something really important it would seem to escape from his memory fading out as if it had never existed. Course it could be what Brother Kristof had said the other day, You lack common sense boy, please next time remember not to wander in through the back during service. He might've bristled at that he couldnt remember, 'boy' how could the brother have called him 'boy' he was much older than any of the clergy at the church.

When the figure appeared in the courtyard all thoughts of yesterday's talk with the brother faded too. What a strange looking individual, thought Polaris, shorter than even he which was unusual in Cauldron. Sure there were a few halflings, gnomes and dwarves but rarely did they come into the Church of Pelor, that sometimes Polaris forgot there were people shorter than him.

jeremy_dnd said:
"In your future, great deeds await," it whispered, "You possess that which few comprehend, and the strength to harness it. Dangers lurk beneath our feet, and the people Cauldron will need you, though may try to deny your aid. Meet me tonight, at the Gurnezarn smithy."

Now that was what he was waiting for - 'great deeds', 'strength', 'danger', to be needed by the city! Gurnezan smithy, must remember Gurnezan smithy. Shouldn't be too hard it there he took his sword to get sharpened every week. Course the smith had to remind him every time that it was he who had forged the sword in the first place and that Polaris should take better care of it.

"Gurnezan smithy! I'll be there!" he said out loud, only noticing then that the short man had disappeared already. That day he kept repeating the name of the smithy over and over in his head as he went through his daily chores. Sometimes his mind wandered to great deeds that he would accomplish in the service of the citizens, but somehow he managed to keep the name and time of the meeting firmly in mind. He even managed to show up early, well quite early really as the sun was still sitting atop the opposite wall of the city.


Quantum Chronomancer
James made his way to one of the empty docks at the lake shore, and sat staring over the water's surface. Snow laid down at his side, tongue lolling. It was a beautiful late autumn afternoon, and a slight breeze would pick up waves as the lapped against the wooden posts of the dock. He did not hear the figure approach from behind him.

"Great power lies within you, stranger to Cauldron," came the thick, gravelly voice from behind James. He whirled around, to see a stooped, dark figure. Strangely, shadows clung to the person's form, despite the afternoon sun.

"In your future, great deeds await," the figure whispered, "You possess that which few comprehend, and the strength to harness it. Dangers lurk beneath our feet, and the people of Cauldron will need you, though you may not wish to help those whom you despise. Meet me tonight, at the Gurnezarn smithy."

The dark figure lifted one gloved hand in farewell. Without a whispered word or arcane gesture, it blurred and faded from sight.

OOC: Feel free to interject anything you would like into the conversation, any responses James would like to give or anything he would like to do afterward. Also, a quick reminder to write posts in past tense. Thanks!

* * *​

The crowds did not surprise him, but Hershan felt jostled and almost claustrophobic as untold numbers of people passed him in the streets. He made his way down the inner bowl of the city, passing shops, homes, and temples. Eventually he found his way to the Tipped Tankard Tavern, which sounded more promising than th Drunken Morkoth which he had passed earlier in the day. He entered the building, large windows filtering in hazy light.

A large half-orc with a dirty apron and wet rag stood behind the bar, keeping a lazy eye on the occupants of the tavern. The barkeep caught Hershan's eye and with a slight smile gave him a small nod.

* * *​

Vargo said:
"Miss Gretchyn, don't you remember me? I'm Telenor, I was one of your orphans."

The wrinkled face wrinkled further. "Telenor? Why it is you. You're the rascal that could not stay in his bed for more than two nights straight." Her eyes narrowed. "You were far more trouble than you were worth, my boy."

Vargo said:
"I heard you're having some troubles around the orphanage with missing children, and I thought I'd come back and offer to help."

"What concern is that of yours?" she spat. "We do not need your help. The town guard and the Lord Mayor's investigators have already been by. We don't need you screwing things up!" With that, she slammed the door in his face, and Telenor heard the sound of a lock clicking into place.

"She does not understand your concern," came a rough, gravelly voice from behind him. "Nor your power."

A moment ago, Telenor had been alone on the porch. Now there stood a dark, shadowy figure, hunched over not five feet from the elf.

"You can help them, if you wish," continued the cloaked figure. "You possess that which few comprehend, and the strength to harness it. Dangers lurk beneath our feet, and the people of Cauldron will cry out for you, before the end. Meet me tonight, at the Gurnezarn smithy."

The dark figure lifted one gloved hand in farewell. Without a whispered word or arcane gesture, it blurred and faded from sight.

* * *​

The sun hovered just above the city wall as Polaris made his way to the smithy, regaled in his vestments and his sheathed weapon at his side. He had an impression to make, after all, considering the dangers he might face on this epic quest. He strode the cobblestoned street with confidence.

There was one area that he passed in which the light of the fading sun did not touch. From somewhere behind him, a sudden, plaintive cry for help pierced the evening air.

* * *​
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First Post
"What concern is that of yours?" she spat. "We do not need your help. The town guard and the Lord Mayor's investigators have already been by. We don't need you screwing things up!" With that, she slammed the door in his face, and Telenor heard the sound of a lock clicking into place.

Telenor scrunched his mouth up, then whistled. At least she didn't grab my ears like she always did. he thought, and absentmindedly rubbed one of them, a phantom pain manifesting as an itch.

"She does not understand your concern," came a rough, gravelly voice from behind him. "Nor your power."

A moment ago, Telenor had been alone on the porch. Now there stood a dark, shadowy figure, hunched over not five feet from the elf.

"And what do you know of me, sirrah? You seem to have the advantage of me..." Telenor said uncertainly to the mysterious figure.

"You can help them, if you wish," continued the cloaked figure. "You possess that which few comprehend, and the strength to harness it. Dangers lurk beneath our feet, and the people of Cauldron will cry out for you, before the end. Meet me tonight, at the Gurnezarn smithy."

The dark figure lifted one gloved hand in farewell. Without a whispered word or arcane gesture, it blurred and faded from sight.

All riddles, and no answers. Sounds like trouble, but it could lead to the orphans, and it's the only lead I've got. I don't give a damn what Miss Gretchyn thinks about what I've become, but I'm not going to let another one of those children dissapear.

Telenor turned away from the porch, and walked off towards the smithy.


Polaris Nemarin, elven paladin

jeremy_dnd said:
There was one area that he passed in which the light of the fading sun did not touch. From somewhere behind him, a sudden, plaintive cry for help pierced the evening air.

All thoughts of the smithy fled Polaris' mind at the sound of the cry. With his hand on his sword, the elven paladin turned around and tried to determine the source of the call for help. He set off immediately towards whatever direction sounded most likely.

This is my call to duty, my chance to show what I am worth. To be the hero that I know is my destiny and to save the lives of people in need. Polaris thought to himself as offered a prayer to Pelor drawing upon his divine protection. The arcane movements involved in the casting flowed like a dance as he moved towards the sound, his lips calling forth the needed words of the prayer. A brief nimbus of bright yellow runes danced around him as they settled onto his skin.

OOC: cast mage armor and move towards the cry.
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Strange indeed was this stranger, but perhaps he knew of what was calling him south. "What know you of me and what draws me wraith?" But it was gone, nothing left to do, but learn of this smithy and make his way there at the appointed time. With that he had called his campanion and was on his way, the lake no longe as serene.

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