Shemmy's Planescape Storyhour #2 (Updated x3 10-17-07)

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Shemeska said:
PCs: 1 tiefling wizard/rogue, 1 fey-touched 1/2 drow w/ lots of different class levels, 1 elven cleric, 1 wierd tiefling/aasimar fighter, 1 half lupinal/half arcanaloth (who is going to be very amusing). No DMPC this time around since there's no obvious holes that they need plugged.

3) I've been bored out of my mind for a couple weekends now; that will end next week once this new campaign gets started. More Planescapey goodness.

Now wait a minute! My Tiefamar Elf isn't that wierd. He might have a wierd but he isn't wierd himself. Also not that the cleric and my fighter are related, brothers.

Bah I need to get more to you.


First Post
Shemeska said:
1 half lupinal/half arcanaloth (who is going to be very amusing)
I can imagine... Would it be possible for you to post racial stats for the Lupiloth (or is it an Arcinal)? Its a great idea. I'm geussing that A'kin is the father, seeing as I can't call to mind any other Arcanaloths who would want to have a baby with a Lupinal.
Exellent work, as usual, I can't wait to see this one develop.


Aneul said:
I can imagine... Would it be possible for you to post racial stats for the Lupiloth (or is it an Arcinal)? Its a great idea. I'm geussing that A'kin is the father, seeing as I can't call to mind any other Arcanaloths who would want to have a baby with a Lupinal.
Exellent work, as usual, I can't wait to see this one develop.

Given privacy laws in Sigil I can't confirm or deny the parentage of the kid and which arcanaloth was responsible. ;)

I'll see if I can't do just that (once I finalize it myself). I am not a numbers person so some people might find it overpowered for the ECL/SS type monster class I'll end up making it.

Perhaps I can convince my players to make a rogues gallery writeup for their characters and post them in that forum (which is something I haven't done for campaign/SH #1)


First Post
Indeed she does.
(Pulls out some character sheets and rolls a few D6s experimentaly..."hmmm, now for a back story...")
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level 1?

Don't like running level 1 games? I know when I am running Planescape campaigns I am always tempted to start at high level. My current PS campaign had the characters start at 10. But the problem I find with people starting at high level is that the players will always forget some ability or miss some nuance of their class.


solomanii said:
Don't like running level 1 games? I know when I am running Planescape campaigns I am always tempted to start at high level. My current PS campaign had the characters start at 10. But the problem I find with people starting at high level is that the players will always forget some ability or miss some nuance of their class.

I've run a level 1 game before: a semi-historical game set on earth in the middle ages. I was for about a year running that on Saturday and running the Planescape game on Sunday. The Sat game crashed, burned and died as the Planescape game devoured my time and my creativity. ;)

Oddly enough the PS game was never intended as more than a oneshot thing, but it took on a life of its own and we didn't want to stop.


Shemeska said:
Oddly enough the PS game was never intended as more than a oneshot thing, but it took on a life of its own and we didn't want to stop.

Planescape will not be denied. Even under the oppresion that is WotC planar material, we thrive and prosper.


bluegodjanus said:
Planescape will not be denied. Even under the oppresion that is WotC planar material, we thrive and prosper.

Planescape -destroyed- my other campaign at the time. It came in, lusting for my creativity, and smacked the other game around for good measure. *chuckle*

And like a smack addict getting another dose, I don't regret it at all ;)

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