So is it official now? Counterspelling

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Compendium is also pretty clear that you get only one sneak attack per turn, but could get more than one each round.

Can a rogue use Sneak Attack more than once per round?
The Sneak Attack description specifies that you can use the feature once per turn, but it’s not limited to your turn. The feature also doesn’t limit the number of times you can use it in a round.
You sometimes get a chance to use Sneak Attack on someone else’s turn. The most common way for this to happen is when a foe provokes an opportunity attack from you. If the requirements for Sneak Attack are met, your opportunity attack can benefit from that feature. Similarly, a fighter could use Commander’s Strike to grant you an attack on the fighter’s turn, and if the attack qualifies, it can use Sneak Attack. Both of those options rely on the use of your reaction, so you could do only one of them in a round.
Because you get only one reaction per round, you’re unlikely to use Sneak Attack more than twice in a round: once with your action and once with your reaction.


You mean this one? That says he cannot do it on his turn? It supports my interpretation.

Rogue uses sneak attack on his turn can he also use sneak attack on a reaction?

December 7, 2017Zoltar

of a rogue uses sneak attack on his turn can he also use sneak attack on a reaction?Yes

— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) October 9, 2017

As long as the reaction isn’t on the same turn.

— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) October 9, 2017

I hadn’t seen the addition, on the compendium... which I guess is why there is a compendium but I always take the sage advice as gospel even when it hasn’t been printed yet. As it’s clearly the designers intention. Good catch.

So you can counterspell a counterspell but not when you’ve used a bonus action as well as a cantrip. Which would be fairly rare anyway as most bonus spells are minor effects and who dispels a cantrip!

Have you encountered any issues as a result of that? If not, I might do the same thing.

We started play unaware of the rule's existence. The only issue that we have found is with life cleric. Healing word is pretty good when you can just do it randomly after casting another spell, and it's quite potent when cast by a Life cleric. There's also hex, and I wouldn't be surprised if there were Paladin or other Cleric spells that would be affected.


We started play unaware of the rule's existence. The only issue that we have found is with life cleric. Healing word is pretty good when you can just do it randomly after casting another spell, and it's quite potent when cast by a Life cleric. There's also hex, and I wouldn't be surprised if there were Paladin or other Cleric spells that would be affected.
Thing is with Hex, is that it further brings you out of the fiction.

Work your hocus pocus to move the Hex to a new target and cast a levelled spell? Sure.
Work your hocus pocus to cast a Hex on a target and cast a levelled spell? Go directly to jail. Do not pass go. Do not collect M200.

Thing is with Hex, is that it further brings you out of the fiction.

Work your hocus pocus to move the Hex to a new target and cast a levelled spell? Sure.
Work your hocus pocus to cast a Hex on a target and cast a levelled spell? Go directly to jail. Do not pass go. Do not collect M200.

Or you could say, "I'm not so sure that I agree that Hex is a problem here."


Officially, as far as the AL is concerned, it's up to DM interpretation and can vary from table to table.

This allows any rule to be ignored in AL, then. That seems to go against the spirit of AL. If a DM wants to say daggers do 10d20 damage because of his interpretation, that'd be cool, right?


This allows any rule to be ignored in AL, then. That seems to go against the spirit of AL. If a DM wants to say daggers do 10d20 damage because of his interpretation, that'd be cool, right?

From AL DMG "You’re Empowered. Make decisions about how the
group interacts with the adventure; adjust or improvise
but maintain the adventure’s spirit. This doesn’t allow
you to implement new rules, however."

AL DM's have leeway, but they are expected to follow rules as written whenever possible. I often see the more tricky rules ignored more out of ignorance than anything else.


Stupid illogical rule in 2016 Sage Advice, stupid illogical rule now.

Whoever designed this played too many blue decks in MtG.

I thought so originally. But if you picture it as the counterspell trying to interfere with your shaping of the weave, and your counter of that as modifying the casting of your spell to counter that it makes more sense. It might look similar to the Harry Potter battles.

My original thought was also, “how often does this really come up?” But then I realized that people who play MtG probably would think of it/use it.

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