Special Conversion Thread: Microscopic Monsters


Monster Junkie
This special conversion thread exists to convert the many creatures from the article "Microscopic monsters: When they get bigger, they get a lot tougher" from Dragon Magazine #111.

From the introduction to the article:

"One productive source of new monsters may be literally found underfoot. Single-celled plants and animals have a variety of bizarre properties which are ideally suited to the AD&D® game. Many of these creatures also have the virtue of living in water, a habitat which is particularly neglected in the available monster collections.

There are two ways to bring these monsters into play. The first is to shrink the characters to a very small size by magical means. Note that the characters must shrink to a fraction of an inch before a single-celled creature becomes much of a threat. This requires a shrinking spell of exceptional power.

The second, and I think more interesting, way to bring the monsters into play is by enlarging them (this is assumed in the descriptions given below). A high-powered enlarge spell cast on murky pond water would do the trick. More systematic enlargement of the cells might be undertaken by a powerful magic-user, human or otherwise, who would use the cells for some purpose."

We'll get to this guy later, but I wanted to post his basic description as he's mentioned elsewhere throughout the article:

"Protiston (as it was named by the mage who discovered it) began as a simple collection of single-celled creatures in a large body of water, such as a sea or an ocean. At some some point in the distant past, Protiston became so large and complex that it acquired intelligence, and slowly thereafter gained magical skills. Being of such an alien intelligence, Protiston has no understanding at all of “normal” human thought, and regards everything around it as either a food source or “hostile environment” to be overcome and destroyed. No one knows for sure, but the chaotic evil alignment detected from Protiston may stem from either Protiston’s innate disregard for all other forms of life, or from some form of association with the demon prince Juiblex (which might explain how Protiston gained spellcasting abilities). Little else is known of this being’s origins or intent, save that it wishes to “eat” the entire world or shape it to benefit itself. Few beings are even aware that this creature exists, and few who have found it have lived to tell about it later.

As presently constituted, Protiston inhabits the interior of a large coral atoll (or a calm, shoreline cavern, if placed in an inland sea by the DM). Numerous support colonies of amoebae may be found around it. Although a single thought in Protiston’s “mind” may take anywhere from a few seconds to a few weeks to complete, Protiston is highly intelligent and has gained the powers of a 12th-level magic-user, being able to cast spells like push, shield, continual darkness/light, ray of enfeeblement, stinking cloud (above water), hold person, protection from normal missiles, slow, hallucinatory terrain, plant growth, cloudkill (above water), hold monster, telekinesis, transmute rock to mud, and control weather. Other spells may be possible, but no spell will be used that involves fire or that considers other beings to be intelligent (such as charm spells). Select Protiston’s spells as if it were the only intelligent being around, and everything it might encounter was a mindless food source or part of the environment.

In addition to spell-casting abilities, Protiston is somehow able to magically or biologically increase the size of single-celled creatures, using these creatures as guards and helpers. Note that among these creatures, only Protiston is evil. The others are all neutral and unintelligent, and work to Protiston's advantage only according to circumstances."
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Monster Junkie
The dinoflagellates are a very peculiar group of one-celled organisms which are generally classified with the plants. Most of them are capable of engulfing food particles, however, and some have completely lost their brown pigment and survive only by scavenging or predation.

Among the things which unite the group, one of the most striking is the presence of two thin whiplike organs, or flagella. One rings the central body of the organism like a belt, and is equipped with numerous tiny hairs which beat constantly. The other is long and slender, extending far beyond the organism’s posterior, and beats in a wavelike motion. The combined action of the flagella causes the cell to spin on its axis while moving rapidly through the water.

In many members of the group, reproduction is triggered by an environmental change (generally a decrease in nutrients, light intensity, or temperature). The swimming cells pair off, fuse, and form spiny, thick-walled cysts that settle to the bottom of whatever body of water they inhabit. After an appropriate period of dormancy (generally a few months, but as much as a few years), environmental changes of the opposite sort will trigger the release of the cysts’ contents, which then grow flagella, begin dividing, and start the life cycle anew. A clever (and powerful) magic-user could exploit this life cycle by artificially inducing cyst formation (using a cold- or darkness-causing spell, for example). In the cyst stage, the cells can be removed from the water and transported for considerable distances.

Three of the four types of dinoflagellates listed here form cysts (Peridinium, Ceratium, and Gonyaulax). Another interesting property of some dinoflagellates is bioluminescence. They give off light which is concentrated into a brilliant flash, used to startle potential predators (and, in this context, unwary adventurers). One cell is capable of producing a flash every 5-10 melee rounds. Peridinium, Gonyaulax, and Noctiluca all are capable of producing such flashes, with those produced by Noctiluca being particularly potent.


