Dragonlance Shadow of the Dragon Queen Player's Options


I'm getting ready to run Shadow of the Dragon Queen, and want the new feats and races to be available to my players. However, I don't want them to have to buy the whole hardcover just to have these choices ready to hand. Has Wizard's or anyone put out a supplement on this that would be helpful? Relatedly, is there any content on DMs Guild that people have found helpful? TIA!

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Not that it may work for everyone, but I've had the D&D Beyond subscription that lets me share my DDB material with players in my campaign. It's worked out for me, even if I would buy races/classes/items/etc ala carte.

The upside with that too is if you do later buy the digital stuff, they mark down the book by the cost of what you've already bought. Now, YMMV but it's worked out for me.


If you own the Dragonlance books, you could always just photocopy them. Or if photocopying is not available... you could just hand-type the races and feats sections of those books into a Word doc to distribute them to your players yourself. Or loan them the book and let them re-type them for their own use.

Annoying a little bit? Sure. But if saving the cash for not buying the book is that big a deal... spending an hour re-typing the mechanics is a small price to pay.


I'm getting ready to run Shadow of the Dragon Queen, and want the new feats and races to be available to my players. However, I don't want them to have to buy the whole hardcover just to have these choices ready to hand. Has Wizard's or anyone put out a supplement on this that would be helpful? Relatedly, is there any content on DMs Guild that people have found helpful? TIA!
On the second part, Dragonlance Companion and Tasslehoff's Pouches of Everything are highly regarded.


Another chirp about DDB and sharing subscription, which we use for all our 5e play. We also implement all of that in Foundry VTT -- and I pay for Mr. Primate's DDB Importer (which is awesome) so it all works out.

I have also purchased Tasslehoff's Pouches of Many Things, the DragonLance Companion and DL - Peoples and Paragons, all off of DMs Guild. I am making selective use of that material. Though there is a LOT of material that is quite useful in these three books, I draw particular attention to the Piety system in DL Companion as well as the additional Knightly Disciplines in P&P to help further differentiate and enrich my Knights of Solamnia. Subclasses and more races and spells is not something that concerns me (and I don't plan to use any of it) -- but when it comes to this stuff, YMMV (and often does).


Thanks for the advice! We're not using any of the digital platforms at the moment. Is D&D Beyond content easy to share over E-mail or Discord. Typing it out is certainly an option, but I'm hoping to avoid that much strain on my wrists.


Thanks for the advice! We're not using any of the digital platforms at the moment. Is D&D Beyond content easy to share over E-mail or Discord. Typing it out is certainly an option, but I'm hoping to avoid that much strain on my wrists.
They can just access it over the Web; that's it.


On the second part, Dragonlance Companion and Tasslehoff's Pouches of Everything are highly regarded.
Don't forget this one as well to add alongside those two as well:

Voidrunner's Codex

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