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Shadow of Undeath


I don't think I've seen this anywhere else. This is a spell I decided to give to a couple of important NPCs in my campaign. The cleric has a set of goggles from Libris Mortis that let him see if something is alive, undead, dead, or a construct, and I want to see the look on the players face when he finds all the undead hiding in the NPCs shadows :lol: . I'm using the alternate rules for turning undead where a turning attempt does 1d6 damage per level to all undead within 30', so imagine his surprise at how little damage he will do them if he tries to turn :] .

Shadow of Undeath
Level Sor/Wiz 8
Range: close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Duration: instantaneous
Target: one incorporeal undead
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 action
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell resistance: yes

You bind a number of incorporeal undead equal to twice your caster level to your shadow and can make them fight for you. All bound undead must be of the same type. Once bound, the undead inhabit and control the shadow and can move it contrary to any light source up to 10’ per level of the caster, but the caster can order them to act like a normal shadow. Even if turned the bound undead must stay with 10 feet per level of the caster. No matter the number of light sources the caster only casts a single shadow.

The bound undead can be made to fight for the caster, and perform any function they can normally do at the order of the caster.

Successive castings of this spell on a new undead type will release all current undead bound to your shadow, with the released undead most likely hostile. The spell allows telepathic communication with the bound undead, but the caster can choose to cut communication at will. The caster is immune to all special and supernatural abilities of the bound undead. This is especially important in the case of a bound Allip as mental contact with one can cause the loss of Wisdom.

The most powerful aspect of this spell is that at the casters option he can choose not to affect the bound undead with any spells he casts of 7th level of lower. So if the caster should cast Fireball on an enemy engaged in battle with his bound undead he could choose to affect only the enemy.

Bound undead get a turn resistance of +1 per 3 level of the caster in addition to any turn resistance they may already have. Bound undead count towards the limit of undead a caster may control.
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OK, after some really great feedback from people on Giant in the Playground, I've decided to give it another try here. I added one line that eliminates a lot of abusability by the spell.

Shadow of Undeath
Level Sor/Wiz 8
Range: close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Duration: instantaneous
Target: one incorporeal undead
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 action
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell resistance: yes

You bind a number of incorporeal undead equal to twice your caster level to your shadow and can make them fight for you. HD limits as per the Animate Dead spell still apply, IE 4 HD worth of undead creatures per caster level. All bound undead must be of the same type. Once bound, the undead inhabit and control the shadow and can move it contrary to any light source up to 10’ per level of the caster, but the caster can order them to act like a normal shadow. Even if turned the bound undead must stay with 10 feet per level of the caster. No matter the number of light sources the caster only casts a single shadow.

The bound undead can be made to fight for the caster, and perform any function they can normally do at the order of the caster.

Successive castings of this spell on a new undead type will release all current undead bound to your shadow, with the released undead most likely hostile. The spell allows telepathic communication with the bound undead, but the caster can choose to cut communication at will. The caster is immune to all special and supernatural abilities of the bound undead. This is especially important in the case of a bound Allip as mental contact with one can cause the loss of Wisdom.

The most powerful aspect of this spell is that at the casters option he can choose not to affect the bound undead with any spells he casts of 7th level of lower. So if the caster should cast Fireball on an enemy engaged in battle with his bound undead he could choose to affect only the enemy.

Bound undead get a turn resistance of +1 per 3 level of the caster in addition to any turn resistance they may already have. Bound undead count towards the limit of undead a caster may control.


Penguin Herder
I like the idea, but I don't like how many Undead you can stuff into your shadow. A ton of Shadows making Aid Another checks could be really strong for a necromancer-gish.

But the really worrisome thing would be if you could find a Ghost. I mean, it's better than Leadership in that case -- you can get a Ghost up to twice your level!

How about something like this instead:

Shadow of Undeath
Level Sor/Wiz 8
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 24 hours
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Saving Throw: None
Spell resistance: No

You animate your own shadow, filling it with fell energy, and causing it to become animate, as an incorporeal undead under your mental control.

Your animated shadow can act like a normal shadow, moving as light sources move, but it can also aid you in several ways. On your action, you may mentally instruct it to switch functions as a free action. If you are separated from your Shadow (for example, if you move while it is attacking a foe), your Shadow immediately discorporates and returns to you. You may then instruct it on your next action.

  • Cover you: you gain Concealment; foes suffer 20% miss chance when attacking you.
  • Shield you: you gain a +4 Deflection bonus to AC.
  • Guard your area: it threatens all squares in a 10 ft. radius from you and makes up to four AoOs each round.
  • Attack a foe: it occupies a 5 ft. square within 10 ft. of you and attacks the foe you designate.
  • Infuse you: you gain a +2 bonus to saves, and half of the damage you take instead goes to your Shadow.

