Shark World Inc


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*realises he hasn't gotten round to it as promised*

Gah. Sorry. I'm going through a bad patch at the moment :p mvoing into new rented accomodation is proving hellish...

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Carnifex said:
*realises he hasn't gotten round to it as promised*

Gah. Sorry. I'm going through a bad patch at the moment :p mvoing into new rented accomodation is proving hellish...

I understand, I did that last month. And then because of the move I lost my modem for a little over the week. Fall is always a busy time for me anyway as all the family birthdays and get togethers are coming up along with the normal holidays.

Right now Shark World has down shifted to first gear. No worries and do things when and if you get a chance.


My first Shark World Campaign kicks off tonight!

3 ICe Elves (2 rangers and a Paladin)
1 human Diviner
and a Monte cook Water Plane Touched barbarian

defend a distant elven island from Yeti attacks. The Yeti's are smaller, less intelligent, have a tatoo of black wave on their foreheads, and have a unmmeltable ice shard necklace. Hopefully, the PC's will notice these things and investigate. Leeding them off the island and into the world.

I also apologize for being absent the last month. When football is over in november I'll be back, big time!


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trentonjoe said:
My first Shark World Campaign kicks off tonight!

3 ICe Elves (2 rangers and a Paladin)
1 human Diviner
and a Monte cook Water Plane Touched barbarian

defend a distant elven island from Yeti attacks. The Yeti's are smaller, less intelligent, have a tatoo of black wave on their foreheads, and have a unmmeltable ice shard necklace. Hopefully, the PC's will notice these things and investigate. Leeding them off the island and into the world.

I also apologize for being absent the last month. When football is over in november I'll be back, big time!

Sounds cool, you should write up a story hour for it. :cool:


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Crothian can you post the complet Ice Elves + the drawfs that where made for sharkworld. That would be a help. Pluse ill post my three sub races of Nezumi thats if you want me to.


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Aealsheed (Ae aal sheed)

In the world of Shark World the elves have had to learn to survive after three asteroids hit the planet. All but four of the gods died, as they all tried to lesson the impact of the asteroids so that all life in this world would not die. They succeeded, although life for everyone has changed. One of the asteroids was a block of ice that cannot melt. It has slowly frozen the water and lands around it. The elves live on the edge of this frozen land. They carve homes out of the ice and dig deep within the glaciers. They can’t go to close to the center for the cold is to much even for them. Shark World is about 90% water, with great island changes filled with volcanoes.

There were many races of elves before, but after the disaster and much death the remaining ones had to interbreed so they are one race now. There are also the sea elves, but they have their own problems.

The Arctic elves have lived in the frozen lands for centuries. They have looked for other survivors, other elven races but have so far been unable to find any. The Artic Elves still enjoy a long lifespan, although it is thought that over the millennia it has lessened.

Personality: The Arctic Elves have changed and have become as cold as the weather they live in.

Relations: The elves have become very self-reliant. They trade with a few of the dwarven and human islands, but sea travel can be risky the farther from known water one travels. They have a good relationship with the sea elves, but not so much with the other underwater races.

Alignment: The elves are mostly Chaotic Good, but individuals can be of any alignment.

Elven Lands: The frozen lands of the far north. They live mostly on the shores but have settlements that are inland. They are looking for their old cities, and the rumored underwater cities. They are hoping some others have survived.

Religion: They mostly worship Gildas, goddess of seas, storms, waters, and life. She is the most powerful of the four-surving gods. The traders and seamen worship Deacor, god of sea travel, trading, and crossing boundaries.

Physical Description: Arctic Elves are extremely pale, with semi-translucent hair and eyes. Their hair and eye color ranges through the various shades of blue to blue-white, with other colors and hair types being rare, but not completely unknown. Their fingernails have frost like patterns in them.

Languages: The elves speak elven. Most pick up Aquan as a second language.

Racial Traits

---Artic Elves get +2 to wisdom and Dexterity
---Medium Sized
---Base Speed 30ft
---Immunity to magical sleep spells and effects.
---He is able to travel across snow at his normal speed, leaving no tracks. He is also able to travel at half normal speed across the most slippery ice (horizontal surfaces only, not vertical or sharply slanted ones) without falling or slipping. Finally, he is affected by an endure elements (cold) spell.
---Low Light Vision
---Proficient in all types of spears and bows
---+2 to all spot, Swim, listen, and search checks. They can detect secret doors as a normal elf can
---They can detect unsafe ice like a PHB elf does secret doors
---Automatic Languages: Elven
---Favored Class: Ranger

Ecl +1


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Dwarves of Shark World

In the early days of Paltas (Shark World) there were about a dozen different races that all called themselves dwarves. Most of the dwarves lived in the deep mountains and the hard rock. All the races were master craftsmen of different materials from wood and stone, to metal and shell. It is said that they even mastered alchemy to the point of taking one substance and creating another with it.

