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Six Nights to Yearsend (Ptolus, Kareus' Solo Adventure)

Deuce Traveler

The 25th of Yearsend Month, 8:44 AM

Loraine returns the hug awkwardly as she blushes, then decides to give you a light punch on the shoulder instead of maintaining the embrace. "Just be careful out there, and if it gets too dangerous maybe we should go to the authorities. Hey, your friends turned themselves in and for all you know they're having the time of their lives right now."

OOC: Sorry, couldn't resist. :)

IC: It doesn't take too long to find Blackstock Printings, and the shy elf who readily answers your questions while nervously glancing at the hilts of your sheathed weapons. Aelian is a light-skinned, anxious man who seems both intelligent and a little odd. The printing shop itself is a medium-sized, free standing building with a number of clerks working on orders in the front office. Once you explained your intentions and explained that you have several ancient elven books you were admitted to see the proprietor in his smaller office behind the main equipment. It seems he is a lover of old books, and especially of ancient knowledge.

"Yes, yes, yes. These books are quite similar in both the old elven dialect and Common when it comes to the same geographical area. Most of these are referencing the lands around this city before it was what we now know Ptolus to be. Quite amazing, yes? But it is their cultural viewpoints which are enlightening, such as the humans seem to have focused on landmarks such as hills and bodies of water while the elves focused on ancient groves and forests. Both also reference the positions of stars, but the elves more so although my knowledge of astronomy is admittedly lacking. Still, I think this book on ancient elven poetry is also interesting, especially this one page that's dog-eared and mentions several geographical and astronomical reference points. It could be that the person you got these books from was comparing these points to this one poem, yes? The title of this one poem is the Tomb of the Dead Goddess. So where did you get these books again? Oh... I see it's not important. It's interesting that the final line is clear enough and reads: 'So tiptoe my love, through poisoned blooms, where rests eternal the Dead Goddess of the Moons'. Hmph. Never heard of her. Well I can either translate these for you into Common or try to figure out where these landmarks are that are referenced, but either job could take until tomorrow. Oh, and I should ask for payment I am thinking. Ummm... how about 50 thrones?"

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Looking into his money pouch, Kareus knows that this fee will practically bankrupt him (OOC: 65gp, 25 sp in total). "Mr. Fardream, perhaps we can strike a different deal. How about you translate it for me into common and try as hard as you can to locate the place of 'poisoned blooms', and in return, (ehm, cough, cough), you may keep this ancient, rare, priceless (cough, cough, cough) and eternal memorial manuscript of bygone days".

OOC: If Aelian does not agree, Kareus will pay him 15gp now, and the rest on completion.

Kareus heads off towards a shop selling magical items. He is particularly interested in a hat of disguise. He wishes to try it for a day or two before making a decision whether he will purchase it or not. He is willing to give his fine magical bow as a security deposit for the hat in the meantime.

After that, 'Malif one-eyed' the half-orc bounty hunter, will go to the Onyx Spider in Midtown, seeking some loose-mouthed Vladaams from whom he wishes to discover the following:
1. The description and name of this wanted killer (he pretends to be very attentive)
2. Exactly how much is the bounty (even more attentive)
3. (As a side issue, since we're talking) What kind of relationship did the house have with the Knights of the Golden Cross (he suspects, a very poor one at best. But why?)
4. "Why is it so important for Gattar to find this miscreant? What's his name again, was it Tareus, Fareus?"
5. "Isn't there someone from the family who can handle this killer? What about that fine young man, Godfred? I've heard so many able tales about the man?

Deuce Traveler

OOC: The only such shops that would sell magical items are Myraeth's Oddities in Midtown by the mercenary infested Delver's Square and the Dreaming Apothecracy in the dream world (you need a small bronze token from one of their members to contact them for a dream exchange). There are also several places that you can buy potions, sometimes for cheap, such as Larel's Implements in the Docks, Urnst in the Undercity Market by Delver's Square, and West Town Mixtures in Old Town.


First Post
Kareus hurries back to Loraine's apartment, making sure that no one sees him entering.

After updating her about the poem, he ask "Loraine, I need you to go to a friend of mine and do something for me. His name is Marcad Shever of House Shever. You will find him in the Union of Traders building in Old Town. He can probably get his hands on a hat of diguise, a most needed item in this time. Here, take my bow in exchange for the hat. It's certainly a bargain exchange for him at least. Don't get him involved, since it's almost common knowledge that we have business dealings with each other. I would go myself, but there are bound to be people around looking for me there."

Giving her a warm hug, he says "take care and look out for yourself, and anything unusual."

Deuce Traveler

Loraine is half asleep when you find her, although she mistakes your intent and demands that you go to the sofa when you move to wake her. Finally she gets up after you persist on moving her out of the bed and listens to your request. She moves to get herself ready, grumbling and complaining all the way. Once she leaves with your bow you settle down on the sofa and think about recent events. It is a comfortable sofa, however, and you fall asleep before you know it only to wake after an unknown amount of time when Loraine comes back in and tosses a well-made, but odd cap into your lap.

"Marcad says to tell you he always knew your friends would get you in trouble and he called you stupid for getting involved in this murder. He didn't ask for details and I didn't give him any. He also called me insane for helping you. He also asked that you tell him the story sometime if you lived long enough and wanted me to give you this," Loraine says as she hands you a cigar box with a dragon pistol inside and twelve rounds. "He wanted me to remind you that he hasn't heard of your whereabouts, nor has he given you aid of any kind. Basically, the man is as infuriating of a so-called friend as I remember. You two belong together. Now I'm going back to sleep." Your ex says something else unkind under her breathe and closes the door to the bedroom behind her.

