Shemmy's Planescape Storyhour #2 (Updated x3 10-17-07)

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Soon to be updated with a tale of really really wicked hangovers, inbred draconic marital issues, traps with a twisted sense of humor, pet mezzoloths, why it's mean to taunt fire giants, and why french kissing a really angry nycaloth 'tastes like burning'.


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I'm probably wrong, but...
  • Tiefling wizard/rogue
    That combo looks like Nisha. Is the character somewhat like her, or a bit more sane?
  • Fey-touched 1/2 drow w/ lots of different class levels
    Clueless' rightful heir, even without your and his player's confirmation. :p
  • Elven cleric
    OK, could be anyone.
  • Weird tiefling/aasimar fighter
    Tristol & Nisha's baby?
  • Half lupinal/half arcanaloth
    Fyrehowl & A'Kin's baby?


Gez said:
I'm probably wrong, but...
  • Tiefling wizard/rogue
    That combo looks like Nisha. Is the character somewhat like her, or a bit more sane?

  • More sane, and without the chaos, and without the good. ;)
    She actually showed up in a oneshot game I ran for NC gameday V I think it was. The concept originally was a more stable, less ethical nisha. They succeed in spades and it's going to be a really fun PC to watch.

    [*]Fey-touched 1/2 drow w/ lots of different class levels
    Clueless' rightful heir, even without your and his player's confirmation. :p


    [*]Elven cleric
    OK, could be anyone.

    "So, what deity do you serve?" - one of the other PCs
    "The right one" - PC cleric after dusting a wight on a turn check

    [*]Weird tiefling/aasimar fighter
    Tristol & Nisha's baby?

    No relation to any previous characters.

    [*]Half lupinal/half arcanaloth
    Fyrehowl & A'Kin's baby?

Perhaps a safe bet, but I won't confirm or deny. She's an amusing bottle of conflicts and contradictions however.

Now, on that note, I have to go write up session 1 :)


First Post
- Human Fighter/Templar (cleric cohort)
- Half-Elven Duelist (fighter cohort)

As a fun game before Shemmy updates, two of the characters are related, can you guess which ones?


First Post
Toras said:
- Human Fighter/Templar (cleric cohort)
- Half-Elven Duelist (fighter cohort)

As a fun game before Shemmy updates, two of the characters are related, can you guess which ones?

The only possible bloodline I see is between the elf cleric and the fighter's cohort. :confused:

Or maybe the human and one of the planetouched, maybe.


First Post
I'd guess the Human Fighter cohort and the "weird tiefling/aasimar", since the Elf connection would be too obvious :p.


Why is it with the planetouched everyone always focuses on the outer planes heritage and no one ever asks who "mom" was?

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