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Simplifying d20 Modern (lite version of the classes)


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My complaint with d20 Modern classes is that creating PCs and NPCs takes hours, and finally doesn't make the game better. So I am thinking about doing it like that:

-- Three bases 20 lvl classes (in the spirit of an Unearthed Arcana class variant): Warrior, Expert, Intellectual.
-- A set of core skills by profession, determined once and for all at first level, inspired by CoC d20, instead of Starting Occupations and whatnot. Also, I want to get rid of all those bonus feats. Talents: Intellectuals would get one talent per two levels, but other classes may get less as compensation for better BAB and hit-dice (need some calculations).
-- Even number of skills points per level. Humans are not the default race, so you add normally (as per DnD) your bonus feat and bonus skill points when playing a human. I hate this stuff of substracting skill points and feats when playing other races (such as those featured in d20 Future).
-- Action points, defense bonus, reputation, and free multiclassing remain. I will also add Sanity Points.

I would like to know your opinion about this. Maybe you would instead prefer a dozen different base 20 lvl classes, with strictly determined professions (ala DnD)? Or maybe needs to add archetype advanced-prestige classes? (like Bene-Gesserit for a sci-fi setting, Psychic, etc.)

BTW: All of this will go with a simplified combat system I have been working on for some time... Then, equipment, etc. will be that of d20 Modern and d20 future.

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Hmm, could be interesting. I'd like to see it.

I myself have done what I call D20 Modern Heroic, which took the prestige classes from D20 Modern, and turned then in 20-level core classes, incorporating the Talent Trees and such into them. It also included some templates for use in a Buffystyle game. My players loved it. I posted it on here for feedback but it was universally reviled as being unnecessary. *shrug* To each their own.

Post a link or file with your stuff. I love reading alternative systems.


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What you did with the Advanced Modern classes sounds pretty interesting. I would like to see it! (can you link me to this previous thread with the document?).

My own dsign will take time before being written (even if it is mainly about copypasting from the SRD).

What I would like to know from people around is: who prefers lots of profession classes (i.e.: medic, gunslinger, soldier, pilot, etc.), and who prefers a few (three) generic classes.


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Prefer generic (3 + 1 classes).

I prefer generic with four classes: warrior, expert, savant (which can be an intellectual or a spellcaster, depending upon genre), and superhero (not used in every genre).
I tried going classless-point-buy, but in d20 it's harder to balance this against challenges.


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What you mean by "Superhero"?

Well, my opinion is, with this system of 3 basic classes, to add a few prestige classes of archetypes players usually like. This could be a Jedi, Bene-Gesserit, Gunslinger, Psychic, etc. (because it is about modern/sci-fi). IMO: these prestige classes would make for superheroes of sorts. Otherwise, I have thought to add a couple of special races that have got racial levels. It's probably a good way to be a superhero: a race that can develop incredible abilities, but it takes to gain levels in racial class (typically a five levels class).

I like the term "savant" (will see if I use that instead of intellectual).

Lets see what could be done:
1) Savant: d4, wizard bab, high Will saves, low defense, high reputation, 8 skill points / level.
2) Expert: d6, rogue bab, medium Ref + Will saves, medium defense, low reputation, 6 skill points / level.
3) Warrior: d8, warrior bab, medium Fort + Ref saves, high defense, low reputation, 4 skill points / level.
4) Superhero: d10, warrior bab, high Fort and medium Ref + Will saves, high defense, high reputation, 2 skill points / level.

All of this would have to be balanced (probably using DrSpunj work here), maybe giving more or less talents as compensation. However, I personally don't see much rationale for a class called "Superhero"; I would prefer another explanation.


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Actually I've since posted it up on my website. This was created under D20 3.0 rules, long before 3.5 came out. I'm actually in the process of revamping and updating the whole thing to bring it more in line with D&D 3.5, Star Wars, and Unearthed Arcana, but if you still want to see it, you can find it here. Give it a minute to load. Its not a small page.

D20 Modern Heroic


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Very interesting; thanks.

I see you wanted to create something on par with DnD, but for a modern world. My own system will be on the low scale of power. For one thing I want PCs easy to create and remember their abilities (too many players have a tendancy to forget what their character could do, or spend full minutes in combat perusing their character sheet instead of playing). Then, as a DM I don't want it to be a headache to challenge high levels PCs (which is one of my problems with DnD)...


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Maybe you want to dig up my post about d20 modern without "real" classes.
Maybe not what you are looking for, but maybe worth a look nonetheless. :)

I think I called it "Thanee's Ultra Modern". :D



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I already took a look at it, interesting things found in it, plus stuff from DrSpunj. I will use that to create three balanced base classes. Maybe i could add the "fourth" class in which the character buy according to point-buy the abilities of his class.


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Turanil wrote:
All of this would have to be balanced (probably using DrSpunj work here), maybe giving more or less talents as compensation. However, I personally don't see much rationale for a class called "Superhero"; I would prefer another explanation.[/QUOTE]

I think we agree on the basic 3-class system (Warrior, Expert, Savant). The fourth class, Superhero, I have toyed with is essentially the "hero" class for Four-Color-To-Fantasy. Unlike your previous post, this class has the lowest possible BAB/save progreesions and no skill points.

As you suggested in your later post:

"Maybe i could add the "fourth" class in which the character buy according to point-buy the abilities of his class."

it acually is a point buy system bolted on to the more traditional Feat/Skill classes. I would use it for superheroes and for those otherwise inexplicable abilities that some heroes have:

i.e. "he's actually a safecracker, but he can shoot a bolt of pure cream cheese out of his nose with enough force to knock over a small person."
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