You lost your bow but have a dragon pistol with some rounds and a hat of disguise. You're not sure you want to know how Marcad got these together so quickly, but you know the man has his connections and can make things happen fast when he wants them to.

OOC: I take it you are going to the Onyx Spider next?


First Post
"I really should make it up to her when this is over. If I'm still alive ofcourse."

OOC: Correction Kareus as Malif One-eyed, the half-orc bounty hunter, goes to the Onyx Spider in Midtown. See thread#12 for his intentions. PS, what kind of deal did Aelian agree on?

Deuce Traveler

OOC: Aelius agreed to taking the books as payment when you were done, and seemed to believe it was a fair deal.

Malif One-eyed, the half-orc bounty hunter walks into the Onyx Spider and passes a few tables of patrons in the center of the room along with a tall, quiet man tossing knives at a target in the southwestern corner. When you come up to the bar you find Barras Noven, a mercenary who had done some work before for House Vlaadam. He is tall and muscular, but older with little hair on his head but a black, wide mustache. You spend a silver piece on a dark ale: Calligan's Brew. After spending another silver piece and introducing yourself as a fellow mercenary, Barras opens up. "Funny thing, really. Here is House Vlaadam, who never got along with the Knights of the Golden Cross, paying for a bounty to avenge their death. Now admittedly some of the Knights and Gattara had crossed paths on occasion and these meetings were often civil if not tense. It's pretty shocking that the crazy woman puts out a 50,000 throne bounty on the head of this escaped murderer, Kareus d'Leonne, a tall man with dark hair and green eyes. Supposedly she did it out of the kindness of her heart, but she's not known for such compassion. From what I've heard every bounty hunter in the area is heading here for a shot at the big money. Heck, I guess I'd even like a crack at it. Gattara could enlist the help of her brother Godfred, but the siblings don't always get along in that family."


First Post
"Hmmm, you sayz it's funny, but me thinks it's too odd. If someones killed someones I didn't like, I wouldn't offer a reward for the killer but to the killer. Probably more to Gattara than meets the eye, believe youz me. They don't call me one-eyed for notting. However, who needs to see further when 50000 kisses are offered, hey? That sod sure gonna get it."

Buying him another drink, Kareus/Malif tries to pry more out of Barras: "You wouldn't know what they had their differences on do you - the knights and Gattara I mean?"

OOC: If no more useful information can be gathered from Barras, Kareus heads off towards Danbury's. On the way he will move into a deserted alleyway, and reemerges as Elias Gregor, a not badly dressed, average height, sturdy middle aged man. He will order a light lunch, hoping to see Gattara and her escorts at the inn.

Deuce Traveler

The 25th of Yearsend Month, 9:04 AM

Malif buys Barras another drink with a silver and the mercenary roughly slaps his back in thanks and says, "I'm not sure what has kept the Vladaam's and Knights against one another, it just seemed to be the natural order of things. Of course both groups have histories that are so old that I wonder if either of the two knew the origin of the strife." He ponders that one himself for a moment, but then his eyes narrow as several glowing barbarians walk into the bar. "By the twin goddesses, this city attracts all sorts!"

There are five of the armored barbarians, and as you watch you see that they are both hobgoblins and some kind of ethereal undead. "We seek information, pink skins. We looking for the escapees, Kareus d'Leonne, Morty Price, Kaeso Drionus, and Luna Requiem. Heard there be prizes for heads. We not leave until we have what we want."

You decide it may be a good time to leave, but as you rise the lead spectral hobgoblin comes up to your face and sneers, "No one to leave yet."

Barras puts a guarding hand to your shoulder and pushes you back into your chair as he rises and says cautiously, "This one is new to this, but I can answer your questions." The older mercenary relates what he knows to the five, explaining about House Vladaam and their location and current offer, as well as Kareus' (your) description as he had recently heard it. Eventually the five barbarians question the other patrons and leave.

Barras wipes the sweat from his brow and turns to the bartender and orders another drink. "Well, I heard the Ghost Clan Mercenaries were in Ptolus but if they're involved in this hunt maybe I best stay out of it. They're as mericless to competing bounty hunters as they are to their targets. It's bad news that they'd be here just when this current bounty has opened up. I don't doubt other mercenary groups will be swarming into this city soon."


First Post
Deuce Traveler said:
"...We seek information, pink skins. We looking for the escapees, Kareus d'Leonne, Morty Price, Kaeso Drionus, and Luna Requiem. Heard there be prizes for heads....."

Digesting the information that some of his friends have escaped, Kareus's mind begins to diverse in several directions. What happened to Perceival and Tagret? Were they separated in the dungeons and left behind? Where are the rest of them now? In Tarsis if Morty could teleport them probably. Of course if they wish to free Perceival and Tagret, they are probably hiding somewhere in Ptolus - that's what the bounty hunters are assuming. Now if I were them where would I hide? The old lodging? That's too ridiculous...almost as ridiculous as surrendering to the mercy of the watch. But they did it, didn’t they!? No, that’s just too ridiculous. Would they go to their friends in the city seeking help? Could they trust their friends, 50000 thrones is no small reward? Even if they do go there, these friends will think I’m one of the hunters seeking them, again giving me nothing on their whereabouts. Think man think. Where are they? A small grin appears on Kareus’s face. At least they know I can’t teleport. Maybe, just maybe they’ll try and find me instead. They do have magical means that I’m lacking.

Deciding to continue investigating Gattara, Kareus heads off towards Danbury's. On the way he will move into a deserted alleyway, and re-emerges as Elias Gregor, a not badly dressed, average height, sturdy middle aged man. He will order a light lunch, hoping to find Gattara and her escorts at the inn.

Voidrunner's Codex

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