Sharn Tavern: The Tower's Shard

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The Tower's Shard
In Clifftop, a few blocks from the famous Clifftop Adventurer's guild, lies a popular spot called The Tower's Shard. The common street wisdom is that the Tower's Shard is a brewery and inn whose owner was a rich adventurer who died in the war and left the establishment to his servant, a warforged named Brews.

Brews, in little need of money, ran the establishment in the will of his former master. The tavern has loose policies on weapons, wands, and other adventuring gear, which combined with a discount for adventurers who can tell a good tale makes the Tower's Shard a popular stop for rising adventurers who are low on coin but high on spirit and eager to pursue conversation with other adventurers.

True to his name, Brews is a master brewer, and is widely known for his Grilled Red Herring, and a special mixed drink he calls the McGuffin. Brews quite enjoys listening to tales of adventure, and he is able to sit and listen to adventurers' old war stories for hours on end and remain fascinated, a quality which endears him to the more long-winded sort of adventurers particularly.

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The Tower's Shard II
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First Post
A dwarf anter the Inn. He looks around and see the pretty empty common room. His look turn back and see the sun in the middle of the sky. "Two o'clock. Not a time to drink." He enters the room and the door close, and shadow finds back his place. The dwarf walk to teh bar and see the warforged.

"It's my lucky day! A warforged. First time I see a warforged taking care of an Inn. I'll take your best drink."

"Can you read common?" asks the warforged, pointing a board on the beam just in front of the door.

"Yeah?" replies teh dwarf. He looks at the board. The empty board have an inscription at the top. "All who step in this Inn must present themselves and tells a good tales. If they do so, they don't need to show a copper for the time of their stay."

"You mean free drinks?" The warforged nods at the dwarf. "That's the kind of Inn I like. It must be a good place to have good time. My name is Kharas Mroranon. I am trapmaker and armorsmith." It take only a moment to recieve a mug of McGuffin. The dwarf take a sip of it. "Fine drink. You made it?" The warforged nodes. "This place is a paradise." The dwarf starts to talk with the Innkepper, and the subject travel from the dwarf travels to how to brew a good drink and the nature of the warforged.
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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
It was once again raining in Sharn, at least for the moment, and Weapon did not like the rain. It made his faded brown leather coat look even more dilapidated, and accentuated the many kinks and scrapes in his plating. I look like a poorly maintained Weapon. Going to develop rust next. A bit dejected, and unhappy with the lack of mercenary work, he decided that this "Tower's Shard" place he had read of would have to do.

Pushing his way in through the door, the looming warforged stood at the threshold, crouched over a torn---and now wet--scrap of paper. It was the directions to the place, and what to do when he got there. It was clear enough, though he couldn't understand why the rules were in place that way.

The broad-shouldered construct straightened up, pounded its chest once lightly (adding a new smudge to the leather jacket), and somewhat morosely announced, "I am Weapon. I'm looking for work."


The man with the probe
[sblock=Rystil Arden]"C'mon sis, we need to earn some coin. This seems like the place to do it."[/sblock]

A taller shifter with long braided hair tied back behind his head walks in. He is lean and muscular, and walks with confidence. In a deep voice, he states "I'm Stulgar Swift, and I'm lookin' employment."

The shifter finds a table and pulls out 2 chairs before sitting down.

OOC: It's not announce yourself or leave, it's announce yourself or pay your way and find employment elsewhere ;) No biggie.

Rystil Arden

First Post
[SBLOCK=Bront]"I disagree. We have no need for coins. The spirits will provide for us, my brother. I must meditate and determine our purpose here."[/SBLOCK]

*A shorter female shifter with bright green eyes enters reluctantly just behind the other, quietly staring off, perhaps into another world. She does not speak, but neither does she order a drink.*


The man with the probe
Stulgar nudges the other shifter, and quietly wispers "Sis, introduce yourself. Perhaps your purpose will present itself."

Rystil Arden

First Post
"Whh...huh?" she comes out of her reverie, "Oh, there's a person here. I wasn't paying attention. Hi, I'm Siobhan."

*Her eyes quickly drift off again for a moment, and she sits down on a stool and closes them gently, not sleeping, but not entirely aware either.*


First Post
The dwarf talks with Brews. As the door open on Weapon, he feels a draft of cold and humid air. "It has start to rain it seems... another warforged? This place is marvelous." The dwarf make a sign to Weapon. "Weapon you said? Do you want to share a table and speak a bit." Kharas take his mug and jump down his seat and point a table where he takes a sit, hoping to have more company.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
The 'forged, who had not moved far from the threshold, letting others pass, looked down at the dwarf. It shrugs, then moves over to the table. It sits down, the chair groaning a bit under its weight.

"Dwarf. Non-combatants, for the most part. Cyran army did not face any dwarven units."


The man with the probe
"I'd think the inkeeper'd frown on any fights in here anyway," Stulgar says, directed at the 'forged and dwarf.

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