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Shackled City Adventure Path (Chars Selected)


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Your position is secure and if you want to rework anything, now is the best time to do so. I know he already is going to have Hide and Move Silently checks out of this world, but if there was anything you wanted to shift or shuffle go ahead and once you are ready I will make the Rogue's Gallery for your's and Malvoisin's characters.

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Land Outcast

We would have to discuss how much knowledge he could recall of his time in the darkness, but I do like the char, especially if those silver eyes belonged to a woman no taller than a child with skin the color freshly fallen snow.

Consider it a fact; I hadn't thaught about her height, but yes, that's the color of her skin. :cool:

About discussing his memory, I'm open to your propositions.

I've been pondering about Mark of the Beast and Scarred Soul... maybe come more info?
Last edited:


First Post
Land Outcast said:
Consider it a fact; I hadn't thaught about her height, but yes, that's the color of her skin. :cool:

About discussing his memory, I'm open to your propositions.

I just want to make sure you still want to try this char at the intro level instead of the advanced position and after the selection process if you are one of the ones picked we can discuss what he does and doesn't know.

You may also want to work with JDVN1 on the possibility of a joint venture between your two chars to see if it is even something he would like to do.

Land Outcast

oh, got it. Sure, no problem from me

I've been pondering about Mark of the Beast and Scarred Soul... maybe come some more info?

@ JDVN1: what do you say about it?


First Post
Land Outcast:

Based on the snippet of your backstory, I think either one could fit you fine.

Mark of the Beast: [sblock]One of your ancestors was a lycanthrope. Select a predatory animal of your choice; that animal feels a mystic bond with you.

Benefits: Animals have a strange reluctance when they attack you, and suffer a -2 penalty on all attack rolls against you. If you have the wild empathy ability, you gain a +1 bonuson wild empathy checks.

Drawbacks: You suffer a -4 penalty to saving throws made to resist lycanthropy and take a +1 point of damage from attacks made with silver weapons.

Roleplaying Ideas: You have a curious animal magnitism that is at once intriguing and disturbing. You manners may be a bit crude, but you are loyal to your friends.[/sblock]

Scarred Soul:[sblock]You've led a particularly tough life. Perhaps you're an orphan, or maybe you suffered some sort of traumatic experience as a child. Whatever the cause, your childhood experiences have left you jumpy and haunted.

Benefits: You gain a +2 bonus on initiative checks.

Drawbacks: Your experiences have left your mind less able to deal with trauma, and as a result you suffer a -1 penalty on all Will saves.

Roleplaying Ideas: You are quick to anger, jumpy, and possibly even a bit hyperactive. You're prone to feelings of paranoia and unfounded fear.[/sblock]

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Phyrrus said:
Just a fyi that Cauldron doesn't have a standing temple to Heironeous, but if the family was willing to hire a priest/knight to come in and personally tutor the youth that is fine. If you want to keep it totally local the choices are Kord, Pelor (although the church is in shambles at the moment), St. Cuthbert, and Wee Jas.
St. Cuthbert is even better.


Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.


Y'know, when I made Dowlee, I put down her skin as 'white' but I meant 'caucasian' but a pale caucasian. Wow. Now, I kind of like the idea of having white skin, though. That's why Phyrrus said 'partial albino'... Hm. So, Land Outcast, what would have happened between our characters?

Regarding Dowlee's relationship to clergy of Ehlonna... none to speak much of. She respects them more than clergy of other deities, but she's her own person. She follows Ehlonna, but since she doesn't spend time reading any religious texts, her knowledge of Ehlonna isn't much better than the average person's.

She's not a Cleric by any means. She is, however, devoted to Ehlonna. She tries her best to be a good person, and Ehlonna has blessed her with some divine gifts.

I see a Favored Soul's relationship to a deity similar to a Sorcerer's relationship to his dragon (for the sor's that have their arcane skills from a dragon) (though, of course, a deity is nothing like a dragon, so maybe it's not that similar).


First Post

I nearly missed the 32 point buy revision!! None of the traits appeal to me, so I'll not take one if that is okay. Also, your layout and information in the lead post are a fantastic resource!

Anyway, Flannad is rechecked and ready for posting to the RG when it is up.


Flannad of clan Flanath
[b]Name:[/b] Flannad of clan Flanath
[b]Class:[/b] Rogue 1
[b]Race:[/b] Whisper Gnome
[b]Size:[/b] Small
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Alignment:[/b] Chaotic Good
[b]Deity:[/b] Olidamarra

[b]Str:[/b] 10 +0 	 [b]Level:[/b] 1[b]		  XP:[/b] nil
[b]Dex:[/b] 18 +4 [b]	 BAB:[/b] +0		  [b]HP:[/b] 8 (1d6+2)
[b]Con:[/b] 14 +2 	 [b]Grapple:[/b] -4[b]		  Dmg Red:[/b] nil
[b]Int:[/b] 14 +2 [b]	 Speed:[/b] 30ft.		  [b]Spell Res:[/b] nil
[b]Wis:[/b] 12 +1 [b]	 Init:[/b] +4[b]		  Spell Save:[/b] n/a
[b]Cha:[/b] 10 +0 	 [b]ACP:[/b] -0[b]		  Spell Fail:[/b] 10%
[b]          Base   Armor   Shld   Dex   Size   Nat   Misc   Total[/b]
[b]Armor:[/b]	  10	 +0	 +0     +4    +1     +0	   +0	  15
[b]Touch:[/b] 15[b]	 Flatfooted:[/b] 11
		[b]Base   Mod  Misc  Total[/b]
[b]Fort:[/b]		0      +2	  +2
[b]Ref:[/b]		2      +4	  +6
[b]Will:[/b]		0      +1         +1
[b]Weapon          Attack Damage      Critical[/b]

