D&D General Should the Platypus be a creature created by wizards, and the Capybara be Small Giant Space Hamsters?

This is related to the idea that Owlbears must somehow be creations of Wizards because they're a combination of different animals. Well we have the Platypus a creature that's a weird combinations of something like a Beaver with a Duck, surely that must be just as magical as an Owlbear.

And if Hamsters are really Miniature Giant Space Hamsters, then wouldn't a Capybara be just a small-sized Giant Space Hamster?

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A suffusion of yellow
Owlbears are a robust theropod that have taken to a quadraped gait due to their upperbody bulk, they are related to both Griffons and Krenshar

Platypus are a hoax


And here I thought the platypus was just the larval form of a thought eater....




Capybaras are very different to hamsters

Also if you look at a platypus' skeleton any notion its a chimaera falls right away. They're just weirdos

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