Your shadow has the following combat statistics:
  • 8 hit points per caster level
  • AC 14 + your size bonus or penalty + 1/4 your caster level
  • Will save equal to 2 + 1/2 your caster level; Fort and Reflex saves equal to 1/3 your caster level
  • Attack bonus equal to 5 + 1/2 your caster level
  • Two incorporeal touch attacks, which deals one of the following for damage:
    • 1d4 + 2 Con damage
    • 1d8 + 2 Dex damage
    • 2d6 + 2 Str damage

All choices -- such as ability damage type -- are made when you cast the spell.

Your shadow cannot be turned; however, a Cleric could suppress it for 1d6 minutes by expending a Turn Undead attempt (Turn DC is 11 + your caster level).

- - -

Basically, spell out the most your guy could do, instead of encouraging poke-wraith behavior. :)

Cheers, -- N
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Interesting spell.. I do not usually mess around with this high-level magic stuff but here is what I would do with the spell effects:

Instead of having an 'animated shadow' type effect that gets a little weird managing it, have the following:

This spell can only be cast on 'Shadows' (the monster) as a touch attack, which gets absorbed into the casters own shadow (not the monster) and provides the caster with certain benefits. Each additional shadow absorbed increases the benefits gained.
A Greater Shadow is treated as if absorbing 3 normal Shadows

First Shadow absorbed provides:
- Immunity to the special attacks of Shadows
- Darkvision 20'
- If not undead, reads as both alive and undead through the Libras Mortis goggles.
- a +4 bonus to Hide while in areas of shadowy illumination
- A -4 penatly to Hide while in brightly lit areas
- Strength Damage(SU): Once per day the caster can charge an unarmed touch attack with negative energy, dealing 1D4 Strength Damage
- Create Spawn (Su): Any humanoid reduced to Strength 0 by a the casters STR damage attack becomes a shadow under the control of its killer within 1d4 rounds.
- Ghost Touch (SU): Your unarmed attacks can strike incorperal beings.
- If not already present, an Aura of Evil {see detect evil spell}

Additional Shadows absorbed:
- Each additional Shadow grants an additional use of the Strength Damage attack per day
- Each 10 additional Shadows increases the power of your Evil aura by 1 and grants one of the following options:
> +1 profane bonus to Fort Saves
> Increase in Str Damage dice (as the larger monster slam damage progression)
> Fly speed of +5' (Starts at Poor manueverability, max speed = your land speed)
> Improved fly manueverablity by one step

"Release" Option:
As a full round action, the caster can release all the Shadows currently absorbed, the mass of Shadows spring to hungry life and, for a period of 1D6 rounds in which they cannot be controlled by any means, they immediately attack any living creature they can find. Once this period of time ends, their hunger either sated or deflected, they melt away to find easier prey.

Destruction options:
The Shadows can be affected by a Turn attempt while absorbed, altho they benefit from an additional Turn Resistance equal to half their 'owners' Caster level.
They can also be attacked by any means normally used to attack an incorperal creature. Since they occupy the same space as the caster, melee attacks against the shadow can draw AoO from the caster.
To make it simpler to calculate, every 20 points of damage dealt to the shadow destroys one Shadow. The destruction of 10 Shadows removes a random benefit from the ones gained.

Variants that grant ablities of other incorperal undead could be designed.

This version means you don't have to track a bunch of additional monsters, but the challenge level of the NPC can be much greater.


Nifft said:
I like the idea, but I don't like how many Undead you can stuff into your shadow. A ton of Shadows making Aid Another checks could be really strong for a necromancer-gish.

But the really worrisome thing would be if you could find a Ghost. I mean, it's better than Leadership in that case -- you can get a Ghost up to twice your level!

How about something like this instead:

Shadow of Undeath
Level Sor/Wiz 8
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 24 hours
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Saving Throw: None
Spell resistance: No

You animate your own shadow, filling it with fell energy, and causing it to become animate, as an incorporeal undead under your mental control.

Your animated shadow can act like a normal shadow, moving as light sources move, but it can also aid you in several ways. On your action, you may mentally instruct it to switch functions as a free action. If you are separated from your Shadow (for example, if you move while it is attacking a foe), your Shadow immediately discorporates and returns to you. You may then instruct it on your next action.

  • Cover you: you gain Concealment; foes suffer 20% miss chance when attacking you.
  • Shield you: you gain a +4 Deflection bonus to AC.
  • Guard your area: it threatens all squares in a 10 ft. radius from you and makes up to four AoOs each round.
  • Attack a foe: it occupies a 5 ft. square within 10 ft. of you and attacks the foe you designate.
  • Infuse you: you gain a +2 bonus to saves, and half of the damage you take instead goes to your Shadow.

