Son of Krauss Greyhawk Age of Worms Game (OOC)

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First Post
jeremy_dnd said:
Sorry guys! I've been checking the first page, and I've been waiting for the good ol' "View first unread." link. It hasn't shown up, so I assumed there was a lag. Didn't realize it was me again. I'll just head straight to "Last page" from now on, I think.
Or, you could do like I do and just bookmark the direct link and check it a couple of times each day.

On second thought, that's probably a bit obsessive... :heh:


Mista Collins

First Post
Azten said:
Or, you could do like I do and just bookmark the direct link and check it a couple of times each day.

On second thought, that's probably a bit obsessive... :heh:


That's pretty much what I do.... nothing wrong with that


First Post
Azten said:
Or, you could do like I do and just bookmark the direct link and check it a couple of times each day.

I have put up a web document with all the relevant links for my PbP games (IC, OOC, PC); I use that for navigation, when the threads are not on the first page, anyways. :D


Sorry, folks. Work and work-related business has kept me very ... well, busy lately. That, and I bought Civ 4 on Friday :eek:

I'm still here and will begin continue posting in the next day or two.


*copied to my other threads*

Raging Epistaxis

First Post
I will be gone for the next several days. Just in case, you know, anyone should post or anything...

Happy Thanksgiving! for those who celebrate

Happy Thursday for those who don't. ;-)


Voidrunner's Codex

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