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Six Nights to Yearsend (Ptolus, Kareus' Solo Adventure)

Deuce Traveler

The 25th of Yearsend Month, 2:56 AM

When you return to the Citadel of the Golden Cross, you see that the City Watch reinforcements have arrived from the local Watch Tower and are guarding the outskirts of the building. However, these men are still way too inexperienced, and it doesn't take much for you to sneak past them and into the building. Your stomach turns at the sight and smell of the place of slaughter, although you hold the feeling back and avoid adding to the morbid decorations with vomit. You start at the first floor, trying to find any evidence or clue to what is going on, but only discover an attached, empty tower to the north that smells badly of old animal musk. The second floor also has little of interest, except for a bedroom that someone was recently using. You discover a pad of paper in there, with a word that has been written on the top sheet: 'Destor'. It's strange to see that god's name mentioned, since all you remember about him is that he's the god associated with Yearsend Day.

Moving up to the top floor you do find a library, which has a number of open books spread out on one table. The books all deal with geography, both ancient and modern. Oddly, a book of what looks to be elven poetry lies amongst these.

One symbol painted in blood on many of the walls of the building does seem to be associated with Destor: An X with a full moon of blood on the top of the X, while another full moon of blood is at the bottom of the X. In a way, these together form an almost hourglass shape.
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Quickly, Kareus shoves the books on the table, including the book of elven poetry into his haversack. “I’ll go through them in more depth when I have time”.
Avoiding the guards for a second time, Kareus seeks refuge in a place where no one will seek him out, the hornet’s nest. He heads out towards Sergeant Loraine’s home in Old Town. “Better to tell her in person before she finds out the horror of the story from others.”
OOC: was there an elf among the knights who were slain?

Deuce Traveler

The 25th of Yearsend Month, 6:06 AM

OOC: Yes, a number of them were elves such as Kaira and her father.

You decide to sneak into Loraine's home instead of waiting since she works the night shift and your eager to get the blood and grime off of your body. You find a bucket of tepid water that she had left out, some soap, and a few old rags that you doubt your friend will miss. You proceed to carefully give yourself the most welcome bathing of your life, despite the difficulty of doing it with a bucket. You clean off your equipment as best you can, but decide that the clothes aren't salvageable and shove them tightly in a small sack. Luckily for you, Loraine's closet had a few suits of men's clothes that fit you just abour right (probably from an ex-boyfriend) and you feel like a human being once more as you fall onto the sofa and close your exhausted eyes.

You thought you shut your eyelids for just a moment, but by the sight of daylight pouring through a nearby window your realize that it's morning. The jingling doorknob to this apartment is what woke you, however, and Loraine comes in and gives you an open-mouthed stare, "Crap, Kareus, what in the hell have you gotten yourself into now? If you believe you can come here after what they are accusing you of, I think you'll find that you have another thing coming." Despite her suspicions, Loraine does seem glad to see you alive and well.


First Post
“Good morning sunshine”. Stretching on the sofa, Kareus snaps awake recalling the night’s grim events, his good humour evaporates instantly. “Loraine, I’m guilty of many things, but even you cannot suspect me of murdering the knights. Why would I come here if I did? I’d be a hundred miles at sea by now instead!”

Taking a deep breath, Kareus pours out everything he can recall. The man who “hired” them. The filthy monks who captured them. The murder of the knights and finally the surrender of his friends to the watch. He then tells her about his sneaking back in to find some clues. He tells her about the inscription of “Destor” on the pad, and the symbol he saw painted on the wall.

Kareus takes out the books from his haversack. “Look Loraine, I need somewhere to hide where no one will look for me. I realise the risk, but no one will come here. Let me just stay here until I can go through the journals that I found, maybe a clue as to who wanted the knights dead can be found in them. Someone clearly used me and my friends to do their dirty work for them. My friends will hang if the real culprits are not discovered. That’s why I didn’t flee the city.”

“I also need a bit of help from you. I cannot afford to be recognised. Could you get me the red hair dye you used when we were a couple? But before you’re off, try not to burn my breakfast,” his charming smile and personality return, attempting to regain her trust in him.
(OOC: Diplomacy +16)

Deuce Traveler

The 25th of Yearsend Month, 8:11 AM

Loraine asks several questions about how he thinks he was used since he has admitted to killing the Knights, though while not only his own control. Satisfied with his answers, and trusting him, she starts helping him develop a plan as she cooks breakfast for two. "Hells Kareus, it looks like I'm going to have to protect you like I had to all that time ago. Here you are, up in your neck in it once more. It feels like old times. You even found some of your old clothes that I kept in my closet. What, didn't you recognize them?" You have breakfast together and have some more small talk, but she leaves just as the shops begin to open.

