I haven't collected them in a while, so I assume it's time to collect the most recent Snarfticles (I WILL MAKE FECTH HAPPEN) into a single post.
If you're looking for the past archives, you can find them here ....
First Archive
Second Archive
Third Archive
Fourth Archive
Fifth Archive
Sixth Archive
This is not the greatest thread on EnWorld of all time, this is just a tribute
Reading Rules and RPG Musings
A Little bit 'o History
New Edition Musings (D&D, Not Bobby Brown)
Media, Pop Culture, and the Final Power Rankings of Streaming Services
Law-like Substance
If you're looking for the past archives, you can find them here ....
First Archive
Second Archive
Third Archive
Fourth Archive
Fifth Archive
Sixth Archive
This is not the greatest thread on EnWorld of all time, this is just a tribute

Pineapple Express: Someone Is Wrong on the Internet?
Greetings all former denizens of the "Didn't Comment" thread, and welcome newcomers! This is the Pineapple Express thread, devoted, first and foremost, to the eternal debate over pineapple on pizza- is it the worst thing ever, or the worstest thing ever? More importantly, there are times when...

Reading Rules and RPG Musings

D&D General - How to Read a Rule: Dueling Canons in D&D
A recent thread on first level Magic Users in AD&D (1e) ended up meandering, as threads are wont to do, into discussing various opaque rules from the Gygaxian era and the "officialness" of Sage Advice from that time. Oh, we also discussed how to best serve Bards ... my suggestion? Medium Rarye...

D&D General - Arbitrary and Capricious: Unpacking Rules and Rulings in the Context of Fairness
So I have a ... well, let's say a well-known dislike of the use of certain jargon, and a belief that some terms (such as "player agency" or the more recent "DM agency") tend to generate more heat than light. That said, I do think it might be interesting (again, for certain values of...

D&D General - Rules Lawyers, Powergamers, and Munchkins: Thoughts on the Origins of Diverse Species
My last Snarfticle (yes, Virginia, I am still trying to make fetch happen) was about the concept of fairness in D&D. Weirdly, it managed to get sidetracked into a conversation about rules lawyers, and optimizers, and min/maxers, and powergamers (OH MY!). Since that seemed to be of interest to...

Fallacious Follies: Oberoni, Stormwind, and Fallacies OH MY!
I occasionally discuss my dislike of internet conversations that derail into people arguing about arguing, as opposed to discussing the issue at hand. So, instead of having yet another interjection regarding it, I thought I'd go into detail in a thread about two things that I always find...

Your Favorite Weird Game- Time To Talk About the Weirdest RPGs You Know!
Today, I learned the following bit of information ... the entry for "Ship of Theseus" was created on wikipedia in 2003. Since then, it has been edited 1792 times. At this point, none of the original phrases remain. Source. As we barrel into the remainder of the holiday season, I am preparing...

A Little bit 'o History

D&D General - D&D as a Game- On the Origin of Hit Points and Start of the Meat Debate
I haven't done a historical deep dive in many months, so I thought I'd do one for the Holidays! That's right, a special "December Will Be Magic Again" Snarfticle in honor of Kate Bush's induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame! Props to Big Boi for showing some emotional vulnerability and...

D&D General - High Gygaxian: Time To Post Your Favorite Purple Verbiage
It's beginning to look a lot like Gax-mas Everywhere you go Take a look back at AD&D, it should fill you unbridled glee With "antipathy" and "magocracy" and words you don't know We often refer to "High Gygaxian" or the "purplish prose of Gygax" here at EnWorld, and I thought I'd start a thread...

D&D 1E - Favorite Obscure Rules from TSR-era D&D
I am taking a break from my breakneck pace of posting law-like substance because I wanted to talk about my all-time favorite subject- obscure rules from ye old TSR-era D&D days. This subject was recently resurfaced because of the Illusionist thread, and specifically because @James Gasik brought...

New Edition Musings (D&D, Not Bobby Brown)

D&D General - Edition Changes and Brand Identity: Remembering New Coke
It's been a little while since I've had a post, but a few recent threads about past edition changes and (of course) the upcoming edition change had me thinking about the ways that we talk about the need for change, and mostly had me thinking about the ways in which we (the consumers of D&D)...

