D&D 5E Spell Research help


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I am playing a Warlock with Pact of the Tome, I picked this so that I could add the utility ritual spells it offers to my spell book as i come across them. but my DM is a hard ass and there are never any spellbooks on casters we kill, there are never any scrolls, and my whole pact has be reduced down to two 1st level spells.

example: Oreioth from PotA, necro in his lair.. I assume it did not explicitly say his spellbook is in the cave, so no book be that guy was sure throwing spells at us!

So I wanted to find an alternate way to expand that, hence the topic. If I am a 5th level warlock and I wanted to research /create the 1st level spell Tenser’s Floating Disk what would I have to do? I have not found any place in the DMG that talks about this and I want a reasonable proposition to take to my DM so that I can add/discover spells like Water Walking or Skywrite to my spellbook for the utility of the pact of the tome.

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Sounds like your real problem is your DM and no rule can help you with that.

Why not drop these ideas, and instead talk to your DM?


First Post
This is an issue between you and your DM, and the rules of the game are more a tangential issue than anything else. The DM has ultimate control over the world, so he has ultimate control over what spells appear. Speak to him, and explain that your taking this ability is meaningless without the opportunity to find spells for recording in your Tome.


I can only echo the above sentiments. You need to bring this up to your DM, ask him why enemy spellcasters never seem to have spellbooks, scrolls or anything of the sort. What is he afraid will happen if you find some ritual spells? If he's still dead set on refusing to have spells available for you, then suggest that you'd like to change your pact, since its largely useless if you can't find ritual spells. As a DM I certainly would find ways to make sure you come across some ritual spells in your travels, but that's just me I guess. Definitely try to talk to him first, though.


Magic Wordsmith
I am playing a Warlock with Pact of the Tome, I picked this so that I could add the utility ritual spells it offers to my spell book as i come across them. but my DM is a hard ass and there are never any spellbooks on casters we kill, there are never any scrolls, and my whole pact has be reduced down to two 1st level spells.

example: Oreioth from PotA, necro in his lair.. I assume it did not explicitly say his spellbook is in the cave, so no book be that guy was sure throwing spells at us!

So I wanted to find an alternate way to expand that, hence the topic. If I am a 5th level warlock and I wanted to research /create the 1st level spell Tenser’s Floating Disk what would I have to do? I have not found any place in the DMG that talks about this and I want a reasonable proposition to take to my DM so that I can add/discover spells like Water Walking or Skywrite to my spellbook for the utility of the pact of the tome.

"DM, I'd like to research or create Tenser's Floating Disk and add it to my tome. Perhaps I can do this as a function of the Research downtime activity or maybe I can go on a quest to earn or find it? Help me out here."


First Post
there are never any spellbooks on casters we kill, there are never any scrolls...

For some reason there are never spellbooks! Perhaps they are satisfied with their memorized spells and don't need to prepare others?

Other options (again DM depending, but a great backstory may help):
*Buy a scroll
*Buy spell casting services in town to make a scroll (1 hour, 10 gold + service fee per spell level)
*Ask friendly NPCs to scribe
*Kidnap enemy casters and make them scribe (need all party to agree; may need to negotiate)
*Kidnap friendly casters and make them scribe
*Give DM a list of possible rituals and ask for one in future loot, but DMs choice (prevents you breaking the current story)

Maybe look to the rituals on the cleric spell list. As clerics know all spells on their list, they will always be available to scribe, if willing.

I'd agree with your DM on the necro, If a character is described as going out like he does, not much is going to be left on the guy.

Most casters you'll face won't have spellbooks as that's a wizard thing and wizards tend to be intelligent and not throw themselves into combat. Clerics, sorcerers, warlocks, druids and eldritch knights are FAR more likely to meet violent ends.

Talk to NPCs and start spreading gold around, maybe you'll catch rumors of where you might find scrolls or a lost spellbook. Just make sure to keep a deception up of you being an apprentice wizard, lots of folks want NOTHING to do with warlocks.


First Post
I'd agree with your DM on the necro, If a character is described as going out like he does, not much is going to be left on the guy.

Most casters you'll face won't have spellbooks as that's a wizard thing and wizards tend to be intelligent and not throw themselves into combat. Clerics, sorcerers, warlocks, druids and eldritch knights are FAR more likely to meet violent ends.

Talk to NPCs and start spreading gold around, maybe you'll catch rumors of where you might find scrolls or a lost spellbook. Just make sure to keep a deception up of you being an apprentice wizard, lots of folks want NOTHING to do with warlocks.

Where I agree with you that Clerics, sorcerers, warlocks, druids, eldritch knights or bards wont have spell books, but that is due to the fact they just don't have spell books anyway. The Necro however is a wizard, we are in his lair, he died to 2 arrows and a sleep spell. That guy should have had a spellbook on his person, in a chest, hidden behind a false wall... something! But to be fair, I read that part of the adventure since that time and the guy didn't have any ritual spells anyway and there was no mention of the spell book in the adventure text. But the party wizard could have used the spell book even if I couldn't.

It's a moot point, at the end of the day its my DM's call and he isn't inclined to change the way he runs his game. My group and I are looking for a replacement

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