When she returns, she has your hair dye but also a dull grey cloak with a hood that looks as if it may be your size and could go over your magical one. "You're really going to have to be careful out there and avoid all that might know you. The talk of the city is of the murders and people are in a rage, especially since one of the murderers escaped." She looks at you sharply, "By Lothian, one of the noble houses is travelling different parts of the city and offering fifty thousand thrones for your head! The Knights of the Golden Cross were loved in this town, and every adventurer that cared for them will be looking for you, and every shady bounty hunter is going to be coming to Ptolus for that bounty."


First Post
During breakfast Kareus asks Loraine about the bounty on his head. "50000 crowns, I'd be tempted to turn myself in for it. What do you know about the noble house offering this sum? They're either trying to gain the favour of the masses, or alternatively, they may want to ensure that none of the 'assassins' survive, leaving no loose ends."

Kareus dyes his hair after breakfast, and together with Loraine he will pour over the books to find a clue as to the knights whereabouts and doings.

Deuce Traveler

"From what I have been hearing, it is Gattara Vladaam of House Vladaam that is putting out the contract, although when it comes to House Vladaam I only know of her brother, Godfred. He's trouble for the Watch: a rich and rash young man who likes to cause trouble in some of the more decadent night scenes." Loraine pours two glasses of wine and joins you at the table.

"Well, it's strange to see the name of Destor on these books. He was a moon god, and also the god of Yearsend. I'm not exactly the most religious woman, so I can't say much more but as a member of the Knights of the Chord and therefore connected with the local law enforcement, I do know that his worship has been banned in Ptolus for the last century. So maybe a Chaos Cultist would know of him, but good luck finding one that you won't want to split with your blade right off. Some of these geography books are in elven and others in Common. As for the books in elven, I love the language but don't always understand it. You're going to want a linguist or an educated elf since these look complicated."

The geography books in Common are in an old style of writing, but they seem to refer to different geographical reference points, some of which are still standing while others worn down from time. You notice a common theme, however. The older books deal with the area around Ptolus before the city came into being while many of the other books deal with the city itself through various stages of development. Whoever was doing research, he seems to have been focused on the city itself both before and after it was established.


First Post
“Loraine, how about doing a little detective work together? I have an idea. You must be exhausted and in desperate need of sleep after last night’s watch. Why don’t you rest a little while I find some more information about these books, and my new friends from house Vladaam. When I come back, how about we go for a little picnic at some ancient sites?”

Putting on his very old clothes and hiding his two swords on his body, Kareus leaves Loraine’s apartment seeking an elven lore master in town to decipher the elven book. Afterwards, he tries to gather some information about the latest endeavours of Gattara and Godfred Vladaam.

(OOC: Gather Information: +16)

Deuce Traveler

Loraine nods and says, "Of course, Kareus, you know I'm here for you. Feel free to stay here as long as you want, but keep in mind that anyone that knows are past relationship might be tempted to check out this place. I'm afraid it may not be entirely safe, but there's not many other options for where else you might be able to hang out, are there? I would be willing to involve some of the other Knights of the Chord who might be able to both provide sanctuary and decipher those books in elven for you, but I wouldn't be sure which would trust my judgement enough in this matter just yet. Why don't you look into disguising yourself and finding someone who would sell such information instead? There is a well-educated elf named Aelian Fardream that deals in printing books in his shop called Blackstock Printing in South Market District. He is a bit of an eccentric, however. Another option would be the Pointy Hat in Oldtown, a bar that caters to older mages and collectors of obscure knowledge. It's an odd little bar, but chances are there will be someone there willing to show off his smarts. House Vladaam is in the Noble District, but that's a powerful family and I wouldn't suggest that you go trying to sneak in there. I also hear that some of the members of House Vladaam sometimes frequent the Onyx Spider in Midtown, while Gattar Vladaam herself prefers Danbury's in the same district."

OOC: Where would you like to start gathering info?


First Post
Giving Loraine a warm hug, Kareus says: "I really appreciate your help. I know the risk you're taking for me. I don't think we should get anyone else involved unless we have to - the more people are aware, the more likely I am to get caught."
Kareus diguises himself as well as he can. Peeking through Loraine's window, Kareus sneaks out when the street is empty. He then heads off towards the South market district, in search of Aelian Fardream's shop.

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