Monster Junkie
Peridinium, Small
NO. APP.: 2-12
MOVE: 12”
% IN LAIR: 0
NO. ATT.: 1-3
DAM/ATT.: 1-4
SPEC. ATT.: See below
SPEC. DEF.: Flash
MAGIC RES.: Standard

Peridinium, Medium
NO. APP.: 1-6
MOVE: 12”
% IN LAIR: 0
NO. ATT.: 1-6
DAM/ATT.: 1-4
SPEC. ATT.: See below
SPEC. DEF.: Flash
MAGIC RES.: Standard

Peridinium, Large
FREQUENCY: Very rare
NO. APP.: 1-2
MOVE: 16”
% IN LAIR: 0
TREAS. TYPE: See below
NO. ATT.: 2-8
DAM/ATT.: 1-4
SPEC. ATT.: See below
SPEC. DEF.: Flash
MAGIC RES.: Standard

Peridinium is a type of armored dinoflagellate covered with thick plates. Only the region from which the flagella arise is not covered, and should be treated as AC 9 (note that the rotation of the cell makes it difficult to aim at this particular spot, so the armor classes given above must be used).

Small pores extend through the individual plates. Within each pore is a single trichocyst, a projectile which for present purposes can be treated like a crossbow bolt. Although each pore has but a single projectile (these are replaced by new growth within a few hours), the rotation of the cell as it swims through the water constantly brings new pores into the line of fire. Small cells can fire up to 40 trichocysts, treated like light crossbow bolts with close range up to 10., medium 11-20., and long 2l-30.. Medium-sized cells have 60 trichocysts (ranges 0-15., 16-30., and 31-45., while the largest forms can have more than 100 trichocysts (ranges 0-30., 31-60., and 61-90.).

Peridinium may produce its flash response as other creatures approach, but will definitely flash when struck. A character within 10’ of the cell must make a saving throw vs. spells or be blinded for 2-7 rounds, in addition to dropping any weapons in hand unless an additional saving throw vs. breath weapon (with dexterity bonuses) is made. Characters 10-30’ from the cell who fail their saving throw are startled for one round (no attacks allowed), and must also save again (same throw) to see if their weapons are dropped. For medium-sized cells, the saving throw has a penalty of -1, for large cells -2.

The cells occur in both salt and fresh water, and are most common in relatively clear water in the tropics. They survive primarily by photosynthesis, and will eventually die (or form cysts) if kept in the dark.

Legend has it that Protiston keeps unknown treasures within a large Peridinium, which swims in an elaborate pattern through the water of the lair, making the precise location of the treasure very difficult for “food sources”(adventurers) to discover. For added protection, eight medium-sized Peridinium swim in formation around the treasure cell, with swarms of small Peridinium and Ceratium around as well.

Originally appeared in Dragon Magazine #111 (1986).


Vermin I 'd say, probably blind.

I see little reason not to stat this as a single monster and have the Advancement cover three size categories.

The listed no. of attacks and 1-4 damage are with the trichocysts, presumably.

Do we have the damage increase with size, or just give them more shots as they increase in size like the original?


First Post
Its funny seeing this thread. I was thinking the other day of a template that does the opposite of the Mystaran Gargantua template - I was going to call the template Mystaran Diminutea.

I may still get around to doing it though.



Monster Junkie
Vermin I 'd say, probably blind.


I see little reason not to stat this as a single monster and have the Advancement cover three size categories.

Agreed again.

The listed no. of attacks and 1-4 damage are with the trichocysts, presumably.

I think so.

Do we have the damage increase with size, or just give them more shots as they increase in size like the original?

Both, perhaps? It would seem odd for the damage to not increase, since they are treated as crossbow bolts, which do greater damage at larger sizes.

Its funny seeing this thread. I was thinking the other day of a template that does the opposite of the Mystaran Gargantua template - I was going to call the template Mystaran Diminutea.

I may still get around to doing it though.

That sounds like fun. :)


Both, perhaps? It would seem odd for the damage to not increase, since they are treated as crossbow bolts, which do greater damage at larger sizes.

I prefer both too. Will we have the number of ranged attacks vary with Hit Dice?


I'd set it by size...simpler to adjudicate.

There you go again, have you no love for complexity?

What do you think of the idea of making most of these critters Oozes rather than Vermin? They're far more simpler forms of life than insects and arachnids.

Is there any creature you'd like to base the stats on (We could treat them as an Ochre in an armour suit, for example), or shall we build them from scratch?


Monster Junkie
There you go again, have you no love for complexity?

As someone who ran an epic level campaign for several years, I have plenty of love for complexity. ;) I'd just rather keep the basics simple, and make it as complex as I'd like with liberal doses of templates, prestige classes, and the like.

What do you think of the idea of making most of these critters Oozes rather than Vermin? They're far more simpler forms of life than insects and arachnids.

I'm not feeling it. While it makes sense scientifically, they just don't strike me as oozes in the 3.5 game mechanics sense of the term.

Is there any creature you'd like to base the stats on (We could treat them as an Ochre in an armour suit, for example), or shall we build them from scratch?

Let's build 'em from scratch. The first ones will be the most difficult, as we can use them as building blocks for the later ones.

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