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Six Nights to Yearsend (Ptolus Group A)

Deuce Traveler

"So let me understand this. You were attacked by men wearing red and black... like the robes that you and your friends here are also wearing?" The guard cocks his head at an angle and looks at you increduously.

At that moment three rough-looking men approach from the side of the street and begin to take notice of you. One yells, "Hey, they got a tall elf with them, with the light hair we've been hearing about. And some of them might bees them supposed Golden Cross Killers. Let's take a closer look at that elf-lady,". The three roughs take a couple of steps forward and towards you until two of the Watch stop them.

"Look, I don't care about your delusional fantasy. We're talking to the citizens here and I think it's time that your and your friends here moved along unless you want to spend the night in a cell."

"You threatening me, Watch-boy?" The leader asks and gives one of the Watch a push as he tries again to shove his way towards the unconscious Luna. A crowd is now beginning to form and some people are looking at the party with greater interest.

The lead Watchman turns towards you before he joins his companions in trying to subdue the ruffians. "Go! Get on out of here before you somehow start a riot!"
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"Not wearing these robes sir, near a temple not of our order....." Davian began, until he was silenced by the "mob." He watches the man interact with the guard and hides his grin rather well "He just saved us. Thank the gods." Davian moves past the guards and continues on their way.



Glancing down at the robe he still wears, Tsal sighs in frustration with himself. "Let's be on our way." Once they are out of earshot he says to the others, "so who are the roughs? Are they in league with the robed priests? Or friends of the Golden Cross. They didn't look the type to me." He glances back to see if they are followed or watched as they go.


"Could be they were just vigilante citizens looking to collect on our bounty." says Kaeso. "I know we need to avoid being seen, but we must have our companions treated as soon as possible. This was bound to happen I suppose..."


Davian looks down in disgust, he forgot to remove the dang robe. Once out of sight he removes it, comfortable with the fact that no one living has seen his face or can put him witht the group of "felons."

Deuce Traveler

You arrive at the front lawn of the Jodan Templehall, home to the Knights of the Chord. Tsal doesn't get the impression that you have been followed and Davian decides to roll up and put his robe away. As you enter the building, you arrive in the main foyer where you are greeted by one of the Knights, a incredibly beautiful and unarmored elven woman wearing a short sword along her belt and lute on her back. "Loraine, you brought guests. What brings you to..." As her eyes rest on Kareus the woman's arm moves quicker than you could believe possible and draws the short sword. "Loraine, what is this? That man is a wanted criminal!"


Davian grabs Kareus by the shoulders and pulls him back, stepping in front of him, "Give us a moment before you do us in, the story they can tell may intrigue you yet." Davian turns his palms to the elven woman, "Blood has been let, that is true. I do believe Kareus and the others here know less about what is going on than you do milady. Sheeth your sword, or quietly call more guards if you do not feel safe. I promise you though, no one in this group before you shall ever loose the blood of the innocent." He finishes his statement with a low graceful bow. He glances up at her slightly, "May we go someplace where the general public may not simply walk in and begin to murder us? As I said before milady, if you feel the need, please quietly call in more guards."



Also raising his staff in defense, Tsal adds, "Please listen to what they have to say before you act. I assure you that you will be intrigued as I was. Dark forces are at work your order should be concerned."

Deuce Traveler

The woman lowers her blade as Loraine also pleads the case. "Very well, but follow me and quickly." She leads your group into the main hall and then into a spacious meeting hall that also serves during meal times as a dining hall. A couple of Knights of the Chord are studying there, but one look at the woman's face and they scamper off to find isolation for their reading. "Alright, you have my attention. Now speak your case and tell me why I shouldn't bring the Watch down on your heads."

Voidrunner's Codex

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