So Much Art From the 2025 Monster Manual

Here's some preview art from the 2025 Monster Manual, courtesy of Wizards of the Coast's "Everything You Need to Know Video" on the new book.

A classic Faceless Stalker:
Screenshot 2025-01-07 at 12.06.33 PM.png

A demon of some kind:
Screenshot 2025-01-07 at 12.58.05 PM.png

Screenshot 2025-01-07 at 12.56.33 PM.png

Some kobolds:
Screenshot 2025-01-07 at 12.56.03 PM.png

A Nalfeshnee, perhaps?
Screenshot 2025-01-07 at 12.53.11 PM.png

A revenant:
Screenshot 2025-01-07 at 12.32.41 PM.png

Blue dracolich:
Screenshot 2025-01-07 at 12.32.52 PM.png

Death Knight:
Screenshot 2025-01-07 at 12.32.15 PM.png

Death tyrant:
Screenshot 2025-01-07 at 12.26.32 PM.png

Screenshot 2025-01-07 at 12.26.18 PM.png

Githyanki (with the central warrior recreating a classic pose):
Screenshot 2025-01-07 at 12.23.57 PM.png

A mummy lord:
Screenshot 2025-01-07 at 12.16.44 PM.png

A marrow:
Screenshot 2025-01-07 at 12.19.01 PM.png

A balrog balor:
Screenshot 2025-01-07 at 12.20.16 PM.png

Screenshot 2025-01-07 at 12.20.37 PM.png

While I'm tempted to say a tressym, this actually might be a new sphinx design:
Screenshot 2025-01-07 at 12.12.12 PM.png

Bone fiend:
Screenshot 2025-01-07 at 12.12.01 PM.png

Screenshot 2025-01-07 at 12.10.40 PM.png

Rust monster:
Screenshot 2025-01-07 at 12.10.05 PM.png

Platinum(?) dragon:
Screenshot 2025-01-07 at 12.09.23 PM.png

Bronze dragon:
Screenshot 2025-01-07 at 12.09.04 PM.png

Hezrou, perhaps?
Screenshot 2025-01-07 at 12.08.45 PM.png

Fire giant, not Karlach:
Screenshot 2025-01-07 at 12.08.20 PM.png

Cloud giants:
Screenshot 2025-01-07 at 12.08.01 PM.png

Screenshot 2025-01-07 at 12.07.38 PM.png

Red dragon:
Screenshot 2025-01-07 at 12.07.17 PM.png

Hags (including a male hag):
Screenshot 2025-01-07 at 1.02.03 PM.png

Dryads (including a male dryad):
Screenshot 2025-01-07 at 1.01.42 PM.png

Horned devil:
Screenshot 2025-01-07 at 1.01.12 PM.png

Incubus and succubus:





Spirit naga:

Copper dragon:

White dragon:

Blue dragon:

Gold dragon:

Black dragon:

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Christian Hoffer

Christian Hoffer

I disagree. When someone enters a discussion about new art immediately attacking the artists, likening their work to AI-generated images, calling it "awful," "embarrassing," "beyond cringe," and "lame bubblegum," implying that those that like the new art are merely pretending to like it out of some loyal devotion to WotC, and lists an older artist that they feel is far superior, I think it's fair to provide an alternate perspective and critiques to the work of the artist they praise. It is not hypocritical to do so. And my criticisms of Elmore's art were far more civil and fair than the insults @AstroCat made against the new Monster Manual art, its artists, and those that enjoy it.

The art from the new core rulebooks has inspired me way more than Elmore’s ever has. If Elmore’s art inspires you (general you) more, great! I never attacked the people that like art I don’t prefer. @AstroCat did, and my point was to illustrate that art is a matter of taste, others have criticisms of the art they praise as being objectively better, and you shouldn’t act like your preference is superior or insult the people that like other styles or imply that the art is as bad as AI slop.
I never insulted anyone for liking the 5e MM art, nor did I directly insult the creators personally. I said how I personally felt about the art and how it made me feel when I looked at it. That's as far as it went. I only used Elmore, but I also enjoy fantasy art from Frazetta, Otus, Whelan, Easley, Vallejo, Caldwell, Parkinson, Brom, Moorock, Lockwood, Trampier, Giger and many, many others. All of which I like more than the MM 2024 art I've seen so far. Sure there might be an enjoyable piece here and there, it's not absolute by just being in the book. But the art shown up front of this thread is not doing it for me at all, much like the art I've seen from the other 2024 wotc books, for the most part, not my thing.
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For me, the 3e one is the most menacing posed art. The 5.24 is the most menacing, total, but it's a bit odd that he has a flaming ax in a labyrinth made of what look like dried tree roots. Odd in the sense that there probably aren't any rules for the surroundings catching on fire and minotaurs aren't fireproof. Unless this one is. The 5e is the most noble-looking of them, and I can see those as a playable people. The 1e and 2e minotaurs are OK. Not amazing, but OK.

