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Sharn Tavern: The Tower's Shard II

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Sparing a glance at Valahandra, hearing her speak for the first time, the human seems to be mesmerized for a moment by her deep voice and thick accent.

Not adding or responding to the elf though, Wulfcyne blinks away his thoughts and then waves Shadè over to sit by him.

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Taking a renewed interest in the peanut sorting 'forged, Wulfcyne comments wryly, 'Can ye not take pride in yer service as a body guard? Assuming yer skilled at it, an wit tha chain as well. Na just fer show, is it?'


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"There are hundreds if not thousands of guards. There is not much to take pride in there. I am good but not special"

The warrior's face turns dour as he snorts, 'An there be hundreds o types like us seekin' employ, but that don' stop us from lookin', do it?. Don' know much about yer people, 'forged, but what I seen tells me yer each one o' a kind. An one o' a kinds ain't nuthin' but special. Think on tha, neh? I assume ye got out o' Cyre afore it went belly up, tha's no small feat.'

Shrugging dismissively, Wulfcyne turns back to the Shifter, eagerly examining and admiring her new blade.


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The shifter take a step toward the vacant seat but stops. Um, ah, Folashadé Ofori-Tigris. Warrior! Axe! She holds her large axe up with pride before plopping down in the seat. I normal great axe, perhaps a very shiny great axe, but a great axe none the less. What did I miss? She asks, her toothy maw having never dropped it's wide grin since she returned.


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A gnome in Red and blue robes bearing the symbol of House Sivis walks in and gives a note and a bag of some sort to Brews to hang up and then the man, never saying a word leaves, still carrying a stack of 13 more notices but as he leaves one of them flies out of his hands.

Brews simply shrugs and posts the notice and smiles Anyone looking for work?
Dear adventurers,
Arcanix University in Aundair is seeking adventurers,preferably alumni of the University or wizards. We have an information recovery mission that needs performed in the vaults of our library. good reward available, great way to get your adventuring feet wet. Look forward to seeing you here. A Lightning rail leaves at 5 pm,transportation covered.

Dean August ir'Aundair
Post-graduate affairs
It is 3 p.m. now

Brews says, " In order to go on the provided transportation you have to have one of these" Brews say pulling out a ring that is blue and red and swirling colors" I only have six so speak up!!"

Collecting the note as it's passed to him and then handing the parchment on, Wulfcyne slaps the shifter upon the back with an exclaimation of triumph, minding the large shiny ax in her hands, then noting, 'Ye missed nuthin' but a lil' lizard fella scamperin' in an the 'forged whinin' a bit. But enough a tha', let's get this show ona road.'

Rising, the warrior addresses the tavern's patrons, his deep voice filling the recesses of the place, 'I aim ta see this Arcanix, ever I heard o this place a arcane learnin'. War's over, boarders be open, Who's comin' with me?'

Moving to Brews, the scarred Brelander collects one of the rings and inclines his head in respect once again.

Moving toward the doorway, he tarries a moment, to see which others rise to the call.


The stranger in the corner stands. He steps towards the gnome and as he moves, throws the edges of his cloak past his shoulders, revealing the jagged crags and cracked plain upon his breastplate, and two alien looking blades at his sides, one long, one short.

As he draws near, he pulls back his hood. His orange skin bears several scars, his hair is bristling white, and his eyes are amber and cruel.

" I, Makharat of the Demon Wastes, will work for you, " pronounces the stranger, finally named. " As will the elf woman, Valahandra. "


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OOC:wow 3 front liners already(mellub has a spot reserved as sort of an adventure trade off thing.) Casters would be nice. A rogue too perhaps? Nice to see a high level of interest

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