• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

D&D 5E Spell & Crossbones


Blackreef's Tavern had seen many salts come thru its raucous doors, to plan and scheme by candlelight, crude window shades rattling against the warm Caribbean winds. Some said those winds were Agwé's hand, parting the clouds after a storm. Already, in just 24 hours, Katerina and her compatriots Fenris and Nia Steeleyes has seen several promising crew members come and go, but such was the way of pirates and scallywags...

There was the inimitable dwarven cook Hugo Van Haan, who several old salts reported had been press-ganged by an English naval captain who developed a taste for appleflappen...

And the insidious Dr. Hawken Varlok too, who'd been recruited by none other Captain Read Wallace of the Winchelsea, the privateer organizing a rival mission for La Gloriosa...

The strange vodounista known as The Tengu King seemed to have flown away after the scuffle at the house on the hill, and what his disappearance presages only Nia Steeleyes can guess...

Strong-willed gentleman James Barrington secured guns for Captain Katerina's crew from the smuggler Komodo Roy, but irreconcilable differences between him and the captain led to Barrington dropping from the venture. Now, all Fenris needs to do is pick up the demi-culverins from the smuggler's hideout...

Kid, for his part, was nowhere to be found. Though this was nothing unusual for Kid, as he was likely to be found drunk in a pickle barrel come morning...

Now, to make matters more interesting, the French American fur trader Etienne who'd performed admirably acquiring a pearl for the mage-financier du Tourbillon earlier, had found another Frenchman. From the Old Country. True, the war was not yet over and there were those in Nassau who carried prejudices against the French, but the bottom line was that Captain Katerina needed reliable men on her crew. A mere mention of The Seahorse posted outside Blackreef's was enough to jog their memories of the ad regarding goblins...

The ad on the Seahorse said:
Help! Goblins stole my rum: Three goblins stole several crates of quality rum from my shop. Five pounds (5 gp) and a bottle to whoever gets my rum back! -Moray the provisioner.
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First Post
Blaise caught the woman’s unblinking gaze and held it for a moment as she sized him up. He had seen magic in his time and while he respected it, he refused to bow down to it. “Milady, I presume you are Etienne’s captain then? The goblin job is merely from a public posting outside. I was headed out to get some more details, and Etienne graciously agreed to help me. It should just be a trifle. For myself, I am a gunner by trade, but,” he casts a glance towards Etienne, “I have found myself looking for a ship that is after more than just carrying goods from port to port. Tell me, what business are you about?”

Nia smiled a relatively humorless smile and folded her arms. "A gunner is good. We ken use one. Your Captain is here, but is not me." She gestured at Kat. "Captain Katerina will be givin' de orders, and I will leave it to her to tell what our business be. Now, dis job...ken you be doin' it or do you need help from us?"


Queen of Everything
Kat can't help the smirk that springs to her lips. She is way too tired and unfortunately way too sober for this to be anything but amusing. The trapper who had run off earlier was standing in front of her calling her captain along with someone else asking what they are up to.

A string of elegant sounding words come quickly pouring out of Katerina's mouth as she waves her arms around, with very little space between each word. "Aye Papa Esta es mi maldición para la vida , ¿eh ?
Esto nunca se termina! Lo que daría por tenerte aquí ahora! Incluso me atrevería a tomar esa torpe mitad enano que utiliza para establecer la cocina en el fuego todos los días . A este paso nunca vamos a hacerlo de esta isla!!"

[sblock]Aye Papa this is my curse for living, eh? It never ends! What I would not give to have you here now! I would even take that bumbling half dwarf who used to set the kitchen on fire every day. At this rate we will never make it off this island!![/sblock]

Once her little tirade is over she takes a deep breath and composes herself, the edge of her lip still turned up. "Blaise is it? I simply cannot guess how many ships you have sailed on but you certainly will not find any ladies here." She does not hide her eyes sizing him up for a very long moment. "My companion speaks the truth, we do need a gunner, amongst other things. We need to procure our ship but that must wait until we are better rested. What we really need is men. Competent men. You are correct, we are not just carrying goods from port to port and our success will depend on the quality of our crew, as usual. What is not usual is our goal. Etienne has not filled you in on this?" A crowded tavern has many ears, so she leans in very close and in her heavy accent whispers to Blaise, "La Gloriosa."

She slides off her stool as she speaks. "You two can go play with goblins if you wish. You can recruit men for our expedition if you wish. Or, you can decide to get some rest," Kat deliberately does NOT look at Blaise, "So you can be fresh to help us out mañana. It's going to be a long, busy, draining day."


Blaise confidently smiles back as the woman sizes him up. However, his eyes betray a flash of concern when Katerina revealed that, at the moment, she was a captain of nothing. He is about to excuse himself when the beautiful woman leans in close and whispers in his ear the words that he had longed to hear.

No ship? It wouldn’t be the first time that he had stolen one. No crew? He had dealt with that before too. All that mattered was that this woman was pursuing La Gloriosa del Mar.