Edit: There was a 4e piece in there. I forgot. It's also OK. For some reason, I tend to not like 4e art so much. Maybe because it's always things attacking.
Well, there's no reason to think that that axe is actually on fire. It could simply be magical. After all, lots of magical weapons glow. It doesn't even have to be actual fire - it could be radiant, or poison, or any other energy type as well. So, it's best not to get too deep into the weeds when thinking about the exact details of the image.

I never insulted anyone for liking the 5e MM art, nor did I directly insult the creators personally. I said how I personally felt about the art and how it made me feel when I looked at it. That's as far as it went. I only used Elmore, but I also enjoy fantasy art from Frazetta, Otus, Whelan, Vallejo, Caldwell, Parkinson, Brom, Moorock, Lockwood, Trampier, Giger and many, many others. All of which I like more than the MM 2024 art I've seen so far. Sure there might be an enjoyable piece here and there, it's not absolute by just being in the book. But the art shown up front of this thread is not doing it for me at all, much like the art I've seen from the other 2024 wotc books, for the most part, not my thing.
Ahh, so, basically, art that you saw when you were a teenager and nothing that came later is worth looking at. 🤷 There's so much "git off my lawn" in this post. I mean good grief, a few of those artists have been dead for quite a while, and none of them are under the age of 60 and most of them are well over 70.

And retired.

Sure, the heart wants what it wants, but, holy crap, open an art book from time to time that was published after 2001.

I never insulted anyone for liking the 5e MM art
This you?
Thats ok, the art is still also bad. Sure, some are hell bent on "loving" anything and really anything, they can do no wrong, content wotc 2024 throws their way. Thank goodness I don't feel that kind of social corporate loyalty to wotc or Hasbro.
Saying that people who like the new art are just corpo shills that love any slop WotC/Hasbro throws at them is an insult. That is a direct insult to me. If I said, "Elmore's art is so bad that anyone that pretends to like it is just deluded by nostalgia, and would recognize how terrible the art is if they weren't children when they first saw his art," you and anyone else that likes Elmore's art would rightfully be offended. That would be an insult, even if I didn't say you were a bad person.
Good god, why isn't anyone wearing clothes!?!?
IMO, his Stormlight art is far superior to his D&D art, but yeah, I like his art.
Better than Elmore, but too similar in style for my liking. And there are some real stinkers (drow cover), and I'm not a fan of his dragons.
More clothing and less male gazey than Frazetta, but that's a low bar. I don't deny his talent as an artist, but it's just not what I prefer.
But the art shown up front of this thread is not doing it for me at all.
Then just say that. Say, "I don't like this art, it's not my thing." If you had just said that, it's very likely no one would object.

Well, there's no reason to think that that axe is actually on fire. It could simply be magical. After all, lots of magical weapons glow. It doesn't even have to be actual fire - it could be radiant, or poison, or any other energy type as well. So, it's best not to get too deep into the weeds when thinking about the exact details of the image.

Ahh, so, basically, art that you saw when you were a teenager and nothing that came later is worth looking at. 🤷 There's so much "git off my lawn" in this post.
What are you even trying to say? I listed a bunch of artists, many of which are still making art that I've found to be inspirational through the years. The many, many more part covers all the other art I continue to see all the time and enjoy. And besides art is timeless, why does it matter when it was created? I would love you to throw down your get off my lawn snark because someone lists Michelangelo on there inspirational artist list. Good grief, nothing you said makes me like the the "new style" wotc art direction in the MM or any of there other new books. I'm open to new art, love to finding it actually, being inspired is awesome, but this art isn't it for me.

This you?

Saying that people who like the new art are just corpo shills that love any slop WotC/Hasbro throws at them is an insult. That is a direct insult to me. If I said, "Elmore's art is so bad that anyone that pretends to like it is just deluded by nostalgia, and would recognize how terrible the art is if they weren't children when they first saw his art," you and anyone else that likes Elmore's art would rightfully be offended. That would be an insult, even if I didn't say you were a bad person.

Good god, why isn't anyone wearing clothes!?!?

IMO, his Stormlight art is far superior to his D&D art, but yeah, I like his art.

Better than Elmore, but too similar in style for my liking. And there are some real stinkers (drow cover), and I'm not a fan of his dragons.

More clothing and less male gazey than Frazetta, but that's a low bar. I don't deny his talent as an artist, but it's just not what I prefer.

Then just say that. Say, "I don't like this art, it's not my thing." If you had just said that, it's very likely no one would object.
Sounds like you have a lot of art hate in you, sorry to hear that. Good thing the new wotc art direction was made for you in mind. Your criticism of some of the artists I listed is very telling.

Back at you.
Ironically it sounds like there is a lot more art out there that I find enjoyable than maybe you do. I feel so fortunate there are so many awesome pieces out there I can draw upon for inspiration. I mean to boil down Frazetta to "no clothes, no like" is, wow, what do you even say to that. Good thing modern wotc came in and saved fantasy art for you. Michelangelo, naw not for me... "where are the clothes?!"

[Me sitting on the floor hugging my legs close to my chest]I like Elmore's art. I like Elmore's art. Everyone likes Elmore's art. [/Me sitting on the floor hugging my legs close to my chest]
<pats gently on head>

It's OK. There, there. You're allowed to like his art and all its yellowness.

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