This thread is based on a recent post by
@Quickleaf in the "Let's Make Shadowdark Classes" thread, creating a mountebank class.
@Whizbang Dustyboots pointed out that it would make a good class for an urban campaign.
This got me thinking: Sahdowdark is usually equated with dungeon crawling, being a version of B/X built with 5E sensibilities (or vice versa, depending on who you ask) focused particularly on the dungeon exploration part of the game. That said, I have had plenty of fun running Shadowdark in styles other than crawls, and have even mostly dispenses with the torch timer when doing so (though I still keep light as very important; I just don't do the real time torch thing).
So, what do you think as a Shadowdark fan (you ARE a Shadowdark fan, aren't you?) How versatile do you feel it is outside of dungeon crawl focused campaigns? What sorts of adventures have you played in Sahdowdark? What kind do you plan to? Do you employ additional rules, either designed for Shadowdark or cribbed from other games, to make it better for non-dungeon focused play?