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[Shop] di Senzio's Magical Shop


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Lokin turns to Zurd with a look of disappointment but not surprise.

"We all had parts to play in each other's survival. So you are not alone there, despite your magic being very useful. And Kol's actions, while perhaps rash in my eyes, were not intentionally hurtful for the group. No more rash, in fact, than casting a spell without making sure your companions were not in the area of effect. You trying to cheat us for your own benefit, however, is something different. Not only dishonest but clumsily done, as well. Despite this, your actions did aid the party and your magic did save us more than once. I think you still deserve your share but I also find it fitting that the axe you were so desperate to acquire is not included when figuring out your cut. Then, we're done and we can all go our separate ways. Better than bloodshed, I would say."

Lokin speaks in a calm, matter-of-fact tone. Yet his left hand grasps the handle of his sword, ready to draw at a moment's notice.

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LEW Judge
Zurd does his best to ignore the recriminations, returning to the principal matter at hand. "So for three crowns we can find out what each of these does, and whether it's worth keeping or selling? That sounds like a good deal."


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"Yes, scrolls, and potions are more easily identified by there nature. If you want to learn the exact extend of the powers of teh axe and shield, it will cost 110gp each." explains Jemeny.


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Payne had followed the three men and Kongu to the counter as the items were dumped out and identified. A small snort of laughter erupts as the mage declares the axe as being magical; she turns slowly - cooly to address Zurd. ``Does not surprise me, half-orc, that you'd try to betray us yet again. Funny how I'm supposed to be the shady character of the group - yet, here we find ourselves.. again.. questioning your motives. Hitting Kol with spells, trying to stab us in the back with the orcs.. and now this. Holding out on an item that you knew was magical. Tsk tsk.`` She shakes her head, that cheshire grin still locked lopsidedly upon her lips. ``Lokin, a noble man you are, but I do not care to share my treasure with the likes of him. Why should he be rewarded because he hasn't truly succeeded at screwing us over, hm? I've been on my best behavior.. if I had known that there would be loot with my name in had I slit Zurd's throat all those times I had wanted to -- well, then.. I should have. Would've saved us the time on this conversation if I had. Killed two birds.. with one stone.`` Icy cold stare was still being delivered to Zurd - it was as if whatever the shop keeper and the guards were saying had been ignored. At least by the rogue. ``I say .. Kongu, Kol, Kyle, you, and myself split the treasure.. and get the hell out of here. ``


TwistedMindInc said:
``I say .. Kongu, Kol, Kyle, you, and myself split the treasure.. and get the hell out of here. ``

"Bah! the only split this Dog deserves is to be in twain from my Ax! I agree with Payne but I will abide by the majority. What say the rest of you?"


LEW Judge
Zurd has not given up the argument. "You accuse me of hiding the magic aura of the axe, when I could not perceive it. I told you, I will tell you again, I am only just learning to use my natural magic abilities. I still did more than any of you. If I had wanted to swindle you, I would have denied the shield's magic. You remember, you were all willing to sell it as a mundane if well-made shield until I told you all of its magic properties. How much more money we can all make for knowing that!"


First Post
Some light and quick steps can be heard. Someone is quickly climbing down some stairs."Hey mom! Look what I did!" comes a voice in the backstore. Valeria quickly go toward it, the guard opening teh way for her. "Salvador, can you go back up, I'll go see you once I've finish to talk with these gentlemen."

"Client? Is there any wizard among them?" tells a litlle boy, no more than five years old. "Salvador, go see Carlos, I'll be there in a minute. There is no wizard among them."

"Oh!" says sadly the little boy who turn back.

"Do you want me to identify the items. Once that is done, you could go to teh tavrn up here on teh street and talk about splitting your treasure among you around a table with some fresh ale?" suggests Jemeny.


First Post
Lokin looks back to the shopkeeper with a apologetic wince.

"Sorry about all this. I believe we want to potions and scrolls identified. Probably the axe as well. As for the shield, it's probably not necessary. I've already used it in combat and I have a pretty good understanding of how it works. I don't need to spend gold to tell me how good it works. I think I already know."

He turns back to Kol and Payne.

"We in agreement on that?"

Lokin turns back to Zurd.

"Now...what to do about you. You say you were not aware of the magical aura of the axe. You're telling me this, right? This is your excuse? This axe, which you have reason to want and have a financial motive to under-appraise, is the one item your abilities fail to detect properly? And you have shown a lack of scruples in the past coupled with an unbridled personal ambitious nature. We've seen that, my friend. Despite this, I am of the mind to give you some cut. I honestly don't think you can help yourself and I'd rather we not part ways as enemies, even if we do not remain friends."

Lokin frowns, his usually serious features becoming downright depressing.

"The others do not think to be so generous with you. I disagree but I will side with them if they cannot be persuaded otherwise. I tend to side with people who do not attempt to screw me over. You tried to make more than your share with your disloyalty. It seems you will be paying the price."

Lokin moves slowly to the left as he speaks. He knows Zurd can be impulsive and he would rather not have everyone get caught in the effect of a spell, if possible.


It looked as if Kol was going to enter his lethal rage in response to Zurd. But then, upon hearing the child's voice, Kol's cheeks flush to a darker shade of purple.
I do not wish to make violence in front of a wee one.
Kol turned to Lokin but never took his eyes of the orc. "You are a much kinder man then I. My opinion has not nor will not change about this..." he gestures at Zurd. "As far as the identifying, Kongu suggested it may not be worth the ten more then 100 gold coin apiece. Especially for the scrolls and potions. We have not heard from Kongu nor Kyle about the dividing of things."


LEW Judge
Kongu and Kyle have been silent through most of the argument. If you watched their faces closely, you might tell that Kyle's passiveness is motivated by a sense of detachment, of one who never felt a part of the group and is more concerned with wrapping up its uncomfortable collective existence than with the details of treasure division. However, he is seen nodding as Payne speaks. Her viewpoint clearly seems more persuasive to him than any of the others. In Kongu's case, it is more her ever-pleasant nature, that she finds it so hard to believe the worst of anyone. She alone showed no signs of doubting Zurd's explanation. However, even she has her limits.

"Zurd, I do not know whether what you say is correct. Maybe you honestly never knew the axe was enchanted. However, what you say about teamwork -- I think I'd believe it more if it came from Lokin or Kol. Going into that stronghold, I was glad to have all three of you to protect me from dangers, but I have to admit, there were times you scared me as much as the orcs. Lokin and Kol, I knew they'd be covering me against whatever dangers. But when you ran off chasing those harmless orc-kids, and then didn't seem to mind that your spell dropped Kol to the ground -- well, I'm not so sure you knew who was on your team. I know Lokin did, I know Kol did, and while I'm not the throat-slitting type, I can understand what Payne is talking about. As for dividing treasure -- well, it could go five ways or six ways. It's still a lot of money either way. Whatever magical powers the shield and axe have, I'm sure they'll amount to a lot of cash. Just don't talk to us about earning your share through teamwork, when you don't understand what teamwork is."

Zurd is looking meaner and meaner as he starts to feel cornered, with Lokin carefully moving to the other side of him. After a few ugly glances back and forth he turns to Jemeny and Valeria. "You saw we all brought these prizes in together. If you buy them from us, you'll have to pay their rightful owners. That's all of us. They're evidently trying to steal my share, and if you pay the rest of them but not me, you're aiding in a robbery."

Voidrunner's Codex

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