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So a Ranger and his bear walk into a tavern...

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Theo R Cwithin

I cast "Baconstorm!"
For the Minotaur, you take the same approach they did in Star Trek when Spock was going to a planet where his ears would stand out...

You put a hat on him.;)
That a Minotaur would get his head stuck in a rice picker strains credibility.

For a short term game, I've pondered the idea of the peasantry simply not seeing the crazy "abnormal" stuff that wanders through town, kind of like willful disbelief....
Human Paladin: "I'll have a leaf of lettuce and a small milk. And the Minotaur will have a veggie burger, fries and an ale."
Bar wench: "Minotaur, m'lord?"
Human Paladin: "Yes, my friend here. He'd like a veggie burger with fries, and an ale."
Minotaur Barbarian: "A big tankard."
Human Paladin: "A big tankard of ale."
Bar wench: "Umm, of course. Anything else?"
Dragonborn Sorc: "I'll just nosh... How about fried cheese sticks, with a double bourbon on the rocks."
Bar wench: "What was that noise? I though I heard 'cheese sticks' "
Dragonborn: "Umm, I said that. And I want a bourbon, too."
Bar wench: "There, I heard it again!"
Human Paladin: "It's the Dragonborn, for Pelor's sake! The creepy scaly guy right there! He wants some cheese sticks and a bourbon!"
Dragonborn Sorc: "Double."
Human Paladin: "Double bourbon!"
Dragonborn Sorc: "On the rocks."
Paladin: "Double bourbon on the rocks!!"
Bar wench: "..."
Bar wench: "Ok, m'lord."
Bar wench: (whispering) "It's ok if you have a drinking problem, sir. I know someone who can help..."
Human Paladin: "Aaaargh!"
It's be interesting to see how conflicts unfold around a bunch of villagers who are mostly oblivious.

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Staff member
That a Minotaur would get his head stuck in a rice picker strains credibility.

It was a rice picker in the Land of the Giants.
For a short term game, I've pondered with the idea of the peasantry simply not seeing the crazy "abnormal" stuff that wanders through town, kind of like willful disbelief....
Neil Gaiman's modern fantasy stories often take that approach- check out his awesome Neverwhere or American Gods.

The Second World setting for D20 Modern also adopts that conceit.


I see 2 divergent solution styles Celebrim's and the guy I gave XP to on page to (Rechan?) with his western analogy.

I like Rechan's because it tries to show a little tension, but doesn't escalate a conflict. basically, the ranger is going to get his bear, pick up a quest or meet a contact and move on with the adventure, the same as any other adventurer.

In Celebrim's he's influencing events more, by setting up a significant NPC reaction against the party. basically, by making a big deal out of it, you make it a complication.

Now there's probably some good scenarios where Celebrim's method makes sense and will create an interesting challenge.

But as a default reaction to an adventuring party, it sets the party up for conflict with the good guys. I try to avoid that, unless the players are also already wanting that.

Otherwise, it's too easy to manipulate the stubborn hot-head player into getting the party into trouble. And sometimes, that's not worth it.

Doug McCrae

Jeez, if I saw a Tiefling or Dragonborn (core) in real life, it would freak me out.
Nah, you'd just think it was LARPers or a publicity/marketing stunt or something. That bit in Star Trek IV where they hide Spock's ears? Not needed imo, there are plenty of humans who look a lot weirder.

This guy, for example.




Hmmm... I think that's Rex, the Mokoeen Misanthrope Fanatic PC with an natural affinity for beasts. I'll have to send the player a link. :)

From the introduction to my current campaign:

"It’s is the third hour of the day on the 12th day of the second month, Scrabble. The morning sun shines thin but clear in the chilly winter air. In the harbor district of Amalteen the life of the city is fully underway. It is Wallsday, and many skilled craftsman have shuttered their shops, but the commerce of the harbor continues unabated. Shouting above the barking dogs and screeching sea gulls, the fish mongers hawk their wares. Several ships have come into port on the morning tide. The stevedores turn capstans to power the cargo cranes while singing out their work songs. A wrinkled and grey headed hill giant sings loudly and off key as he works along side. All this is occasionally drowned out by the bellowing of mastodons dragging their carts and sleds. On one of the quays, a particularly vicious looking crew of buccaneers is beginning to disembark. Goblins, Orine, and tattooed humans from barbarian lands spill out on to the dock, drawing wary looks from the well-dressed merchants there to receive cargo and news from foreign lands. It takes no skilled observer to see that the ship is in the service of the Queen of Eirendi, as all the officers are tall, red-headed, and green eyed concheer, some of which may have noble titles to go along with their true names in their homeland. One particular barbarian, a particularly tall and ruddy skinned mokoeen stands out from the rest, as even his fellow crewmates seem to fear him and give him a slight berth as he stands at the base of the gangplank taking in the city..."

And I'll also let that stand as a conveinent response to Janx's assumptions about me.


And I'll also let that stand as a conveinent response to Janx's assumptions about me.

Did I say something untactfully? Sorry.

I was comparing the striking differences in how you and the other guy said you'd handle the "ranger and bear" scenario, though I realize that it's not the way you'd always do so.

Heroes though they may be, you may still be a bit leery of housing a bunch of guys toting automatic weapons and high-explosives...or their fantasy equivalents.

It depends. I'm a civilian, but on my last trip overseas, I had a beer with some Blackwater guys (wearing their Blackwater t-shirts) and later hung out with a Washington State trooper while I was waiting to fly back. Long layover in Taiwan.

But you're right, most people waiting for the flight back to Seattle steered clear of the mercs and the people in my row of the plane were complaining about them.

On the other other hand, nobody told them they couldn't buy beers in Taiwan. :)

On the fourth hand, they were not actually armed at the time!

(Aside: While typing this post, I made a typo that made me chuckle. A letter transposition and a double-strike on a key turned "fantasy" into "fatnassy"...which my mind then read as "fat 'n' assy.")

Funny. I read fat nasty!

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