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Shapechanger etc.


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I've been trying to find shapechangers with only one alternate form. My DM recently rejected my Weretiger concept and any shapechangers with more than one alternate form, and I am adamant in playing some sort of shapechanger. Lycanthropes, unfortunately, are out of the question. So I began to peruse the tables of content at the beggining of any book with monsters in it, and I came up with about 5 shapechangers, most of them strange blobbish creatures. So I ask, does anyone know of any material, WOTC or not, that has: Classes, templates, races, or other rules that apply to shapechangers with only one alternate form? Possibly something that has point buy rules for building a shapechanger, adding features for the alternate form?

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It's kinda-sorta feasible (depending on your DM's flexibility) using published WOTC sources:

  1. Start with the Ranger variant on pg. 58 of Unearthed Arcana (loses Combat Style, gains Wildshape [small or medium animals only] and Fast Movement.)
  2. Replace the normal version of Wildshape with the Druid alternate class feature in the PHB2 (instead of small/medium only, the limitation is predator form-only.)
  3. Take levels of the Warshaper and Nature's Warrior prestige classes from CW.

You'd still (likely) be missing some desired elements, namely senses and claw attacks. You could pick up low-light vision and scent. Low light vision can be had by choosing an appropriate race or with a 1st level feat. Scent is available through a couple of PrCs, but also as a Warblade stance (which I think would only take a 1 level dip.)

You're squarely in Homebrew land from there on out...

A kindhearted DM (if there is such a creature :D ) might allow Nature's Warrior levels to improve your Wildshape to the point where you get the larger form with multiple attacks. Otherwise, maybe you could trade off spellcasting and/or Favored Enemy benefits to better your animal form.

Alternately, you could use the Druid as the base class, and take it to 8th level for the Ferocious Slayer form, maybe trading off spellcasting for the missing goodies... It'd also be a pretty fair trade if you sacrificed the aerial form for animal senses (and maybe some other minor benefit(s).)

Basically, you can get part way there with a mishmash of "official" choices, but it'd probably be more satisfying to create a custom base class using the published stuff as your jumping off point. And there shouldn't really be any balance issues, so long as you don't get too carried away. ;) (And that's what the DM is for--- to slap you down and spoil your fun, right? :] )
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First Post
Interesting, interesting. I'm just gonna lay my character concept bare, and hope that maybe someone can find a solution that might not be apparent through my previous post. I'm trying to create a character that is fairly weak, level adjustment perhaps lowering his class levels, no 18s on any ability (usually I have just one) easily beaten around, perhaps a mean drunk troubled past, but when :):):):) hits the greatsword, he turns into a raging beast and cracks some ogre skulls. This probably isn't any help, but can you blame me for trying? Class wise, unless I need another class for some reason, I'm thinking barbarian with the rage variant in PHBII.


First Post
I think there is a shapechanger race in Oriental Adventures (I forget the name) that has a single animal form. If you chose a 'beasty' one, that might work for your concept, maybe in combination with Rage so that you trigger your Rage along with your shapechanging, like the Hulk. :D


First Post
I think there is a shapechanger race in Oriental Adventures (I forget the name) that has a single animal form. If you chose a 'beasty' one, that might work for your concept, maybe in combination with Rage so that you trigger your Rage along with your shapechanging, like the Hulk. :D

EDIT: Another option would be to use the brute form (instead of dextrous form, etc.) Shifter from Eberron, and just ignore some of the fluff. Define his shifting as actual shapechanging, using the same (balanced) game stats. Then you could choose additional Shifter feats as you learn to 'control your form' as you progress in levels.


Oriental adventure: Hengeyokai, but they have no "dangerous" forms.
Maybe you can also choose the Bear warrior prestige class.

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