So how many different game systems have you tried?

That One Guy

First Post
...some X:The Y White Wolf products that I don't remember buying sitting on my shelf waiting to get used.
Which ones? Any Demon? Or Changeling? attached to these books are you?

Games I've played/run... I'll forget some, and anything at cons from back when I went I won't recall.

oWoD games Vampire, Dark Ages Vampire, Hunter, and... I thought there was something else? I have a few nWoD books, and I ran a homebrew game that featured skypirates and rules stolen from the books. 4e, and the 3.x stuff. SR current and last. Played a few home brew systems of friends. Munchkin, M:tG, etc. count for this?

I own some books, pdfs, etc. for games I've never played - and probably won't ever get around to it.

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Basic D&D (purple box, red book)
AD&D 1e
AD&D 2e
D&D 3e
D&D 3.5
Everquest RPG
GURPS not sure of the editions, 3e and maybe older versions too
Heroes Unlimited 1e
Mage the Ascension 1e
Ninjas and Superspies
Palladium 1e
Runequest RPG
Shadowrun 1e
Shadowrun 2e
Star Frontiers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Vampire the Masquerade 1e, Revised, 2e
Warhammer FRP 1e
World of Warcraft RPG

Ones I own but have not played straight (though I've adapted a bunch of stuff from them for other systems)
Aberrant d20
Adventure! d20
Arcana Unearthed
Arcana Evolved
Ars Magica 3e
Ars Magica 4e
Call of Cthulhu
Castles and Crusades
Conan RPG Pocket Edition
d20 Modern SRD
d20 Wheel of Time
Deeds Not Words
Dice and Glory RPG
Dungeons and Dragons BECMI/Rules Cyclopedia
Dungeons and Dragons Blue Book
Earthdawn 1e
Forbidden Kingdoms Master Codex Babbage Edition
Gamma World Player's Handbook
Infernum Book of the Damned
Iron Heroes
King Arthur Pendragon 4th Edition
Lady's Rock
Mage the Sorcerer's Crusade
MARS the Roleplaying Game of Interplanetary Romance
Mythus RPG
Pathfinder Alpha
Pathfinder Beta
Runequest OGL
Scion Hero
T20 Lite
Tales From the Wood
The Veggie Patch
Thrilling Tales Omnibus Edition
Trinity d20
Tunnels and Trolls
Twilight 2000
World of Darkness
Worlds of Heroes and Tyrants Intro RPG
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I crit!
Here are the ones I'm sure of.

Classic Traveller.
GURPS starting with the boxed edition thru 4th.
Star Frontiers
Boot Hill
Call of Cthulhu
Top Secret
James Bond 007
Tunnels and Trolls
D&D red box basic/expert (my intro to rpgs), AD&D 1st/2nd, 3.5, 4.0, WoW rpg 3.5, D20 Modern.
Gamma World
savage worlds

There are others. For a while a friend of mine was running through lots of different rpgs and I don't remember most of them. I've played games in Cons that I'm sure are not on the above list, but I don't remember their names.

I love these kinds of threads.


First Post
A couple, but not many:

- D&D (BECMI, 2e, 3.xe, 4e)
- Cyberpunk
- Mekton
- Fuzion
- Palladium's Robotech
- L5R
- Star Wars d6
- Tri-Stat
- Twilight 2000

Other than D&D, Cyberpunk, Mekton, and Fuzion, the rest I found so bad as to be virtually unplayable.

Needless to say, I stick with D&D 3.5 and Fuzion these days (and into the forseeable future).


First Post
Thigns that I've played for at least a few weeks
d20 Wheel of Time (PBP only)
d20 Modern
Star Wars d20 Revised (PBP only, though a lot of rules were cribbed from Star Wars in the Modern campaign I played)
Mutants and Masterminds (PBP only)
Star Wars Saga

Tried once...
D&D 4e (well, I ran a PBP that didn't get off the ground)

As for things I own, but haven't played, that's....
Arcana Unearthed
Call of Cthulu d20
True20/Blue Rose
Angel RPG (Unisystem)
Iron Heroes

Items in bold are things that I'd be enthusiastic about playing today (though I'd try a lot of things for a one-shot); items in italics are things I'd be willing to run today.
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Off the top of my Head:
D&D (3.X and 4)
d20 Modern
Mutants and Masterminds
d20 Call of Cthulhu
Star Wars (d20 Revised, Saga)
My friend's homebrew system
GURPS (3rd)
Deadlands, Original (weird west and hell on earth)
old World of Darkness (Werewolf / Mage)
new World of Darkness (human, werewolf, mage, looking at a changeling game)
Shadowrun 4
Traveller (mongoose's latest. Fun)
Battle Stations! (It uses a game board but it's still an RPG)

That's all I can think of that I've played. I've got at least 8 more just sitting around waiting for me to dust them off and play them. We'll see.


-D&D mostly 2nd ed AD&D up to 4E (although I got this Haunted Tower box and the black box with the red dragon on it)

-Storyteller (Vampire, Werewolf, Mage, Hunter, Wraith, CHangelling, Dark Ages) 2nd and 3rd ed (or revised or whatever).

-Storytelling "nWoD" (Vampire, Werewolf, Mage)

-GURPS 2e and 4e

- Some D20 stuff, not many, Star Wars 2nd Ed., SAGA, M&M, D20 Modern, Call of Cthulhu.

And finally, some bizarre (or not that much) brazilian games:

-Desafio dos Bandeirantes (huahuauha)
-3D&T (Ew!)
-Daemon (Trevas, Arkanun, Invasão ...)

Oh wait, I played Paranoia too! Though, I'm not sure if that experience qualifies...
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In order:

Moldvay Basic/Expert
Gamma World
Star Frontiers
Top Secret
Marvel Super Heroes
Call of Cthulhu
Twilight 2000
AD&D Second Edition
Vampire: the Masquerade
Werewolf: the Apocalypse
Minds Eye Theatre
GURPS (Fantasy, Supers, etc)
Amber Diceless
Legend of the Five Rings
D&D 3rd Edition
Fading Suns
Mage: the Ascension
Vampire: the Requiem
All Flesh Must Be Eaten
Buffy the Vampire Slayer RPG
Marvel Universe (diceless) RPG
World of Warcraft RPG
Arcana Unearthed/Evolved
World of Darkness (general horror)
Dogs in the Vineyard
Spirit of the Century
D&D 4th Edition
Trail of Cthulhu

Games in Bold are those I would be willing to play today.

All others are banished to the dustbin of history.
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I just went through the big list of RPGs at John Kim's site here:

RPG Encyclopedia Entries:

and ended up with 75 systems that I have run/played ta least one session of. Of those 75, I've run/played story arcs/campaigns (8 - 50+ sessions) in 27 systems.

Of course, I started in 1976, so I've had a while to try lots of systems out. I'm also probably not typical of folks on this site sine I just started playing D&D again recently (4E) after a 25 year hiatus.


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