Dagger (melee)    +1     1d3       19-20/x2
Shortsword        +1     1d4       19-20/x2

Shortbow          +4     1d4          20/x2
Dagger (thrown)   +4     1d3       19-20/x2
[b]Languages:[/b] Common, Gnome, Halfling, Terran.
[b]Abilities:[/b] Low-Light Vision, Darkvision 60ft., Favored class: Rogue;
Weapon Familiarity (gnome hooked hammer), +1 racial bonus on attack rolls
against kobolds and goblinoids, +4 dodge bonus to Armor Class against
monsters of the giant type, +4 racial bonus on Hide and Move Silently checks,
+2 racial bonus on Listen and Spot checks; Rogue weapon & armour
proficiencies; Sneak attack (+1d6); Trapfinding.

[b]Spell-Like Abilities:[/b] 1/day -- silence (must be centered on Flannad's body),
ghost sound, mage hand, message. Caster level 1st; save DC 10 + spell level.
[b]Feats:[/b] Tactile Trapsmith.
[b]Skill Points:[/b] 40	   [b]Max Ranks:[/b] 4/2
[b]Skills	               Ranks  Mod  Misc  Total[/b]
Balance                  1    +4          +5
Climb                    2    +0          +2
Disable Device           4    +4    +2   +10
Escape Artist            1    +4          +5
Hide                     4    +4    +8   +16
Jump                     4    +0          +4
Listen                   4    +1    +2    +7
Move Silently            4    +4    +4   +12
Open Lock                4    +4    +2   +10
Search                   4    +4          +8
Spot                     4    +1    +2    +7
Tumble                   4    +4          +8
[b]Equipment:			    Cost      Weight[/b]
Armor, leather                      10gp        7lb
Shortsword                          10gp        1lb
Shortbow                            30gp        1lb
Arrows (20)                          1gp        3lb
Dagger                               2gp        0.5lb
Alchemists Fire                     20gp        1lb

Backpack                             2gp        0.5lb
Bedroll                              0.1gp      1lb
Blanket, winter                      0.5gp      0.5lb
Caltrops                             1gp        2lb
Case (map or scroll)                 0.1gp      1lb
Flint & steel                        1gp        -
Ink                                  8gp        -
Paper (10)                           4gp        -
Pouch, belt                          1gp        -
Rations, trail (per day) (x2)        1gp        0.5lb
Signal whistle                       0.8gp      -
Tindertwig (2)                       2gp        -
Tools, thieves', masterwork        100gp        2lb
Waterskin                            1gp        1lb
Whetstone                            1gp        1lb

Gold pieces (x5)                     4gp        0.1lb
Silver pieces (x5)                   0.5gp      0.1lb
[B]Total:[/B]                             200.0gp     23.2lb
			 [b]Lgt   Med   Hvy    Lift  Push[/b]
[b]Max Weight: (x3/4)[/b]       24   25-49 50-75    75   375
[b]Age:[/b] ??
[b]Height:[/b] 3'8"
[b]Weight:[/b] 33lb
[b]Eyes:[/b] gray
[b]Hair:[/b] light brown
[b]Skin:[/b] pale (light gray)

Background: It had been a long year. A long year far from home. And a hard year. It seemed almost a lifetime ago that Flanadd of clan Falath had first ventured from his homeland in pursuit of a rogue halfling. The halfling went by the name of Rosco Hilltopple, but that was probably a simple alias. The worst part was the shame of it. The shame of a clan of Whisper Gnomes taken by a simple con and by a halfling. It was too much to bear. The clan's loss of a family heirloom was a disaster and disgrace, and they'd be the laughing stock of the families should word get out. Such was the shame that the deed was never spoken of again after the initial days.

It occurred during the celebrations for the matriach's 444th birthday - a momentous event. Many of the gnomes blamed themselves for the loss, citing that they should have seen it coming, or mentioned something they thought odd. But Rosco, or whatever his name really was, had been made welcome and had stayed for some time - it seems to make his plans and ingratiate himself; for he had, as Flanadd well knew, as he was one of many taken by the charismatic halfling.

As a young and impetuous gnome, Flanadd's blood boiled at the affront and the loss. Eventually he and his friend Skorlun Daergl swore an oath to each other to track down Rosco and see justice (and retribution) done.

'Twas a year ago that the friends set out with barely a word to anyone. And initially their hopes were high in returning to the clan as heroes. But as the weeks and months wore on, their morale subsided, and success looked less and less sure. Whoever Rosco was, he was elusive and left little sign of his passage - a glimpse by someone here, a victim there - just little things that a Whisper Gnome would recognise. And no sign of the heirloom either - so not even an option to steal it back or even buy it.

As time wore on, and each village and town began to look more and alike, funds ran out, and the friends were reduced to escalating their petty thievery to survive. But their luck ran out and a nasty encounter with the town guard left Skorlon dead and Flanadd with a badly wounded arm.

That was 2 weeks ago. The arm, now mostly healed thanks to a friendly priest, but a heart still heavy with the loss of his friend - particularly as he couldn't save him or even bury him without giving himself up (and he knew the penalty for that). Now Flanadd stands outside a bar, desperation increasing with no money, and no will to return home to an uncertain welcome. He licks his lips, wishing for the taste of a decent ale, and maybe a slice of warm bread, but more than anything else - a future![/SBLOCK]

Voidrunner's Codex

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