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Six From Gate Pass - Chapter 3: Shelter From The Storm


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Kirio frowns "well... I am a "thespian" as you say, so very well, but from you tail this is not a trusting fellow"

Kirio, what do you know of such dragons?

"hmmm, well, I know more than the average person I suppose..."

OOC: Kirio taking 20 knowledge Arcana with lore master, total of 28...

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Kirio and Arnir, here is what you know:

Green dragons are most notable for the large, waving crest or fin that starts at the dragon's nose and runs the entire length of the dragon's body. They also have exceptionally long, slender forked tongues. They are capable of breathing a cone of highly caustic chlorine gas and are highly adept at magic.

Green dragons make their homes in forests with lakes and streams. They are typically evil and lawful, but they have been known to twist or alter an agreed upon code to benefit themselves over other parties. They enjoy eating small humanoids such as gnomes, but they prize the taste of elves and sprites most.

They revel in combat, and will often attack for no apparent reason. They are highly territorial, and will often view any intrusion into their domain, voluntary or not, as a personal affront.


Eventually the drink begins to take its toll and you all head back to the house to get some rest, still chatting about dragons and your daring plans for Lowduke.

When you arrive at the house, wet from the damnably never-ending drizzle, a folded envelope of parchment has been affixed to your front door with a slender dagger. Written in clear script upon the front of the envelope is 'Lord Arnir of House Bowflight.'

Arnir removes the letter and you all check your surroundings. Satisfied that you are alone, you all step inside the house and lock the door behind you. Retreating to your rooms for the evening, you turn in.

Just after dawn, you all come downstairs to begin your day as a newly invigorated Bannock and Hrimr arrive home.
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When you arrive at the house, wet from the damnably never-ending drizzle, a folded envelope of parchment has been affixed to your front door with a slender dagger. Written in clear script upon the front of the envelope is 'Lord Arnir of House Bowflight.'

Arnir steps slowly up the stairs, using his exquisite dagger to break the heavy wax seal of the envelope. Closing the door to his room, he pulls the letter out and begins to read. At first his face flushes with anger but then he cools as his analytic mind kicks into gear.

None of this makes sense...I had a deal with Simeon...and how would they know who I am? This bears investigation tomorrow

Finding he needs very little sleep these days, Arnir studies for a few hours, sleeps for only a couple and then wakes at first light to head to the Lyceum.


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Arnir, you head off down the streets towards the Lyceum. Dawn is relatively busy in the market, with stalls setting up, cattle being herded into pens and wagons and push carts filled with root vegetables, sides of meat and barrels being delivered. You pass bakers whose ovens have been lit and some refugees or those down on their luck huddle by the open door ways from which warm, bread-smelling air flows.

You leave the hustle and bustle behind and stroll up to the Lyceum which must remain open at all hours. You are admitted along with a few robed students who quickly hurry to the archives or laboratories to get an early start on their studies. You wipe drizzle off your cloak and rub your hands together for warmth as you stand in the front hall. Your eyes wander the stone walls and find various sign-plaques that indicate where you can find various services and offices: Treasury, Laboratories, Archives, Lecture Halls, Material Component Vaults, Duelling Auditoriums, Summoning Chambers, Private Study Lockers, etc.


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Arnir stands in the large, drafty front hall, his hood drawn up over his head. Fidgeting nervously as he goes over the directory engraved in fine brass plaques and heads towards the treasury, looking for a clerk or Master who might be able to answer a few questions.


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Arnir, your journey takes you down into the lower levels of the tower. You pass rooms filled with crates and barrels, hallways leading to other stairwells that head even deeper into the complex and small studies and offices.

Eventually you locate the Office of the Treasury and open a heavy banded iron door flanked by what you assume are ever-burning torches. The office is quite small and lined with shelves that are filled with books, ledgers and scrolls. More ever-burning torches hang from sconces and a few tapestries attempt to add warmth to this cold stone room. A heavy wooden desk sits in the middle of the room and its surface contains only an abacus, a neat stack of paper, ink and quills and a large ledger. Just behind the desk is another very thick and sturdy door that is open half-way. You can just make out the large quantity of chests, boxes and bags that sit behind bars in various cells.

Behind the desk sits a young human man who looks as if he has just started his shift. He blinks up at you from the ledger as you enter.

"Um....yes?" he says awkwardly, "Can I help you?"


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Arnir forces his mouth to twist unnaturally from a scowl to a smile as he peers down at the clerk "Ah yes!" he says in his most polite tone "I'm looking for my friend Mr. Merrywinter - I've got to speak with him today regarding my account with the Lyceum."


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"Mr. Merrywinter?" asks the clerk with some confusion. "Oh ... yes, yes," he then quickly adds. He clumsily leafs through the ledger in front of him for a moment or two before finding an entry. "Ah yes, yes, you must be Lord Arnir. I am to inform you that Mr. Merrywinter has an office on Clerk's Row, here in the North Harbour, and that you are required to meet with him there." He smiles nervously at you before adding: "Is there anything else I can help you with your Lordship?"

The Bashar

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Hrimr and Bannock head back to the house.

"We should find out what the rest of the party is planning for the next part of our adventure. I would imagine dealing with a Dragon will not be easy. We should probably secure the egg first."

Hrimr looks around the house to see if anyone is home.
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"Mr. Merrywinter?" asks the clerk with some confusion. "Oh ... yes, yes," he then quickly adds. He clumsily leafs through the ledger in front of him for a moment or two before finding an entry. "Ah yes, yes, you must be Lord Arnir. I am to inform you that Mr. Merrywinter has an office on Clerk's Row, here in the North Harbour, and that you are required to meet with him there." He smiles nervously at you before adding: "Is there anything else I can help you with your Lordship?"

Arnir's smile drops as he picks up on the hesitation in the clerk's voice. "tell me something. You work in the Lyceum, so you are witness to the arcane arts on a regular basis, I assume....But have you ever experienced it...."He leans in and his voice drops "first hand?"

Arnir holds out his hand, crackling with arcs of electricity whipping back and forth and jumping from finger to finger

Voidrunner's Codex

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