Alright then. How about another?
Crucial Advice - Ranger 2
You are wise in all things. The sooner your friends realize this, the safer and better off they’ll be.
Encounter Martial
Immediate Reaction Ranged 5
Trigger: An ally within range that you can see or hear makes a skill check using a skill in which you’re trained
Effect: Grant the ally the ability to reroll the skill check, with a power bonus equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Let's go with this guy:
Some Dude
level 2 Human, Ranger/Warlord (multiclass Paladin)
Athletics +9, Endurance +7, History +10, Nature +8, Perception +10, Stealth +8
Power Source/Keywords: Martial Power Source so you're drawing upon your years/decades of training in various disciplines.
Refresh/Action Economy: Encounter. So this is available every scene. Further, it doesn't require a pro-active expenditure of a Minor Action (for the often action-intensive Ranger). Its just your Reaction (albeit, most Rangers are tricked out with a plethora of circumstantial Reactions as well).
Archetype Enablement: What if this guy was a sworn guardian of a wee one? What if he was charged with leading a fellowship, fraught with novices and exploration-amateurs, through the perilous wilderness? Does this look like something that might be central to his thematic portfolio?
Survey says? YES!
Noncombat scene resolution (the Skill Challenge):
Lets just be original and imagine that Some Dude is leading his charges (a pack of 4 wee noobs) through a scary wilderness to a sanctuary. Lets say a pack of horrible undead are trailing them, drawn by...some...thing they are carrying. Their exhausted feet slow their egress, but he has to keep them moving because the dead do not rest. They aren't used to long journeys, but they're stout little buggars. DCs @ level 2 = 9, 13, 20. Complexity 2 SC @ Level (6 success, 2 secondary skills, 5 moderate, 1 hard DCs). Two contributions for this guy here.
a1) Pace slows. The sounds of the undead pack's eerie screams reverberate in the night sky. Do they pick a defensible location? Do they hole up? Create a diversion? No. He spurs them on, shows them the way, and they keep moving. Group Endurance Check DC 13. They need 3 of the 5 to pass. He passes with a 6 or better himself. They probably each require somewhere around a 10 or 11. Maybe one of them is particularly stout and courageous! He only needs a 6. So, if that one fails, he can mechanically give him a reroll with +2 (the best option) and then they only need 1 of the other 3 to pass.
a2) What if one of your little guys gets stabbed by a poisoned blade and the only way stave off the poison is a rare weed. These nubs you're leading don't know that (their Nature check may actually be decent but this is a tough one...lets say +8). Well, they do now that you're around! This is the hard DC of the challenge. Your insight turns a 45 % chance of success into a ~ 80 % chance of success!
Combat Stunting:
Trained in Athletics and Nature? That is a healthy chunk of stunting enablement for allies. How about we go with History (I'll go with that for LotR rather than Religion) for this one.
They Fear Fire or Running Water! - At-Will Terrain
Standard Action - Ranged 5
Check: History (medium DC) to remember the enemy's reluctance to go near fire.
Success: The enemy is afraid of fire!
Target: One creature within 3 squares of the campfire
Attack: Level +3 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1d6 +3 fire damage, the target gains vulnerable 5 to fire damage and you slide the target 3 squares away from the fire.
Combat Application:
Pretty straight-forward.
- 1/Scene Reaction to allow an ally a 2nd chance to escape grapples on failed Athletics checks.
- 1/Scene Reaction to allow an ally a 2nd chance to succeed at a relevant Countermeasure (Athletics, Endurance, History, Nature of that bunch) to avoid Hazard or Trap effects.
EDIT - had to adjust some stuff as I failed to account for the (scaling) +2 power bonus (Wisdom) to reroll.