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Should girls be allowed to play fighter characters

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Dark Jezter said:
Not true. The Israeli army removed women from front-line infantry positions because their research found that women were less physically-suited for the rigors of infantry life than men were.

The military study found that men could handle marches of 55 miles in length, while women had difficulty with distances over 32 miles. The difference was attributed to a 10% higher level of hemoglobin in men, which allows them to feed more oxygen to their muscles and aids in their ability to undertake extended physical activity.

The study also found that the average man could carry 55% of his body weight, while the average woman could only carry 40% of her body weight. This percentile difference combined with the fact that the average military-age woman weighs 33 pounds less than the average military-age man results in a 44-pound load difference when carrying equipment and supplies.

When the studies were concluded, the Isreali military made the decision to remove women from front-line infantry duties. Women were also barred from serving in tank crews, where each member of the crew must be capable of carrying out the loader's duties if needed. They may also be barred from serving in artillery crews or engineering units that deal with heavy equipment.

Women continue to serve in numerous other roles in the Isreali military such as pilots, navigators, naval officers, radar operators, intelligence officers, and light infantry units along peacetime borders.
Well obviously the material I've read on the subject was incorrect.

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Elf Witch

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I am going to avoid the real world argumements had enough of that in school today :)

I have seen stuff like this before when I first started gaming stupid rules that if you were a female character you had to cap your strength at 14 and had to take a penalty on charisma because everyone knows that heavily muscled woman are just ugly. They was a house rule of a DM that used to post on another board.

Its BS and makes woman not want to play. And I think that might be the reason it was done.

Now do I think it is wrong for a DM to rule 0 that there are no female paladins in his world. No I don't it depends on the flavor he is going for. I played in an online game that did not allow woman characters to be paladins or clerics the diety was a god of war and honor and woman were not allowed in the military. One of the PCs was a woman pretending to be a man it was some great role playing. In this game only woman could be druids and sorcerers they gift of sorcerery came from a now dead god and was bestowed only on woman. Anyone could play a wizard or a rogue amd there were a unit of female rangers who worked with the druids.

It was a great game and no one felt like their choices were limited. As a matter of fact the druids were all played by male players.

I would think it would get boring playing in one cookie cutter world after another so I am usually open minded about DM limitations. As long as the world gives me some choices that would be fun to play.


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Angcuru said:
True. Ever heard of the Spartans? Part of the reason why they were such hard-core virtually invincible warriors on the battlefield was the fact that they were lovers. If the person next to you is your lover, you're going to fight a great deal harder than you would otherwise.

Yeah. And the other 99% of why they were so good at what they did had to do with being trained and brain-washed for the job since the age of 7 in a brutal competitive regimen designed to kill off the weak.


I think we've reached a fine stopping point for this thread. If the original poster wishes to check back in with me, I'll consider reopening it.

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