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D&D 5E Spell & Crossbones


Queen of Everything
OCC: Anyone else around? Was waiting to see if anyone is going to chime in with other opinions.

"I agree that moving it will cause a stir. Getting it back in the water is why we have crew, si?" Kat laughs. "If we are to deal with Blackbeard we should do that before we free it, so we get it for the cheapest cost."
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Badouin listens attentively, one foot on an old stump of driftwood, forearms folded across his knee. Clearly, he is a man who was born to a life of duty but was always meant for piracy, the gleam in his eye glistening at the merest mention of the treasure-hunting expedition.

"Ah, I see, so you mean to seek leverage in your planned negotiations with Blackbeard. If you've gone to the trouble of ridding his old ship of a ghost, then..." The Mughal man nods sagely to himself, glancing around at the others. While not truly a part of your group, being the financier's man, the moment of feeling himself a pirate amongst pirates causes Badouin's chest to swell with pride.

"The French brute had many choice words about you, Captain Corazón. But don't worry, I helped him go back to sleep," he taps the butt of his musket. "He is well secured and well guarded...as well as any place in Nassau can be."

OOC: Paging [MENTION=2820]Fenris[/MENTION] [MENTION=6787234]peterka99[/MENTION] [MENTION=20005]Matthan[/MENTION] [MENTION=48394]pathfinderq1[/MENTION] -- Avast ye scurvy swabs! :)
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Blaise considers what he's heard as he pulls lightly on his beard. "From what I've heard of Blackbeard, he's a man that we would do well to tread carefully with. Still, we need that boat and you believe that you can salvage it. I think our next step is to see the man about buying his ship. With it cursed, he might be willing to make a bargain. Perhaps, we could trade a service? After all, there is no profit to be had in a beached and haunted boat. Maybe if we give him the chance to turn a disgrace into a profit while making him believe that he's outwitted us we can come out of this ahead."


First Post
Elsewhere on the island...


The thought exploded into Flynn's brain as soon as he awoke, even before his eyes fluttered open- and even the thought was loud enough to send a spike of pain through his head, as the cheap rum hangover took hold. He groaned and closed his eyes again, against the pale flickers of sunlight sifting in through the open window. He flailed one hand weakly, grasping the mostly empty bottle from the rickety bedside table- there was only a sip or two of rum left, but it was enough for the moment.

For just a moment, he simply lay flat on the bed- the space beside him was long empty, of course, which was a good thing- it let him imagine that last night's companion (whatever her name was) was a dusky, exotic beauty. So much of last night was lost, drowned in rum...

But only one detail was important, really- the one detail that had been foremost in his mind, solid enough to survive a hangover far worse than the one he was fighting now. Finally, after all the searching, he had found her... She was here, on the same island- somewhere. No one seemed to agree where she was staying, or what exactly she was up to- there were so many rumors, about so many things, floating through the rum-soaked air of Nassau's taverns, and Flynn had visited most of those spots last night, avoiding only Blackreef's (since the rumors had said that was where Reed Wallace's crew was most often seen- and Flynn had no wish to have that kind of meeting).

But Katerina was here in Nassau, and calling herself 'Captain' as well- though no one seemed to know what ship she claimed... She was gathering crew as well- and someone had said that the Old Zef was still part of her entourage. By the Powers, those two names together dredged up some memories... Today's task, of course, would be to actually find Captain Katerina and whatever crew she had- and to join them, in whatever venture they were planning.

With another groan, and an even sharper spike of pain, Flynn sat up and opened his eyes. The tiny room was mostly empty- a single crude chair held last night's clothes, and his satchels were still stowed beneath the bed. He put the now empty bottle of rum on the bedside table and stood up, a bit unsteadily. That just wouldn't do... Focusing his mind, he began to sing- so very softly at first, but more clearly as he went. The pain receded, or at least the pain in his head- that left room for the familiar searing pain to spike in his chest... Then he stepped over to the chair and gathered up his shirt and began to dress.

There was a lot of work to be done today- it would be best to begin early...

