So is Dragon magazine becoming upcoming ads?


First Post
Looking over the last issue and baffled that the three page RPGA is part of Dragon. Part of a monthly magazine I'm paying for. I know, it's a small part and all that right?

Okay... and yet, I keep feeling like I'm paying more and more for future content that I'll be buying again.

Or, like the RPGA stuff, that should be free on the site somewhere else. Like... you know, Ampersand. And if Confessions is supposed to be drawing NEW people in, not people currently playing, why is it in Dragon?

How much of Dragon is only subscription based anymore? How much subscription based that's not a preview or tied into some other product? Anyone run any numbers?

Maybe it's just me.

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Eternal Optimist
Looking over the last issue and baffled that the three page RPGA is part of Dragon. Part of a monthly magazine I'm paying for. I know, it's a small part and all that right?

It was that way in the printed Dragon for a lot of the 3.*e era.



First Post
I guess stuff like this doesn't bother me much.

Maybe I just like to look at all the good stuff my subscription gets me, instead of concentrating on stuff it doesn't?

My DDI Subscription gets me:

An awesome character builder.
An awesome (and hopefully getting awesomer) Monster builder
A compendium full of new monsters, traps, magic items, powers, etc each month.
Some basic tools that help me more quickly build encounters/adventures.
A magazine full of DM advice, tips, locations, maps, adventures, etc.
New rules available "only" (officially) through my subscription. (and added to the awesome character builder.)
Advanced previews at stuff not yet released. (Whih is also integrated into said awesome character builder.)
Stuff to read instead of working.

I don't know, just seems like a good value for my money.


I crit!
Well, I read this thread, then I read this and I want to point it out to the guys at Dragon.

The commic book alone would be a great addition to the magazine. I'd love it if they'd serialize it in Dragon.

The fluff alone of that other stuff would be almost worth the price of admission.


It was that way in the printed Dragon for a lot of the 3.*e era.


The funny thing is that it feels like there were way more actual articles in the 3.x issues of Dragon than there are in the 4e ones. In fact I have my 3e Dragons around here somewhere... I'll try and compare.


First Post
It does seem like there is less and less original content that won't be part of later books.

Don't get me wrong: I love getting preview material, and I hope that Wizards uses the feedback to refine content. But Dragon magazine once had lots of original material in previous editions that it seems to lack now.

What I get for the DDI subscription is great. Dragon, as a magazine, is becoming pretty redundant.


First Post
Just remember to compare by page count and not by article number. A two page spread on hexblades and a ten page spread on fighters should not count equally.


First Post
Just remember to compare by page count and not by article number. A two page spread on hexblades and a ten page spread on fighters should not count equally.

And that's harder said than done because to me the new layout is... 'fluffy' and seems way spaced out. Great for ease of reading but content wise takes a hit.

The Little Raven

First Post
Looking over the last issue and baffled that the three page RPGA is part of Dragon. Part of a monthly magazine I'm paying for. I know, it's a small part and all that right?

Dragon is the official D&D magazine, and RPGA is the official D&D organized play venue. Doesn't seem entirely out of place to me.

Okay... and yet, I keep feeling like I'm paying more and more for future content that I'll be buying again.

I agree, but it doesn't bother me all that much. Plenty of magazines I buy become outdated and obsolete.

I'm wondering when the player/DM content split is going to be in full force, because Dragon is still getting plenty of DM articles, which means less player articles.


Just remember to compare by page count and not by article number. A two page spread on hexblades and a ten page spread on fighters should not count equally.

waitaminute... so because the power format takes up more space (in a virtual magazine :confused: ) it should count as more than an article with an equal amount of feats for 3.x that takes up less space (In a print magazine with ads necessary to support it)? I don't know if I necessarily agree with that premise. Also is it just Dragon original/exclusive content we are looking at?

Voidrunner's Codex

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