The dwarves never became that accustomed to the water. This kept their numbers low, but at the same time kept them well protected from the hunters in the waters. Many of the dwarves built boats and other forms of water transportation, but all the other races were more then willing to travel to trade with dwarves.

When the meteors hit, the dwarves figured they could hold up in their mountains and underground complexes. But they figured wrong and famine and disease swept through many of these contained communities. The dwarves that survived traveled to be with other dwarves. Many of these trips were never completed.

Over many centuries the different dwarven races have breed together to form one race. Occasionally there is a dwarf with unusual characteristics will be born.

Personality: The dwarves are still the hardest workers anyone knows. They are trying to regain past glory and open up their old trading routes. They are also on the look for other dwarven survivors and communities. Because of this most dwarves are very single minded and stubborn.

Physical Description: Same as normal.

Relations: The dwarves have always known they can rely on themselves, but have begun to realize that many other races are better suited for different tasks. With this relations has come an understand and a desire to work side by side many races.

Alignment: Dwarves tend to neutral good, but can be of any alignment.

Dwarven Lands: They live mostly on islands in the great oceans. They are slowly building up ships to increase communications between these islands and with the other races.

Religion: They mostly worship Philas, goddess of fire. The traders and seamen worship Deacor, god of sea travel, trading, and crossing boundaries.

Languages: The dwarves speak dwarven. Most pick up Aquan as a second language.

Racial Traits

---Dwarves get +2 to Constitution and –2 to Cha
---Medium Sized
---Base Speed 20ft
---+4 to any two craft skills and +2 to Appraise anything related to these craft skills
---Dark Vision 60ft
---+2 to all saves against poison
---+2 to all saves verse spells and spell like abilities
---Automatic Languages: Dwarven
---Favored Class: Fighter

Also choose one of the following:
1) +2 to Diplomacy and Bluff when trading
2) +10ft Base Speed
3) +4 poison verse Poison (replaces the +2)
4) +3 verse all spells and spell like abilities (this replaces the +2)


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(Shark World) Nezumi

The nezumi had to go some where so they went under ground in the mountains and any other place they could find. There are three types of Nezumi. They Rock nezumi, lava nezumi, and stone nezumi. All nezumi follow the same concept that the OA once do.

Rock nezumi are the common nezumi of shark world. They are the most one seen often and the ones most likely to trade with the people under the sky.

Rock Nezumi Racial traits
As the OA one except for the following changes.
--Darkvision 60 feet this replaces the low-light Vision.
--Luck of heroes feat and toughness feat this replaces there Immune to the Shadowlands ability.

Lava Nezumi live near the heat of volcanoes so they have become more resilient to the heat.

Lava Nezumi Racial traits
As the OA one except for the following changes.
--Darkvision 60 feet this replaces the low-light Vision.
--Fire resistance 5 they have become stronger verses flame this replaces there Immune to the Shadowlands ability.

Stone Nezumi are the most hardiest of the nezumi.

Stone Nezumi Racial traits
As the OA one except for the following changes.
--+4 Constitution, -4 Charisma this replaces the standard +2 Con and –2 Cha.
--Darkvision 60 feet this replaces the low-light Vision.
-- Two free Toughness feats this replaces their Immune to the Shadowlands ability.

They need to be fleshed out more but thats what I have on them. Can you help me flesh these out a little more.


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Of all the gods only four lived. Gildas, goddess of seas, storms, waters, and life is the most powerful of them. She was always one of the more popular gods, and now she is worshiped more then almost all the others combined. The second most worshiped is Deacor, god of sea travel, trading, and crossing boundaries. Without him civilization would have fallen after the asteroids hit. Then there is Philas. She is well known among the land dwellers, as she is goddess of fire and combat. The gained powers from the fiery crash of the asteroids and have been trying to increase that even more ever since. Lastly is Veltras, god of treachery, betrayal, and death. He is not so much worshiped as feared. Many of his followers left him in hopes that he would be killed in protecting the planet. He lived and they have been fearful for their lives ever since.

I have picked there domains.
Gildas= From PHB: Chaos, Good, Healing, Water, Knowledge; From FR: Family, Ocean, Storm, Fate.

Deacor= From PHB: Chaos, Luck, Travel; From FR: Ocean, Planning, Portal, Trade.

Philas= From PHB: Air, Fire, Law, Strength, Sun, War; From FR: Craft, Metal, Renewal, Retribution.

Veltras= From PHB: Chaos, Death, Destruction, Evil, Trickery; From FR: Darkness, Illusion, Suffering, Tyranny.

Heres there Divine Rank
Gildas= 19 (Greater)

Deacor= 18 (Greater)

Philas= 16 (Greater)

Veltras= 15 (Intermediate)

Crothian what do you think. I think this is all we need for the gods dont you. The elven god was drowdudes thing gut I havent seen him on or work on any thing in a while but im not that pickey.

If you whant I can pick her domains but I think thats drowdudes thing.

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