Blaise’s smile breaks into a wide grin. “My captain,” he says bowing slightly, “I am at your service.”


OOC: Whenever you guys want me to frame a fast word / scene advance to the next morning, just let me know!

Or if [MENTION=20005]Matthan[/MENTION] and [MENTION=6787234]peterka99[/MENTION] you want to solo (er...duo...) the goblin rum-thieves, let me know too!


Queen of Everything
Blaise’s smile breaks into a wide grin. “My captain,” he says bowing slightly, “I am at your service.”

"Excelente. We're sure to need able bodied men such as yourselves." She leers at them, but only a little. She'd probably think of something wittier if she wasn't so tired. "Alright, Nia why don't you come with me and get some rest. Do either of you need a place to stay? If not, let us meet back here around noon."

OOC: OOC: Nia and Kat definitely need some sleep. Feel free to chat if anyone would like on our way back to the safe house - I'm not bothering to hide that from crew members at this point, looks like we don't have too many secrets lol. I'm fine with skipping over until our noon meet up.


Nassau, 13th March 1712

Dawn came slow, eating away at the tendrils of fog clinging to the northern shore of New Providence Island. It was half past 9 by the time the trio of Katerina, Fenris, and Nia made their way to Blackreef's Tavern. Etienne and Blaise were seated within, enjoying a steaming slumgullion of carrots, peas, onions, sausage, mussels, tomatoes, and rice.

Off shore, Native canoes and fishing boats plied the glassy waters. A massive ogre tattooed with anchors and mermaids lumbered along the shore, mucking out a boat stuck in the sands with the receding tide. And the Winchelsea, with her faded blue and gilded paint, was bustling with activity as privateer Captain Read Wallace continued his preparations for his treasure-hunting venture.

At last, the five - Katerina, Fenris, Nia, Etienne, and Blaise - were gathered around the same rough-hewn wooden table on the veranda outside Blackreef's. Cups of bitter coffee, a tray of sourdough, and a pot of slumgullion were laid out, covering a crude map of the island carved into the table along with several names and nonsensical messages left on that table where many an adventure began.

du Tourbillon's man, Badouin, comes along, dressed in his same pressed white, grey, and blue Mughal naval uniform. "Good morning, nanpari! It is a good day to find some God-damned treasure, isn't it?" he intones in his heavy accent, head bobbing as he smiles. Pursuer appointed by du Tourbillon, Badouin had a considerable set of linguistic skills, and moreover he'd provided an exhaustive list of supplies and their prices needed for the treasure hunt of a lifetime.
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Queen of Everything
Still editing but posting in case this wicked storm knocks our power out...

Katerina sips her coffee and looks much more alive and relaxed now that she's rested; the pink color has returned to her cheeks and her eyes are bright and lively. Bella is on the ground playing with a bug at Kat's feet. She gestures to the man to sit. "Si amigo, it's always a good day to find treasure! Care to join us?" Once he sits she asks him, “How did it go with our wolf friend last night?”

Once Badouin is seated she leans in close to the others and speaks in soft tones. "Now that we are all gathered, we have quite a list of things to accomplish. Of course, it will help greatly if we do not have too many gunfights this day," she laughs lightheartedly. Her speech is still heavy with accent as the words roll off her tongue yet her speech pattern seem strange coming from a pirate.

"We must decide what to do about the ship. For the benefit of our new officers, we have found a ship that will make due nicely. It only has two slight drawbacks. One, it is haunted by an evil dark spirit. Our friend Nia believes she can help with that issue. Two, it is owned by the notorious pirate Blackbeard. However, he abandoned it believing it to be cursed. So that should help us with whatever we decide to do. We will either steal it and hope he doesn’t care or have talks over it and hope to convince him we are doing him a favor by taking it over. I certainly don’t relish having Blackbeard as an enemy.” She pauses only for a moment to again sip her coffee. “I do believe this is our largest hurdle currently.
We also must gather our supplies, including more men for the expedition. We still have some officer positions to fill if I recall correctly. We have to collect our cannons from the cave where Kid has left them for us. We must discuss just how we plan on retrieving this treasure from the bottom of the ocean once we find it. Hmmm, what else?”
She taps her full lips as she ponders.

“Whatever our errands we must make haste. That bastard Wallace does not have the issue of needing a ship. We do not want him to get too far ahead of us.” Bella scurries up Kat’s arm and perches on her shoulder.

“So, what am I missing?” She smiles at her crew easily, as if there is not a care in the world.


First Post
"De ship is aground," Nia points out. "Once de spirit is cast out we will still need to get it in de water. So dealing wit' Blackbeard honestly, or wit' trickery is best. Simply makin' off wit' it is not going to happen. Movin' dat particular ship will cause a stir, hm?" She grins, a little unpleasantly. "Everyone in town knows dat ship."

Voidrunner's Codex

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