Release Six New Titles for Amazons vs Valkyries!

I'm very happy to announce the recent release of six new PDFs for the Amazons vs Valkyries setting!

Most of this content will appear in the PoD campaign guide, tentatively planned for release in 2023. Before that, we will release the player-related content from these files in the PoD Amazons vs Valkyries Player's Guide this summer. But if you can't wait that long to start your AvV campaign, you can download these and other PDFs and get started on the adventure today!

The Cult of Artemis

This file provides an overview of mystery cults and specific details about the Cult of Artemis, one of the most powerful and influential goddesses in the Amazons vs Valkyries setting.


  • Sample cult secrets
  • The location of Artemis' main temples
  • Festivals held in Artemis' honor
  • The Forest Domain
  • New Spell (canine companion)
  • Paladin's Oath of the Wild

Druid Circles

This PDF presents two new druid circles for the Amazons vs Valkyries setting.

Circle of Abundance. These druids serve their communities as arborists, farmers, and herbalists. Some specialize in husbandry overseeing the births of cattle and other livestock. Druids of the Circle of Abundance hold a yearly meeting in the Spring to exchange seeds, share herbal remedies for various ailments, and discuss best practices in husbandry.

Circle of Arcana. Some druids specialize in the mystical aspect of nature, dabbling in wizardry, alchemy, and sorcery. Members of the Circle of Arcana study rare elements, unusual species, and metaphysical phenomena. Though they refrain from writing druidic lore, they collect and study books on history, philosophy, and magic. These druids are reclusive and rarely take an interest in outsiders. When they leave their remote sanctuaries to interact with civilians, it is an auspicious sign.

Cult of Isis

This file provides an overview of mystery cults and specific details about the Cult of Isis, one of the most influential and widely known goddesses in the Amazons vs Valkyries setting.


  • Sample cult secrets
  • The location of Isis' main temples
  • Festivals held in Isis' honor
  • The Osiris Tale
  • 3 New Legendary Magic Item (Book of Breathing, Knot of Isis, and Veil of Isis)
  • Paladin's Oath of the Great Lady

Cult of Poseidon
This file provides an overview of mystery cults and specific details about the Cult of Poseidon, one of the greediest and most dangerous deities in the Amazons vs Valkyries setting.


  • Sample cult secrets
  • The location of Poseidon's main temples
  • Festivals held in Poseidon's honor
  • The Poseidon Command Warrior Cult
  • Two New Spells (earthshaker and trident of disaster)
  • Paladin's Oath of Disaster

Cult of Tanit

This file provides an overview of mystery cults and specific details about the Cult of Tanit, one of the most fearsome deities in the Amazons vs Valkyries setting.


  • Sample cult secrets
  • The location of Tanit's temples and shrines
  • Rites held in Tanit's honor
  • Brief history and methods of the cult
  • 1 New Magic Item (Tanit's Emblem)
  • 1 New Spell (Necromantic Surge)
  • The Oath of the Moon's Bond for Tanit's paladins

Cult of Moloch

This file provides an overview of mystery cults and specific details about the Cult of Moloch, one of the most horrible deities in the Amazons vs Valkyries setting.


  • Sample cult secrets
  • The location of Moloch's temples and shrines
  • Festivals and rites held in Moloch's honor
  • Brief history and methods of the cult
  • 2 New Spells (eruption and wildfire)
  • 1 New Monster (flaming souls called Maliku)
  • 1 CR 7 NPC Herald of Moloch: Izabella
  • Fire Domain
  • Paladin's Oath of Immolated Souls

What is the Amazons vs Valkyries setting all about?

Read a brief overview right here
Or PWYW and download the 52-page Campaign Primer right here!
Or jump right into the adventure today with the PDF Starter Bundle!

And be on the lookout for the AvV Player's Guide, a 120+ page, hardback PoD coming to Kickstarter this summer!

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The EN World kitten
I love this particular product line, but as a Pathfinder 1E holdover, I was sad to see them go exclusively to D&D 5E. Is there any chance we'll see more PF1E AvV products in the future?

I love this particular product line, but as a Pathfinder 1E holdover, I was sad to see them go exclusively to D&D 5E. Is there any chance we'll see more PF1E AvV products in the future?
Thanks! I love it too!

There are currently no plans for more PF1 content, but I can't rule it out completely. If there is a lot of interest in that, it could be possible. Once we get the Player's Guide (5e) done, a conversion would be conceivable.

Voidrunner's Codex

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