Since it actually impales, rather than relying upon adhesive, the bonespear is probably a better model than the cave fisher.
Attach (Ex): If a bonespear hits with a horn attack, the horn buries itself in its target, held in place by numerous barbs on the horn's surface. EAch round thereafter that a creature remains impaled by a horn, it takes additional horn damage automatically and incurs a cumulative -1 circumstance penalty on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks. On the bonespear's turn in subsequent rounds, it attempts to drag its prey closer (see below).
A single attack with a slashing weapon against a tendon (made as an attempt to sunder a weapon) that deals at least 15 points of damage severs a horn from its tendon. A creature impaled by a severed horn takes 1d6 points of damage per round automatically until the horn is removed. Removing a horn (a full-round action) deals 2d8 points of damage to the victim, but if the character removing the horn makes a successful Heal check (DC 20), this damage is reduced to 1d4 points.
Drag: After spearing a victim, a bonespear attempts to drag the victim closer on the bonespear's turn in each subsequent round. This activity resembles the bull rush maneuver, except that the bonespear drags its victim 10 feet closer +1 foot for each point by which its Strength check exceeds the victim's. The bonespear gains a +4 bonus on its drag check if it is set in its immobile stance. Against a Medium victim, the bonespear's Strength modifier is +10, or +14 if it is set in its stance.
A bonespear can draw in a creature from a distance of 10 feet or less and bite with a +4 bonus on its attack roll in the same round.
Horns (Ex): Most encounters with a bonespear begin when it fires its two horns. If a horn misses its intended target, it is quickly reeled in. Reeling in a horn is a full-round action. Each horn has a range of 60 feet (no range increment). A bonespear will always try to hit a single target with both horns, but is capable of attaching to two different targets at the same time.