Black Flag So What's In Kobold Press' BLACK FLAG First Playtest?

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Black Flag, the codename for Kobold Press' new open TTRPG, announced during the height of the recent OGL controversy as an open alternative to 5E, has put out the first playtest packet. It's 12-page document of character creation rules. So what's inside?

The introduction summarises character creation, defining 5E concepts like level, hit dice, and so on. It introduces the game as being backward-compatible with 5E.

Black Flag -- like Level Up: Advanced 5E, and Ancestry & Culture--divides the 5E concept of 'race' and 'subrace' into inherited and cultural elements. Black Flag goes with the terms Lineage and Heritage.

It goes on to present the Dwarf, Elf, and Human, along with a choice of two heritage traits for each--the heritage traits for dwarf, for example, are Fireforge and Stone. Elves get Cloud and Grove, while humans get Nomadic and Cosmopolitan. You can choose any heritage for your lineage, though. These are analogous to 5E's 'subraces', although the inherited/learned elements are separated out -- Cloud Elves are a lot like High Elves, and Grove Elves are a lot like Wood Elves, for example.

Following that are two backgrounds -- Scholar, and Soldier. They each give the usual array of proficiencies plus a 'talent'.

Magic, martial, and technical talents are essentially feats. You get a talent from your background, and can substitute an ability score increase for one.

The playtest feels to me much like a 5E written in their own words, but with 5E's 'race/subrace' structure replaced with 'lineage/heritage', the biggest thing being that the heritage (what was subrace in 5E) is cultural.

As a disclaimer, I do of course publish Level Up: Advanced 5E, which shares the exact same goal as Kobold Press' project (BTW, check out the new A5ESRD site!) It will be interesting to see how the approaches diverge; while both are backward-compatible, they already have different ways to handle what 5E calls race -- Level Up has you choose a heritage (your inherited species, basically), and any of 30+ cultures (learned stuff from where you grew up). Black Flag goes with lineage (again, your inherited species), and a choice of heritages for each lineage. And the bestselling 5E book Ancestry & Culture on DTRPG, uses those terms -- so there's plenty of options to choose your heritage/culture, lineage/heritage, or ancestry/culture!

Whatever happens, the future certainly contains a choice of open 5E alternatives!

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My feedback was very brief, that they should be embarrassed they used race at first, and that if they don't add stuff like interesting things fighters can do from their books, I'm likely out. I don't need 5e repackaged, but expanded and more varied.

Project Black Flag Friday: From The Crow’s Nest​

It’s the first Friday of March! Today, we’re up in the crow’s nest, looking around to survey of where we’ve been and where we’re going with Project Black Flag.

Right now, we’re compiling feedback from Playtest Packet #1 and preparing Playtest Packet #2.

Let’s talk about both of these packets, and what's coming up after that!

Looking Back: Playtest Packet #1​

Commenting for Playtest Packet #1 is closed, and you delivered!
Huge thanks to everyone who downloaded and gave feedback to the Kobold Press team on Packet #1. We’re still looking through all your thoughts, ideas, and suggestions. Celeste Conowitch, our lead designer, said it best:
Thank you so much to everyone who shared your thoughts on the first playtest packet! We received so much positive feedback about design direction, and y’all gave us a great idea of what you want to see for this game. We are claws-deep in the next playtest packet, and we can’t wait to hand you a heaping serving of fresh content.
—Celeste Conowitch

Here are the big points we collected from Playtest Packet #1 feedback:​

  • Develop existing talents to build out the full talent catalog
  • Streamline the organization of heritage options
  • Revisit Lineage and Heritage options to improve balance
  • Eliminate the forced choice of either ability score increase OR gaining a new talent for class milestones
  • Clarify mechanical language
We’re listening and putting all of these notes in order!

Looking Ahead: Playtest Packet #2​

Playtest Packet #2 is scheduled for mid-March release. Here’s what we plan for it:
  • Changes to Playtest Packet #1 that will affect Playtest Packet #2.
  • Changes to spellcasting rules for robust and thematic concepts. Characters find their magic source among the four Circles of Magic: Arcane, Divine, Primordial, and Wyrd.
  • Previews of the new Arcane Circle ritual list
  • An updated list of spells you know and love from the SRD.
  • The first 8 levels of the Fighter base class, including features of two fighter subclasses.
  • The first 8 levels of the Wizard base class, including features of two wizard subclasses.
  • A new fail-forward Luck mechanic to replace Inspiration. Transform failure into a spendable resource to influence future rolls!
  • A handful of new talents.

And on the Horizon….​

We’re planning a Kickstarter campaign for Project Black Flag in May. When this hits, we’ll release a quickstart rules compilation based on your feedback. (As always, rules are subject to change.)

Want to get first access to our Playtest Packets?​

Join the community in providing feedback—be sure to fill out our online form!

All playtest packets will remain available to the general public even after feedback forms have closed. Check our living FAQ page for those downloads and to stay up to date on the most recent Project Black Flag information. This week, we’ve answered common questions with new details and better description on the Core Fantasy Roleplay system.

Changes to spellcasting rules for robust and thematic concepts. Characters find their magic source among the four Circles of Magic: Arcane, Divine, Primordial, and Wyrd.
  • The first 8 levels of the Fighter base class, including features of two fighter subclasses.
  • The first 8 levels of the Wizard base class, including features of two wizard subclasses.
  • A new fail-forward Luck mechanic to replace Inspiration. Transform failure into a spendable resource to influence future rolls!
These all sound interesting.
We’re planning a Kickstarter campaign for Project Black Flag in May. When this hits, we’ll release a quickstart rules compilation based on your feedback. (As always, rules are subject to change.)
I assume this is probably the player book, but will it be the monster book as well? Or is that being saved for later?

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