I'm maintaining a list of different systems I have - partly to discourage me from buying more (Yeah, right!) and partly to know what I have available as options. I'm keeping this organized by listing the same game in the same line (since 1st edition AD&D and OSRIC are pretty much the same) and also organizing by genre (if applicable).
What games do you have?
What games do you have?
- B/X (Rules Cyclopedia, OSE, etc.) D&D Editions
- 1st Edition AD&D (OSRIC)
- 2nd Edition AD&D (For Gold and Glory)
- 3rd Edition (3.5, Pathfinder)
- 4th Edition D&D
- 5th Edition D&D
- Level Up: Advanced 5e
- Pathfinder 2e
- Swords & Wizardry OSR
- Basic Fantasy
- Castles & Crusades
- Hyperborea 3e
- Mork Borg Other Fantasy
- Warhammer Fantasy 2e
- Warhammer Fantasy 4e
- Warhammer Age of Sigmar
- Zweihander
- Forbidden Lands
- RuneQuest
- Dungeon Crawl Classics
- Shadow of the Demon Lord
- 13th Age
- Dungeon World
- Savage Pathfinder
- The Fantasy Trip
- Warlock!
- Star Wars (WEG) Sci-Fi
- Star Wars SAGA
- Star Wars (Fantasy Flight)
- Coriolis
- Starfinder
- Gamma World 1e
- Gamma World 7e
- After the Bomb
- Savage Rifts
- Deadlands Lost Colony
- Esper Genesis
- Mothership
- Vast Grimm
- Hollow Earth Expedition
- Call of Cthulhu (Chaosium) Modern
- Call of Cthulhu (d20)
- Deadlands
- Holler
- TMNT & Other Strangeness
- Mutants in the Now/Next
- Twilight 2000
- Kids on Bikes
- Monster of the Week
- Vaesen
- Mutants and Masterminds
- Marvel (FASERIP)
- D20 Modern
- Savage Worlds Generic Systems
- Byte
- Index Card RPG