Your shadow has the following combat statistics:
  • 8 hit points per caster level
  • AC 14 + your size bonus or penalty + 1/4 your caster level
  • Will save equal to 2 + 1/2 your caster level; Fort and Reflex saves equal to 1/3 your caster level
  • Attack bonus equal to 5 + 1/2 your caster level
  • Two incorporeal touch attacks, which deals one of the following for damage:
    • 1d4 + 2 Con damage
    • 1d8 + 2 Dex damage
    • 2d6 + 2 Str damage

All choices -- such as ability damage type -- are made when you cast the spell.

Your shadow cannot be turned; however, a Cleric could suppress it for 1d6 minutes by expending a Turn Undead attempt (Turn DC is 11 + your caster level).

- - -

Basically, spell out the most your guy could do, instead of encouraging poke-wraith behavior. :)

Cheers, -- N


This is a fantastic adaptation of my idea, I like it, but it doesn't fit the flavor of what I had in mind.

Yeah, a ghost could be troublsesome, but it does get a Will save to negate being enslaved by the spell, and if the DM just fiats it or doesn't let the PC find one, too bad.

A bunch of Shadows doing Aid Another checks, hmmm, in that case the DM would have to place a limit on how many allies can aid you. I would say no more than the casters Con bonus or perhaps Wis bonus. Con bonus based on the Concentration skill, or Wis bonus because that seems more intuitivly correct. Any more than that and those aiding you actually become a distraction requiring Concentration checks.


Primitive Screwhead said:
Interesting spell.. I do not usually mess around with this high-level magic stuff but here is what I would do with the spell effects:

Instead of having an 'animated shadow' type effect that gets a little weird managing it, have the following:

This spell can only be cast on 'Shadows' (the monster) as a touch attack, which gets absorbed into the casters own shadow (not the monster) and provides the caster with certain benefits. Each additional shadow absorbed increases the benefits gained.
A Greater Shadow is treated as if absorbing 3 normal Shadows

First Shadow absorbed provides:
- Immunity to the special attacks of Shadows
- Darkvision 20'
- If not undead, reads as both alive and undead through the Libras Mortis goggles.
- a +4 bonus to Hide while in areas of shadowy illumination
- A -4 penatly to Hide while in brightly lit areas
- Strength Damage(SU): Once per day the caster can charge an unarmed touch attack with negative energy, dealing 1D4 Strength Damage
- Create Spawn (Su): Any humanoid reduced to Strength 0 by a the casters STR damage attack becomes a shadow under the control of its killer within 1d4 rounds.
- Ghost Touch (SU): Your unarmed attacks can strike incorperal beings.
- If not already present, an Aura of Evil {see detect evil spell}

Additional Shadows absorbed:
- Each additional Shadow grants an additional use of the Strength Damage attack per day
- Each 10 additional Shadows increases the power of your Evil aura by 1 and grants one of the following options:
> +1 profane bonus to Fort Saves
> Increase in Str Damage dice (as the larger monster slam damage progression)
> Fly speed of +5' (Starts at Poor manueverability, max speed = your land speed)
> Improved fly manueverablity by one step

"Release" Option:
As a full round action, the caster can release all the Shadows currently absorbed, the mass of Shadows spring to hungry life and, for a period of 1D6 rounds in which they cannot be controlled by any means, they immediately attack any living creature they can find. Once this period of time ends, their hunger either sated or deflected, they melt away to find easier prey.

Destruction options:
The Shadows can be affected by a Turn attempt while absorbed, altho they benefit from an additional Turn Resistance equal to half their 'owners' Caster level.
They can also be attacked by any means normally used to attack an incorperal creature. Since they occupy the same space as the caster, melee attacks against the shadow can draw AoO from the caster.
To make it simpler to calculate, every 20 points of damage dealt to the shadow destroys one Shadow. The destruction of 10 Shadows removes a random benefit from the ones gained.

Variants that grant ablities of other incorperal undead could be designed.

This version means you don't have to track a bunch of additional monsters, but the challenge level of the NPC can be much greater.

More good feedback, thanks. Unfortunately I don't have time to thoroughly review your idea right now Primitive, but the idea looks sound at first glance :) I like it as an alternate version of the spell.


Penguin Herder
Corbert said:
This is a fantastic adaptation of my idea, I like it, but it doesn't fit the flavor of what I had in mind.

Yeah, a ghost could be troublsesome, but it does get a Will save to negate being enslaved by the spell, and if the DM just fiats it or doesn't let the PC find one, too bad.

Glad you like my variant! I'm going to steal my own version for my game... ;) I really like this idea!

Regarding your version, just spell out the exact benefits. It's fine to have the benefits scale with multiple undead, but be very clear about the maximum power that a caster can gain by using the spell.

IMHO, the spell should give near-maximum power with just one casting. Otherwise, you really encourage "shadow farming", and that's the kind of meta-game thinking that I try to discourage.

One variation you could consider: Instead of collecting undead up to your HD, instead you empower the single undead you've captured, so that it effectively gains HD up to your caster level. Thus, you get one big buddy instead of many little ones.

Cheers, -- N

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