I honestly do not know what would happen if this Rich Dude got enough control over Hasbro and decided to change D&D and it's rules.
I know that somehow this Rich Dude has gotten far more support (and many think it actually is among younger men from Gen Z and maybe even Gen A) than anyone ever expected.
With that much ability to sway younger men, I have no idea what would happen. I think that IF (and that's a big if) he decided to change things drastically with D&D in a way from which his comments indicate he may, he'd lose a large swath of current players that are active on the internet, but I don't know how many he may also bring into the hobby from those that are his fanboys.
People predicted Twitter would be dead within 6 months, and it's not dead yet (though, I'm glad I didn't invest in it). People predicted Tesla would suffer drastically and die from how this Rich Dude has been acting over the past year...and from what I see, Tesla is far from dead.
I have no idea how Hasbro would do if this Rich Dude managed to take control. It could crash and burn, or it could do something entirely different (based on what has happened with other companies he has control in, my vote is something entirely different...no idea what that something entirely different would be though). I haven't the foggiest idea.
I think there would definitely be some people that would be outraged simply because he got control though, and if he made some changes in relation to some of the comments he made, even more would be outraged and upset. Many may stop playing the game. No idea what would happen then.
A rising tide raises all boats. A failing tide...
I expect Pathfinder may rise in popularity again with some of the groups here. Other than that, I have no idea what may happen.
I realize that some of the recent moves by Hasbro (and other companies) have driven away certain groups (whether or not that would be financially smart to cater to those that were driven away is another matter...current thinking is that it would not be smart...but who knows with Musk), it may be that there are other angles to this that we can't see (it's hard to see around corners).