D&D 3E/3.5 ISO Help Designing A Nightmarish Creature

You are right. And not sure. Perhaps the thrall is the damage taker except in the case of a confirmed critical hit, in which case, the gloomfetch is hit? Then, it would be a matter of a save of some kind as the telepathic bond is shattered rather than withdrawn. Seems like there would be the possibility of some permanent damage of some kind.

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One thought: maybe the gloomfetch can generate a kind of permanent "reverse shield other" effect (something like a shield me spell, if such a thing existed), such that half of any damage sent its way (by deliberately targeting the head) is transferred to the thrall, whereas any non-deliberately-targeted attacks automatically get applied to just the thrall. (Attacks that affect an area would naturally apply to both.) It just makes sense that a gloomfetch would rather shunt as much damage as it could to its disposable (and replaceable) thrall.

So the gloomfetch only takes damage applied to a whole area (like an explosion) or specifically targeted at the head, and even then half of the damage gets sent to the thrall instead. I'd like that deal if I were a gloomfetch.


I figured that would mostly be accomplished by declaring that only a confirmed critical hit, called shot, or area attack would directly damage the gloomfetch, while preventing it from being too broken. lol

There is no such thing as a Humanoid Aberration. It should be the creature's type changes to Aberration and it gain the Augmented Subtype. HD are now based on Aberration HD (d8). Do they keep their class HD or do they lose them?

I think the second sentence under the "Sorcerers and Wizards" section is there in error, as it contradicts the other material.

Have you decided how to deal with attacking a gloomfetch "riding" a thrall? Who takes the damage?


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