D&D General - 50th Anniversary- Are You Not Entertained?
Yes, I decided to invoke Betteridge's Law ... because, to date, I am decidedly underwhelmed by the 50th Anniversary of D&D. Let me start by saying that I am most certainly not a hater of a D&D, 5e, or the planned revisions to D&D. I can certainly understand that there is a lot on their plate...

D&D General - Less is More: Why You Can't Get What You Want in D&D
I have been on an extended hiatus from Enworld, and as most of you are probably saying right now, NOT LONG ENOUGH! But I am dropping in to provide a post that seems germane given the tenor of a few conversations that I see regarding D&D design decisions in general, and also some of the...

Media, Pop Culture, and the Final Power Rankings of Streaming Services

What's so Funny, Anyway: Is it Time to Comedies Seriously?
In a recent thread ranking Coen Brothers movies, @Whizbang Dustyboots wrote the following- What I'm getting from this list is that you're not a big fan of screwball comedy. You have ranked Intolerable Cruelty, Hudsucker Proxy, the transcendent O, Brother, Where Art Thou? and Raising Arizona way...

Coen Brothers - The Movies and the Ranking!
I don't normally do requests, but @pukunui did ask me nicely. And I realized that not only would this be the third time I've done a ranking of a particular director's films (previously- Christopher Nolan, Wes Anderson), but I enjoy the Coen Brothers so much that I once wrote a (brief) RPG about...

Wes Anderson Films, Ranked
Having not posted a thread in a little while, and having a short period of time on my hands, I thought I'd put up the following for discussion and/or debate! Today's topic .... Wes Anderson movies. As a general rule, I have found that people either love, or hate, Wes Anderson ... with few...

The 50 Best Television Shows of this Century!
Huh. I haven't done one of these in a while, have I? Well, for once you are not subject to the slings and arrows of my arbitrary and capricious rules, because ... it's not my list! https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/lists/best-tv-shows-21st-century/ That's right, I stumbled across the Best 50...

The Greatest Console Games of All Time! (Atari 2600 Edition)
SALUTATIONS AND TREPIDATIONS! What is this? Two, two, TWO Snarfticles in one day? That's right. After much more than fortnite's absence, I decided to post one essay. And then, for your Friday afternoon pleasure, I decided to be twice as nice! Nice? Well, you know what they say.... you enter a...

Best Video Games of the Year: This List has BG3 at ...
Perusing the lists that come out at the end of the year, I just found this list- https://www.theringer.com/video-games/2023/12/7/23992057/best-video-games-2023-top-10-pc-playstation-switch-xbox Normally, this wouldn't be of too much interest here. I think that the article is worth reading, but...

Your 2023 Emmys Recap
As a public service to all those people who were watching Baker "Joe Montana 2" Mayfield torch the Liberty Bell and the statute of Rocky last night while proudly announcing that Cheesesteaks are overrated .... I provide to you the full list of what happened at the Emmys last night! 1...

Strike Ending & Amazon Antitrust - Streaming Services: Power Rankings, FALL 2023
One feature of conversations we often have here on EnWorld about geek media is that they get sidetracked into conversations about the various streaming services that are currently offering the content, instead of being able to talk about the content. So while you want to have a conversation...

Law-like Substance

You Can Pick Your Nose, and Pick Your Attorney, But Don't Pick Your Attorney's Nose
The discussions in the nuTSR thread and reading about the various missteps of some of the attorneys hired by a certain individual involved caused me to do one my absolute least favorite things- that's right, I started thinking again. Anyway, after the usual cure (copious amounts of alcohol and...

Picking Attorneys is Like Picking Kickball Teams: Don't Pick Yourself
After posting the first thread about how to pick an attorney, I realized in order to address the question I first offered, I must first answer a more simple question, as first posited by the Hon. Jimmy McNulty- “What the eff did I do?” The answer, Jimmy, is that you tried to represent yourself...

Different Types of Attorneys Will Be Bad in Completely Different Ways
Welcome back! After an initial thread, and a followup, I am back with a third thread discussing how to choose an attorney. Not all attorneys are created equal. Well, yes, you probably know that. It’s not like OJ Simpson proved he was completely and totally innocent with Lionel Hutz! But when...

Attorneys- They're Just Like Mechanics and Home Contractors
I took a little time, eh? If you're catching up now ... where have you been??? This is ... well, kinda either the fourth or fifth post in the series on picking an attorney, depending on how you count. You can check out the first part here, and the second part here, and the third part here, and...

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