I was recently listening to a Podcast by Mastering Dungeons about the Playtest and they had a few interesting points. The one that got me thinking was in regards to new players and character creation. They pointed out the confusion of having a new player pick a Class, a Race, and then build a background (including choosing a Feat). They discussed the idea of choosing each as a feature of the first three levels.
Level 1 - make a simple background (2 skills, a language, and some starting equipment) along with your race, focusing on the narrative over mechanics.
Level 2 - pick a Class and ASI. This could look like a current Level 1 character.
Level 3 - pick a subclass and a Feat. You have a fully realized character, returning/advanced players start here.
At first I laughed the idea off it sounded so weird but upon reflection it makes it far easier to explain to new players. Keep the choices fewer for those first levels and let them grow into the rules (allowing swapping) of each until they hit level 4. It feels similar to level 0 characters of yesteryears and makes teaching the game simpler.
What are your thoughts? How have you streamlined character creation for new players? I am introducing a new group of young teens and an always interested in ideas.
Level 1 - make a simple background (2 skills, a language, and some starting equipment) along with your race, focusing on the narrative over mechanics.
Level 2 - pick a Class and ASI. This could look like a current Level 1 character.
Level 3 - pick a subclass and a Feat. You have a fully realized character, returning/advanced players start here.
At first I laughed the idea off it sounded so weird but upon reflection it makes it far easier to explain to new players. Keep the choices fewer for those first levels and let them grow into the rules (allowing swapping) of each until they hit level 4. It feels similar to level 0 characters of yesteryears and makes teaching the game simpler.
What are your thoughts? How have you streamlined character creation for new players? I am introducing a new group of young teens and an always interested in ideas.