Sharn Tavern: The Tower's Shard

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Mardigan d'Orien felt the shock of a lifetime when that happened and says to himself, " I hope those guys figure it out!" He turns to Kenn," So wanna play Three-Dragon- Ante?"

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A weary looking Rionus makes his way back to the shard, waving a greeting at any he recognizes. He heads for a bath to wash up before becoming more social.


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A dark haired young woman sweeps into the tavern. She is dressed all in black, though glimses of mail can be seen under her tunic. She sears a long sword, and has a large black round sheild slung over her shoulder.

She looks around impatiently, then heads to the bar. "Brews," she says. "I am Raven Thorn. You remember me, no? Has there been any response to my message? And has there been one named Orerreth come or leave a message here for me or my companions?"

Rystil Arden

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(OOC: @Manz--Raven may be on a time spike ahead of us, I'm afraid: We haven't spent much in-game time, but it has taken a long time out of game. These adventurers know something but don't want to tell)


(ooc: not neccesarily: you also have been gathering information, and that takes time, enought to arbitrarily assume you're now in the same time frame.)

Rystil Arden

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(OOC: Yep, I wasn't sure, so I figured I should say 'may' ;) I just knew that very little time has passed for us since her last journey to the tavern to ask Brews--I have no idea if that means anything substantial)


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The door opens gently, and a young shifter steps in, with a wild mane of red and black hair framing a weathered face. He shyly nods his head and mutters to the room, "hullo" before grabbing an empty chair. "Name is, um, Khoros. Don't know if, uh... that matters. Gimme a drink. Hell, gimme two."


First Post
Raven sighs. "I am still early, then. Very well. If you see my friends of this Orerreth fellow, let them know I will return at nightfall. You remember Orerreth, don't you? Yes. Thank you very much Brews. I do not forget your kindness."

Raven then swirls, and marches out of the tavern without a backward glance.


Rionus comes back, bathed and looking somewhat refreshed. He talks briefly with Brews, and obtains a sandwich and a cup of hot cocoa.

As is customary, he introduces himself to the room.

"Rionus El'Aundair, at your service. Squire by evocation, swordsman by training, traveler by circumstance. Sometimes detective, I suppose, or at least the protector of same."


The man with the probe
A gnome messanger rushes into the tavern and hands Brews a letter. Brews hands him a few coins, and the gnome runs off.

He opens it and reads, nodding on occasion.

"Well, looks like I need a few hands. Anyone got some time and want to do me a favor?"

[sblock=The Setup]This will be an adventure, preferably for 1st and 2nd level adventurers, particularly those of a non-evil and somewhat trustworthy sort.[/sblock]

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