[sblock= OOC] Just getting an introductory post up, finally. I'll rope him along to the tavern in a bit. His Whiskey Johnny roll for the day indicates he would wake up hung over and be useless on the ship until noon- if the GM allows, he will use a casting of Lesser Restoration to alleviate that ("Hung over" isn't one of the conditions listed in the spell description, but it seems about right). This would be followed by Prestidigitation to clean up himself and his clothes, to present a positive impression. Avast! [/sblock]


First Post
OOC: Back from one week off with the kids

"I think like a businessman. Maybe we can offer trade the Coral Curse to Blackbeard for a part of booty. He has nothing to loose, the ship is out of service... My own company agreed to send me here, officially an enemy dwelling, with the same risk of no-return... A win-win solution. Being honest may be rewarding. "
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Blaise tore a piece of hard bread and popped a bit into his mouth as he listened to Etienne. "I am not fully aware of how many investors this expedition has taken on, but I am loathe to part with more treasure than we must. There is another consideration. I know that the island is whispering about this expedition, but it is only idle gossip at the moment that will blow away when the next ship comes in with tall tales of Spanish gold and French women. If we tip our hand about our goal to Blackbeard, he may well push for more than we care to give, and idle gossip will turn to real planning. We could provoke competitors for our prize. That is not a situation that I would like to find myself in."

"The ship has little value at the moment. It is haunted and beached. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Blackbeard is a man of reputation around here is he not? We can use that to our advantage. The ship's present existence is an insult to Blackbeard's honor as it stands as a monument to his inability to solve the problem. What does it say about a fearsome pirate king that cannot save one of his ships? I say we play ignorant of the ship's haunted nature and simply speak of it as a beached ship in need of salvage. A man like Blackbeard is bound to make enemies, and when you have enemies your reputation is paramount. I say we play to his ego. Offer to deal with an enemy of his in exchange for the ship. He'll believe that he has gotten the best of everyone involved. He'll deal with an enemy. He'll get rid of stain on his reputation. He'll publicly outwit us. What will he have to lose? From his perspective, he is a winner no matter what happens. By the time we turn things towards our favor, he'll have made such a public show of the deal that he won't renege on it. We might even earn his respect."


Queen of Everything
“Excelente Badouin, I had hoped he would not be too much trouble for you.” She laughs heartily, “Oh, I am quite certain that wolf would have more than just words for me, given the opportunity.”

Katerina idly pets her monkey while it sits happily on her shoulder, searching through her long thick hair for something. She listens carefully to all at her table but also keeps an eye on those passing by, looking for anyone who seems interested in their conversation. She is content to have others come up with solutions, pleased that everyone is starting to come together. Dealing with Blackbeard would be dangerous enough, she considered that showing any weakness in front of him could doom them all, and so she would be certain before putting any of the crew in that position.

“These are all excellent ideas, we can use more than one if we find it necessary. I believe if we lead off with wanting to acquire the ship in its cursed state, we can further make our case for the ship hurting his reputation when he is reluctant to accept our first offer. We should set this meeting up as soon as possible so Nia can gather what she needs for tonight. I’ll also need you big, strong types to accompany me to the caves to pick up the cannon before they disappear on us.”

OOC: Do any of us have an idea where to find Blackbeard?


"Aye, Blaise may have the right of it. Get Old Teach to square up on his accounts." Zef says stroking his beard before grabbing a mango, trying to keep the scurvy away. "Start wit the brine, and work yer way up to crows nest. I bet he bites before you are out of the bilge." adds the old dwarf spitting out a mango seed and managing to peg Bella in the head. He chortles as the monkey screeches in displease.


Blaise nodded at Zef, “We should do what we can to grease the wheels before we meet this man. Captain, Badouin strikes me as a clever and resourceful man. What if we have him arrange the meeting and try to find out if there is anything we can bring Blackbeard to start our negotiations on a positive footing?” He grins at Etienne, “Maybe we'll be lucky and the man will love furs.”

“If that pleases the captain, then while Badouin works the town, we can travel to retrieve this cannon you mentioned and get Nia any supplies she may need. I assume we have a place to store the cannon until we get the ship?”

He begins to sit back and stops abruptly before leaning forward and dropping his voice to a lower whisper, “I understand the plan to exorcise the spirit, but I also understand that our expedition has some potential rivals. I admit to my ignorance on these matters, but if this spirit has cause to haunt one ship, is it possible to give it cause to haunt another? Instead of just banishing the spirit, would it be possible to move it to our rivals' ship?”


OOC: Re: Blackbeard. The Blackbeard of our game in 1712 is actually not Edward Teach...at least not yet...I don't want to give too much away however. ;) He is known simply as "Jon Blackbeard."

It's common knowledge that he lives in a humble manor that used to belong to the old governor of New Providence Island, and he lives with a shut-in mistress of Spanish descent who runs a school for children of Nassau. Thus, some refer to Blackbeard as "Old Teach" as a teasing term.

Anyone is welcome to make an Intelligence (History) check to recall lore about Blackbeard, however any result of 5 or less indicates either some complication between your PC and Blackbeard, or your PC regards a bit of misinformation as truth. If your check is 5 or less, when you post you choose either "complication" or "misinformation" and let me make it up, or you're free to make it up yourself if you prefer.

Voidrunner's Codex

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