Special Conversion Thread: Microscopic Monsters

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I just don't see how engulf and splatter-split fit into a swarm thing. I think the DM is going to have to keep track if they're using this critter.

I just don't see how engulf and splatter-split fit into a swarm thing. I think the DM is going to have to keep track if they're using this critter.

I like the Engulf, since Protiston's "swarm body" could easily be coherent enough it can seize hold of creatures inside it.

I wasn't decided about the Splatter-Split though, so I'm fine dropping that if Shade's OK with it. Assuming Protiston has complete control over its "Slugswarm" body, if it does get hit hard enough to splatter it is likely to immediately reform itself.

So, are we giving it a Slam attack as well? If so, how much damage do you fancy - I'm OK with 4d6+19 plus 6d6 acid. Of course, it'd scale down with smaller portions of itself:

of 5 ft. . . . . . . . Grapple .. Damage
.. Engulf . Mental
Squares .. Size . . AC . Mod . Slam . Swarm . DC . . Penalty
4-8 . . . Large . .. 4 . +72 . 1d6+7 .. 2d6 . 43 . . . -15
9-15 . . . Huge . .. 3 . +76 . 1d8+10 . 3d6 . 45 . . . -10
16-35 . Gargantuan . 1 . +80 . 2d6+13 . 4d6 . 47 . . . -5
36-49 .. Colossal . -3 . +84 . 3d6+16 . 5d6 . 49 . . . -2
50+ . .. Colossal++ -3 . +86 . 4d6+19 . 6d6 . 51 . . . +0

I think I don't understand how you are imagining it. It sounds to me like you are thinking of it as a sort-of fluid-like incoherent slug. In that case, having engulf plus the swarm damage is redundant, since swarm is more or less the same as engulf, Protiston moving over the victim.

I think I'd prefer the two distinct forms. I'm ok with the "slugswarm," but we need to be crystal clear about what we're doing.

I think I don't understand how you are imagining it. It sounds to me like you are thinking of it as a sort-of fluid-like incoherent slug. In that case, having engulf plus the swarm damage is redundant, since swarm is more or less the same as engulf, Protiston moving over the victim.

I think I'd prefer the two distinct forms. I'm ok with the "slugswarm," but we need to be crystal clear about what we're doing.

I prefer a "slugswarm". The reason I like Engulf is that I like it treating Engulfed creatures as grappled. I'd be satisfied if you incorporate the "treat as grappled" into its swarmlike ability or give it a variation on Improved Grab, e.g.:

Option #1
Engulfing Grab (Ex): Any creature hit by protiston's slam or swarm attack must succeed at a DC X Reflex save or be enveloped in protiston's protoplasm (unless Protiston choose not to engulf the grabbed creature). Engulfed creatures are subject to protiston's swarm attack, and are considered to be grappled and trapped within its body. [Hmm, I forgot about the Slime Mold Slug's +4 racial bonus to grapple. Shall we give Protiston that?] Protiston has a +4 racial bonus on grapple checks (already figured into the Base Attack/Grapple entry above).

Option #2
Swarmlike (Ex): Protiston, like all slime molds, is not truly a single creature but is a cooperative of myriads of amoeba-like creatures. As such, it has some of the traits of a swarm.

Protiston has a swarm attack. To use this attack, protiston must move into opponents' spaces, which provokes an attack of opportunity. Opponents hit by protiston's swarm attack must succeed at a DC X Reflex save or are considered to be grappled and trapped within its body. It can occupy the same space as a creature of any size, since it crawls all over its prey.Protiston can not make attacks of opportunity with its swarm attack, but it could make attacks of opportunity with another attack, such as a touch spells.

Unlike other creatures whose space occupies more than one square, protiston is shapeable. It can occupy any contiguous squares, and it can squeeze through any space large enough to contain Tiny creatures.

I prefer option #1.

I like option #1 well enough if you call it "Grabbing Swarm" or some such to indicate that it's a property of the swarm attack.

That said, I feel like this is getting pretty weird. I'd like to have Shade's opinion.

I like option #1 well enough if you call it "Grabbing Swarm" or some such to indicate that it's a property of the swarm attack.

Hmm, I'd prefer "Swarming Grab" or "Engulfing Swarm" if you want a swarm in the name.

It's not just a property of the swarm though, it also happens with a slam attack.

Oh, good grief, I'd missed the slam part. But it's not a grab in the usual sense, or an engulf if we do that.

I'd still prefer two distinct forms, as I'm finding this pretty complicated. How can it swarm and slam at the same time? It should either be a cohesive ooze or not. [MENTION=287]Shade[/MENTION], can you take a look at this?

Oh, good grief, I'd missed the slam part. But it's not a grab in the usual sense, or an engulf if we do that.

I'd still prefer two distinct forms, as I'm finding this pretty complicated. How can it swarm and slam at the same time? It should either be a cohesive ooze or not. @Shade , can you take a look at this?

Statting up multiple forms would make it more complicated, surely. It'd have two statblocks to keep track off.

I like it as a solid swarm/incoherent ooze.

It would be more complicated to type out, easier to use and keep track of.

OK, here's a compromise: make one statblock. But, let's state that it has 2 distinct forms, maybe an alternate form type ability. So it has some separate SAs and SQs in each form. I just don't like giving it both a slam and swarm attack at the same time. That doesn't make much sense to me; if it's solid enough to slam, it's not incoherent enough to swarm you the way we normally think of it.

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